ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Kruschinski leads son into life of crime.

Daniel Kruschinski has taken his eldest son right down the crapper with him.
This handsome young man, son of a doctor must have envisioned a different life just as Shirley his wife did. (scorecard ~ not David's mother)

He should be in University now but can be found spinning records in drug filled lesbian techno bars and similar yucky places.

Daniel had David on the endogyn payroll....did the poor lad ever really see 50,000 euro's or was he used to launder the money? David giving medical advice on your site.

All I know is these kids deserve better and their lives may have been ruined by their own father.
Isn't that where boys learn how to be in relationships with women.

Have they learned it's ok to be a wife battering, deadbeat as long as you can spin yarns to little boys of your great
intellect and prowess?

You are repulsive Daniel Kruschinski.

The anguish and harm you have cause the children of you surgical victims will lead you to the very gates of hell.

Here's your boys Danny, you chose to use them in your site to garner sympathy for chose we didn't but Ihrt chooses to rebut.....

You leave them with lift laparoscopy? You may have just as well left them a pile of dirt!
Posted Wednesday, December 20, 2006 @ 03:21 PM

I am not happy to say I am going to be grandpa soon....
(like father likes son, love em and leave em)
but I am happy to say that
I am proud of my 4 boys that are rapidly growing:
David, a young man of 20 and the BEST DJ of Mainz :
I am dedicating my previous and future work to my 4 boys and may you four have enjoyed the little time and space I was able to give to you.
But life has so many facets that you think you have to make it your most important... but in some time, you realise, there are other things important in life...
In February 2008 I will reach 50 and EndoGyn 10 years...
and Lift-Laparoscopy 17 years...
I gave most of my life to EndoGyn and Lift-Laparoscopy.
I dedicate now Lift-Laparoscopy to the four of you...
May you enjoy the work I did...
Yours PAPA
--------------------Daniel Kruschinski, MD

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