ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Friday, March 02, 2007

Another lame excuse for NO Operatives out of Germany!


Your recent post in Endogyn tells IHRT more by what you did not say then what you did say!

You skirt around the issues so well but one thing YOUR not doing is offering any assistance to persons afflicted with ARD yet you accuse IHRT of doing that very same thing! And your avoiding the issues that would in fact offer help to them, producing on operatives that very well could settle any suspicion that Kruschinski is not performing gas-less adhesiolysis procedures, which he is not doing!
Why would YOU withhold these important documents from the very same people you claim you want to help and we are not helping??

YOU can offer victims of ARD something IHRT cannot offer them...validation of a "possible" intervention! But you can't do that, can you!

Did Dr. Kruschinski perform a "Gas-less" adhesiolysis on your wife Bonnie or not? Simple question!

It appears like these patients did not get their own operative reports, and they CAN give Kru permission to post in Endogyn! Also, everyone knows that Kruschinski has NO respect for "confidentiality," so much for THAT excuse, Keith!

Operatives would offer the ARD patient factual information as to the adhesiolysis procedures being performed through Endogyn, as well as offer support to both Kru and ARD patients! Is IHRT correct here?

WHO doesn't want to help ARD patients when you have that, IHRT asks again, operatives, financial statements, any second look procedures done...factual validation is what will help ARD patients, ..and IF this is going on in Germany via Endogyn,
(Why wouldn't you share these reports, Keith and YOU help the ARD patients?)

Letters and contact to Hutter are most definitely being done...NO Kruschinski performing surgery at Zuckerburg. IHRT encourages everyone to contact Zuckerburg and ask if Kruschinski is doing surgeries there! We have given out the contacts many times!

Your post in Endogyn was a massive run around that never once mentioned if Kruschinski performed a gas-less surgical procedure on anyone anywhere. Remember this folks, Kruschinski himself stated he is a "consultant" only....US patients might be going for surgeries in Germany, but they are NOT being performed by Kru! 100%!

Did Keith's post say that Kruschinski performed a surgery on his wife in Zuckerburg?
Of course not, he couldn't!
NO operatives,
NO second look lap,
NO Kru!
Another lame excuse for NO OPERATIVES, folks!

Shame on you Keith...

KEITH T Just starting
Gender: Male

Registered: Jan 2006
Offline Posts: 3

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