ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We have a winner!! Endogyn's "Most Wanted" Contest

And the crowd goes wild!

ooooow ahhhhhhh

After many fabulous submissions, IHRT has finally chosen a winner in the Endogyn's "Most Wanted" Contest!!!!
We would like to thank all contestants for their submissions. We enjoyed all of them so much and choosing the winner has been difficult!

The winner was able to candidly photograph the King of the house of cards........

Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, himself!!!!!!

In an extraordinary stroke of luck, the photographer ( who wishes to remain anonymous) was able to snap this photo of Kru as the good Dr. was trying to sort through the prior operative reports on his current surgical patients at klinik am zuckerberg while he was in a local pub.

Well done! Bravo!

The winner of the contest will be sent a bottle of fine vintage wine. Chin-chin!

Oh,a Drum Roll Please!

And now the photo you have all been waiting for:


Anonymous said...

OMG.It hurts to laugh this hard
Thank you ihrt

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about no computers?
Um, what about Luxumborg?
Things just go missing so fast in Endogyn, when himself sobers up enough
to realize he made big boo-boos.
The kind that bring nothing but trouble.

I shudder whenever I think he monkeyed around in my abdomin.
All of you who have found some kind of relief in Germany- keep in mind your success cme at the expense of prior patients hides. I truely am happy for each one of you.
I was one of those first guinea pigs and my operative reports read just like Dawn Rose's
impossible lies but too late for me and others.
merry Christmas kruschinski lovers
from another one maimed and worse off. One who was lied to by other pateints!

Anonymous said...

No more posts about the, Abdolift, Spraygel, or Kru teaching other surgeons how to perform the gass-less surgery, no more patient reports, no patient thank-yous, no sponsors, no wife, no Miltenberger, no Mrs. Lotts, no Michi, no Helen, no Karen, no Koh, no Pete Mahar statistics, no experiments, no written reports, no congress's, no ISGE, no presentations, no Spain, or India, or Austria, or England, no nothing.....what's up with THAT?

Oh yeah, Kru is working on the "spelling" stuff now! I bet that will keep him and his crew busy!