ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dr. med. Michael J. Hutter sets Endogyn straight!

IHRT caught you again Danny Boy, fibbin away. Something so ridicules too.
It seems that perhaps Dr. Kruschinki may have never set foot in this clinic.
You could not help but to trip and fall over all the computers and fax machines in this klinik.

It took IHRT about two minutes to LOAO and follow the link provided bt Dr. Evil in Endogyn
and prove this particular ruse.

Endogyn just makes it so easy for IHRT. WE thank you.

I think there is nothing more to say about that story of a bogus patient.
There is no patient and THERE is no Internet for use of patients in the whole hospital, so that says enough. Even they know, we all know it is a tall tale, they still continue...
I get sick, when I think about how human beings waste their time and don't give enough time to their kids.
And Connie and Karen, you should report this slander on the WWW to the police !

Dr. med. Michael J. Hutter

Success and perfection are reached only by the consistent specialization on a field of activity. The hospital at the sugar mountain Braunschweig came out from the daily experience of specialized specialists. The high medical standard becomes secured by constant further training and quality control. We set these experiences compromiseless into the service of our patients.Straight particularly difficult cases are a challenge for us.
In one of the best situations of Braunschweig convenient, in a fantastic park landscape, the hospital at the sugar mountain offers the optimal environment for the execution of highly-qualified interferences.
Our operating rooms were furnished completely again and fulfill the highest to today attainable purity requirements.
They are cared for by highly-qualified specialists with experience of many years in the individual special fields. Our maintenance personnel is dependent and always anxious to arrange you your stay as pleasant as possible to meet and your individual desires.
The friendly patient rooms and our service remind far more of a comfort hotel than of a hospital. All rooms are when desired equipped with fax, answering set and an Internet connection.
Our entire team and I make us happy to be allowed to supply you with us competently and on highest medical level as well as comfortably.


Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten,
Dr. med. Michael J. Hutter, Venenspezialist (Phlebologe) Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik am ZuckerbergErfolg und Perfektion werden nur durch die konsequente Spezialisierung auf ein Fachgebiet erreicht. Die Klinik am Zuckerberg Braunschweig ist aus der täglichen Erfahrung spezialisierter Fachärzte hervorgegangen. Der hohe medizinische Standard wird durch ständige Weiterbildung und Qualitätskontrolle gesichert. Wir setzen diese Erfahrungen kompromißlos in den Dienst unserer Patienten.Gerade besonders schwierige Fälle sind eine Herausforderung für uns.
In einer der besten Lagen Braunschweigs gelegen, in einer traumhaften Parklandschaft, bietet die Klinik am Zuckerberg die optimale Umgebung für die Durchführung hochqualifizierter Eingriffe.
Unsere Operationssäle wurden komplett neu eingerichtet und erfüllen die höchsten bis heute erreichbaren Reinheitsanforderungen.
Sie werden von hochqualifizierten Fachärzten mit langjähriger Erfahrung in den einzelnen Spezialgebieten betreut. Unser Pflegepersonal ist angewiesen und stets bestrebt, Ihnen Ihren Aufenthalt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, und Ihre individuellen Wünsche zu erfüllen.
Die freundlichen Patientenzimmer und unser Service erinnern weit mehr an ein Komfort-Hotel als an eine Klinik. Alle Zimmer sind auf Wunsch mit Telefax, Anrufbeantworter und einem Internet-Anschluß ausgestattet.
Unser gesamtes Team und ich freuen uns darauf, Sie bei uns kompetent und auf höchstem medizinischen Niveau sowie komfortabel versorgen zu dürfen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about no computers?
Um, what about Luxumborg?
Things just go missing so fast in Endogyn, when himself sobers up enough
to realize he made big boo-boos.
The kind that bring nothing but trouble.

I shudder whenever I think he monkeyed around in my abdomin.
All of you who have found some kind of relief in Germany- keep in mind your success cme at the expense of prior patients hides. I truely am happy for each one of you.
I was one of those first guinea pigs and my operative reports read just like Dawn Rose's
impossible lies but too late for me and others.
merry Christmas kruschinski lovers
from another one maimed and worse off. One who was lied to by other pateints!