ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bev concedes to an ill "Karen Steward" but will never concede to fighting injustices in the world of ARD!

With that said, I think that have finally figured Karen Stewards posting behaviors out and will share one last item about her that I now find facinating, and realize that she indeed has a problem in which she cannot be held accountable for her actions!

What is a Troll? 3/3/06
Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.
Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.>

"Internet Trolling"
I remember how someone called Karen Steward a "Troll" and when it was described in the IAS, it fit Karen's behavior perfectly! It took until this "episode" for me to realize that we have a repeat scenario here, and I have not been the only one "provoked" into action by Karen over the years.
Over these years, I have watched Karen “react” and “over-react” many times while posting in various web sites associated with ARD. Many times Karen would get absolutely irate at people, no, not only at me, in fact, I was the least of those who were dealt her wrath!
If people did not agree with her or if people asked certain questions regarding Endogyn, be those questions posed to her or not, she responded, and if the questions were not to her liking, watch out! I think the worse reaction from her that were really “over the top” of being rational, was when anyone mentioned the name of any other surgeons when it came to adhesions, whew, would she go off on them big time! Unmerciful is an adequate description of the later behavior!
Over time, Karen was asked to stop posting on both the IAS and on Bombobeach as she was aggressive, abusive, challenging, pushy, and seemed to always be filled with anger. Karen was demanding of total attention to her every post and heaven forbid, if you dared question HER opinions, she blew up at you, disregarding that the other person was ill and deserved respect to make their own opinions heard.
Once Karen started posting in Endogyn, she would find a way to post in other web sites, and initiate nasty posts against others to illicit a reaction, a “response” to the post! Using “anonymous” as her posting signature, Karen may have thought no one would figure out who was doing the dastardly deeds, however, with web site “stat counters,” it is easy to hone in on who posts where and at what times, thus it has never been a “secret” to me, and others, as to who “anonymous” was, or is. The recent post about me posted in IHRT from “anonymous” was from Karen Steward!
There was no reason for such a post, and there are enough of you who read this stuff to know my words here are true! I have not been posting in the public ARD circuit for a long, long time, so there was no reason for such a nasty accusatory post by her…well, no reason that any of us would think! Well, I know think that I do know the reason Karen instigates things on the Internet…so here goes!
You see what a “troll” gets our of doing these types of posts, they get a power rush from them, they feel control, and they generate LOTS of attention. When someone is provoked by nasty words, they usually react and respond, boy, I bit, but then again, I am human and wouldn’t come out to defend themselves? Now I know better after realizing that this scene with Karen has played out before, and more then once, and not only with me.
Remember the summer of 2003, when Karen had so many people all caught up in the “ Endogyn War” of Internet posts? I was really ignorant to what was going on until one day I discovered Karen, and others, posting on two and three different ARD web sites, two and three different presentations regarding their surgeries at Endogyn. Then I discovered that Karen was sending emails about, “ME” all over the place, some were even created to appear that I wrote them, but everything Karen did back then was bogus and provoked to get others all riled up and angry at each other, and it worked! It tore the IAS apart, and darn near knocked bombobeach right into the ocean! Pretty powerful, and Karen was at that time. I mean, how many of us would have ever known someone would be like this, certainly not me!
Like we are seeing in this recent scenario with Karen, she instigated us on IHRT, then when we responded, she quickly moved into the battle mode, not taking offense to anything we came back with, but rather defending Daniel and Endgyn as if we started it. She immediately was able to make herself appear stricken, offended, injured and of course, angry, AT US! She turned the focus off the main issue of her offensive post on IHRT and instead, attempted to put the focus on us as the perpetrators, and the more we reacted, the more she responded in a saintly, playful way condemning our behaviors as “vile, despicable, evil, sewer crawling,” whatever. (Karen’s list of condemning words goes far beyond what my vocabulary allows me to remember.)
Her responses go well beyond normal when she comes to “defending” Daniel, or anything about Endogyn, like she alone has the job of being “protector” of him. This behavior IS not normal given she is a former patients mother. One can be appreciative of something, but, people, come on here, Karen’s behaviors towards Daniel and his surgical procedure are absurd given the not so “positive” circumstances that surround it. Karen’s behaviors are either way up there one minute, or way down there the next, and not very nice either!
Once Karen thinks she has gained enough attention towards, at this time, Dawn and I, then she starts with the “Bible Quotes,” & “philosophical thoughts” that put her in the light of being the one who will rise above all when it comes to dealing with the “culprits” at the time. This behavior confuses those who get caught up in all her anger and accusations on the Internet, as they are privy to ONLY the ones Karen wants them to read, and then they too react against us…however, all it will take is for anyone interested in this behavior pattern that is indicative of Karen Steward behaviors will be to check into the following web links, or to go back and read her behaviors in this current episode of her “trolling,” and you will see it loud and clear!

