ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Friday, December 08, 2006

Endogyn’s new role in the world!

Posted Thursday, December 7, 2006 @ 03:24 AM
Posted at 9:30 am approx Kruschinski time
"To understand some of their basic intention" in part from a post by Dr. Daniel Kruschinski.

Now this post is real professional and positive coming from a Dr.
Posts such as this one will most certainly bring him patients from all over the world. Any top-notch hospital would want a Dr. like this on staff, just look at his positive interaction with his patients! You can almost see the volumes of patients and high quality Dr.’s inundating a hospital just because a Dr. of "this" caliber is on staff there! Good job of showing your real colors, Kru!

IHRT points out that Daniel Kruschinski is constantly creating dissention on his own message board, sending mixed messages of intentions, making and breaking promises, never following through on anything he clams he is doing, posting in a "drunken stupor" and then quickly removing the post when he sobers up, a little. He posts that he is calling the authorities on IHRT, BD & DR, performing surgeries somewhere, anywhere, even asking patients to find him a hospital to do surgery in, contacting patients to borrow cars, money, or to sleep on a couch in their homes!

He is listing patients who are scheduled for surgery with him, list after list, yet all of a sudden NOT ONE of these "patients" post a word of thanks to him! No pictues, no SLS reports, Kruschinski is also NOT listed as associated with ANY facility he claims to be performing surgery at!
Visit one of the web sites he claims to be working at, and guess what – NO KRU! Kru NEVER mentions the "Abdolift, Gassless surgery or Spraygel" anymore. No more scientific reports or statistics for anything! And he pays to have one paper placed in a magazine no one reads

He is about 1.5 million in tax arrears, but hey, with his work load of recent, he can pay the taxes, that no problem!

Kru used to post about each patients surgery, and IHRT means he posted everything about the patients, now he posts nothing! Kru’s posts have turned from boosting about himself, to doing everything he can to prompt his former patients to rally against those who have not sold their souls to him just because he did a surgery on them!

Now, all of the above might appear to be the most interesting facts in IHRT’s post, but they are nothing IHRT has not reveled about Kru before, and of course, Kru’s posts validate our words. Nothing new in all of that, and there is nothing new in the fact that "Kru’s" crew (the same few who post all the time) appear to not notice anything amiss in Endogyn, nothing changed, all is calm and bright….and they all post immediately when prompted by Kru to come out in support of him when he is caught doing something wrong, or the crew simply parrots what someone else posted, and without a clue to whether the words are true or not! Same-ol, same-ol, in fact Endogyn is getting a bit mundane!

(IHRT will change that this weekend!)

What IHRT does find interesting with this recent post by Kru is that not one of his crew came out and asked HIM not to post such negative things, or to just ignore IHRT and those who appear to have it in for him! Now, some of his crew DID call Karen on the carpet when she posted negative stuff on the Endogyn message board, saying that the message board is not meant for that kind of stuff as it is unprofessional and unbecoming to a board meant for patients, and it creates dissention all the way around. Kru himself removes most of Karen’s nasty posts, telling her, and others, to keep the "crap" off Endogyn!
So now KRU does it, and what does his crew say to him, nothing!

What this behavior by his "crew" tells IHRT is that no matter what Kru does that is wrong, unprofessional, blatantly dishonest, lying and miss-representing things, they will remain behind him no matter what. They do not really care that they are not getting the message they want to get out, and that is to claim he is a god of a surgeon! All they really care about is placating him, keeping on his good side and perhaps, being able to tell someone they have a friend who is a Dr.

The Endogyn crew does not offer anything that might help an ARD patient secure intervention, not anywhere.
The Endogyn "crew" post time and again about Kru’s lack of work, his bankruptcy, his loss of finances and patients, and yet, Kru posts he has patients lined up, makes $67,000.00 US in a couple of days, and is the head of a surgical team in a prestigious 5+ hospital, so what is the "crews" problems here????
IHRT has no clue to what these ladies are upset about, maybe they post to read their own posts as it appears to IHRT that Kru has no problems, at least not in the area of patients, money and a hospital to do surgery in!

Did we miss something here?????????

Not one of Kru’s crew is doing anything for another ARD sufferer, nothing at all, as to post bickering, nasty words in the defunct Endogyn message board mean nothing to those who visit, as few as there are. Though it is important to have appreciation for one who helped you get better, why would you support him even when you know that things have changed from when you went to him? Who would listen to your words of support for a person who posts such negative, hostile and childish things as Kru does, and in a public format no less!
This is your man, ladies, and YOU are aligned with him every time you post!

The postings of Kru’s "crew," the few who "diligently" post in support of him show that they too are dysfunctional, they intentionally turn a blind eye to his erratic behaviors and postings! Kru’s "crew" is really no different then he is, as they continue to be involved and promote nasty unprofessional behaviors, and what is really funny is that they instigate all the nasty posts in Endogyn to one another, and they all respond to them with anger, as does the Dr. himself! IHRT thinks they all punch themselves in the face at home and then get mad at themselves for doing it! "Dah! Who hit, me? Who hit me?"

What is important here is that all the above issues are no secret to anyone who visits the Endogyn message board and reads a few posts? The Endogyn message board is seen as absurd, ludicrous, silly, outlandish, bizarre and far to negative to be taken seriously by anyone, other than Kru’s "crew."
It is for these reasons that you do not see any new persons posting! This is why your messages of support, though ridiculous given Kru’s posts, are not taken seriously by anyone who does happen upon Endogyn! This is the reason why Helen Dynda has been reduced to posting in one little section of the Internet that no one even knows exists! This is why the Endogyn web site is shrinking, missing more and more of it’s pages all the time! This is why Endogyn has lost all of it’s sponsors, and physicians. This is why Michi is no longer with Kru, nor Shirli, nor Miltenberger, nor Mrs. Lotts, nor anyone with half a brain! (And these people have "half a brain," trust IHRT on that one!!)

It all comes down to this in Endogyn:
This recent post by Kruschinski explains what Endogyn is all about these days, and what this is, is all about "spelling."
Yup, Endogyn is the "spelling" police of the word. Endogyn’s primary focus is on spelling, and Karen devotes her time to sniffing out misspelled words like a bloodhound, and Kru devotes his time to chastising the "bad spellers" on his web site once they are revealed to him……..and in a competitive way, as misspelling is really important to Endogyn at this time, Kru then sicks his whole crew on the "bad speller"…and they respond like a pack of hungry dogs, as to catch a "bad speller" nowadays is a big thing, if your working for Endogyn!
They rally around the misspelled word, poking it, scratching at it and finally correcting it, if they can spell it correctly that is. Yup, in between surgeries and traveling and presentations, Kru is doing "spell checks!"
And once again ladies, you are all right there responding to Kru instigations, supporting this important issue, no questions, no individualism, no nothing, just pure puppetry in motion, and for all the world to see!

Looks impressive! (cough) Good job!

ENDOGYN’s New Year resolutions:
To ban together against "improper punctuations in sentence structure," and bring that to the publics attention via Endogyn!

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