ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dr. Kruschinski Finally Kracks

The latest post from Kru on the Endogyn message board shows that our favorite psychopath has finally caught the bus to Crazytown.........he has arrived at the very last stop.

KRU writes..........

Ihc experienced today that the DAK will probably recognize our Adhaesiolysen and other OP's. The leading physician of the hospitals, Dr. Hutter had to carry however solid conviction work out, since it probably in the context of the lubrication campaigns against me now which called anonymous with individual cashes that I would be a very bad operating surgeon and a criminal physician. If that is continued and the cashes should take the serious, we will be able to probably then operate no cash patients. I think, it can only three persons concern, I must observe let whom. Does someone know a very good Detecktiv or has experience, where one

What the heck is this?????????

Oh. ( wink, wink)

What IHRT can extrapolate from the raving gibberish is that Daniel finally realizes there is indeed an investigation regarding
his er, um , business practices.

individual cashes

Which cashes are you talking about? The cash you have buried somewhere in the woods or the cashes spent trying to pretend you were important?

I would be a very bad operating surgeon and a criminal physician
IHRT agrees with this statement, totally!

He and his imaginary kliniks and fantasy staff.

we will be able to probably then operate no cash patients
IHRT is very pleased with this statement.

Does someone know a very good Detecktiv or has experience, where one
Don't worry Daniel, some of the best detectives in the world are already hard at work and justice will prevail!

Daniel, I hear Crazytown isn't so bad.
3 meals a day, magical meds, and an audience of your peers who I am sure would be grateful to have you as their surgeon.
IHRT will supply all the Monopoly money you need.
You will finally have a permanent base of operations. (Pun intended)

Everything will be as you always envisioned.
You will finally get everything you deserve.
You can be that lengend in your own mind.
Run along now Danny boy, it's time for your nap.

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