Karen’s internet behavior is little more then what is called “ Munchausen by Internet,” which is a way to get lots of attention when things are a bit dull or slow in your life, and if your life is the internet, then you shake things up! Perhaps, in Karen’s case, it was to draw attention to her personal cause, in her case, it is in Daniel. It doesn’t matter if that attention is good or bad attention, to the troll, it is all in working the web and those of us who also work within it! Karen has been found out, and I really do think she has some very real emotional/psychological issues, especially since reading things from her past behaviors within the ARD web sites that are NOT associated with me; I am even more convinced of it!

Because of my realization here, I will not hold Karen accountable for anything she has done that involved me, past or current, and I forgive her. I also will not continue to “pounce” on others due to her inciting attention on areas of concern to me, I will not, absolutely not, to the best of my ability, react in a way that will hurt others. This is not to say that I will not pursue concerns about issues I find important enough to get to the bottom of, and I will pursue them diligently, as persons afflicted with ARD have a right to know everything that concerns them and their health intervention, be it at Endogyn or anywhere else!
What I will not pursue are petty issues of anyone’s choice in what they do on Endogyn, as it is not my business, not my call, and no one has to do anything different in the choices they make in their lives, as they alone know the reasons they do what they do. They probably don’t like it that I seek answers, validation and proof of things there, so be it, it is what I believe is important to do for those afflicted with ARD, you do your thing, I do mine, no big deal.
Karen, you did open doors at Endogyn that now need to be scrutinized, and we will do that, but now we do that with full understanding that you wil continue to post retaliatory words , and even in that, we understand. You have our permission if it helps you feel better, dear.

Message to Helen Dynda from Bev…

These words are to Helen Dynda, whom has taken some hard knocks during this current “episode” that Karen instigated, and more where in the making until I realized what was happening here! Thank-God, more words were not expressed where they were not deserved, and I almost did that to you Helen! Helen, when you do post something like the “credentials” of Daniel, be careful and know what your doing, or things like that will be challenged, and why wouldn’t they be, and nothing against you other then that you posted something that was not valid. Helen, do what you do best, educate those afflicted with in that, you seem to posses a gift, please do what it best for all of us, you included. Draw your lines over there and stay clear of the dirty stuff, it just is NOT you to be a part of that kind of stuff!
To be honest, Helen, I cannot understand why you remain in Endogyn knowing that it is adverse to a Christian format, maybe your there so that there does exist an element of our Lords “love and gentleness” so that prospective patients, past patients and even Daniel himself, is touched by it through you! This is not my business, but I wanted to share that with you! Please know that I will never approach that about you again.
The exhausting thing about Endogyn, in my opinion, is that there exists a “circus” like atmosphere that is so strong on advertising these surgeries, and blind siding them from seeing what *is going on there, like not so good outcomes with “SprayGel” due to the “Abdolift” hook and far to many return trips per patient! So much “revving” up patients to go there,
That they are not able to see all the “confusion and changes and sadness!” You know, if there have been positive outcomes, they are shadowed by Karen’s’ “revival” like behaviors, which are not very conducive to selling Daniels web site, let alone his surgeries. Too “over the top” for the most part, at least for me she is. I remain well after my adhesiolysis with D, Reich, and yes, in the USA without “Spraygel” but you have never, or will you ever, see me dishing it out to patients to go to him like is done at Endogyn. You know that to be the truth, Helen, I never did that and never will. You know I do not accept anything from anyone who I assist, when I assist them, which is few and far between these days. You, above anyone, that I have never professed to know it all, make claims of being a Dr. or any of the other trash Karen throws my way, yet your silence of that behavior by her, being associated with her in Endgyn, only stand to back her up in all of her words of me. I ask you why you say nothing of which is the truth? This I will always wonder about you, Helen, is it fear of rejection from Daniel? Do you believe her words of me perhaps? Is silence easier to live with then to face Karen’s wrath? Does it “feel” right inside when you say nothing against her lies of others?
I do wonder these things at times, but then I realize, it doesn’t matter to me so much as I will not allow what I believe to be important in this world to do, and in that, at times it is to challenge wrongs done against Gods people, and I will stand for what is right, and at all costs to my reputation!

Karen’s “Trolling”
June 27, 2003: Karen trolling the IAS! “I don't mean to post anything to "disturb" anyone........I am not attacking Korell or demanding that everyone choose is only important that all people reading the site have all the information they can possibly have before they CHOOSE a surgeon.”

June 27, 2003: Bev, I forgot that YOU were the divine authority on Germany, Dr. Korell, thing there is to know about of it. Thanks for the reminder! Karen “Karen knows what a “smoke-screen” is


Anonymous said...

Trolls and smokescreens?!?!

Dawn Rose and Beverly Doucette wrote the book on both! You two sure spend an inordinate amount of time attacking these 2 reputable women --Karen and Helen---Dawn, Bev, Could it possibly be that you're working for an American doctor? Games Up!

itsme said...

We work for the adhesion sufferer.
I am curious which Dr. you think we work for?

Anonymous said...

Adhesion sufferers do not need the type of "work" you produce. Shame on you both for all the lies!