ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Monday, March 19, 2007

The fate of Shirli Homburg Kruschinski, and Daniel the deadbeat dad

Some of you may have met Shirli Kruschinski, Daniel Kruschinski's second wife.
You all replied how lovely and kind she was.

When poor Shirli took her wedding vows, she never knew at the time she would be in fierce competition with another woman. Daniel and Michi already had a pretty solid relationship going. No marriage would interfere with this.

.......but what a feather in Daniel's cap to marry this well educated gave him the illusion of credibility when he had none. A marriage of convenience?

He rarely came home. He preferred to stay with Michi.

Oh well you say, such is life.

Ok then rationalize this.

It is IHRTs unfortunate duty to report the current fate of Shirli and her 2 young children.

Shirli was terrified to inform Daniel she was pregnant with their second child and as time passed she was left to
make do on her own.....only bothered by occasional lashings of craziness and terror from Daniel.

While Daniel and Michi never went without Kruschinski's family surely did.

He'd have you think he is a loving papa

Shirli and the kids live in a seedy German ghetto, she has been able to find a small teaching job as Daniel's unscrupulous behavior and fraud also washed Shirli's hard earned career down the loo. Who knows what happens to the kids at the hands of babysitters. Not Daniel.

We believe Shirli's family has forsaken her as she tried beyond all hope to make her marriage work with Kru.
Ihrt believes her father, a prominent Israeli physician, was repulsed by Daniel and hence has shut Shirli off.

Not the life she envisioned.

Ihrt is sure Kruschinski promised Shirli the wind, the sun, the moon and the skies. Like he does with his concept of lift laparoscopy........

She has taken out a police order of protection against Daniel , from his bizarre behaviors and terrifying threats.
Nice guy, doing this to the mother of his children.

At one time, at Daniel's suggestion, Michi and Shirli were suppose to hang out learn to live together....the beginning of his harem we suppose.

We feel it is important you know this part of Kruschinski.
IHRT is in the process of getting a copy of this restraining order to further validate that Daniel Kruschinski is a freak and not fit to share civilities with the rest of humanity.

Who suffers the most? Well Kruschinski would have you think it is him but Ihrt knows who suffers the most.

Tom just turned 7, and Gil-Robin turned a year.

So precious.

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