ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Friday, February 16, 2007

Breaking News Out Of Endogyn...& Dandy Sandy

IHRT offers some food for thought for "Sandy" as we prepare the next blog responding to her posts in Endogyn!

As everyone one of our visitors already know, IHRT strives for the truth, yes, mixed with a bit of our humor, what we expose is always the truth!

Like "Houdini" it is our goal to expose fraud and miss-representations from those unscrupulous folks who harvest, capitalize and out right fraud victims of ARD! IHRT found Endogyn and many of it's supporters to be among the most vagrant of those who continue to take advantage of persons suffering from ARD, and in that, IHRT will continue to seek out the truth and expose the lies as they come out of Endogyn!

IHRT finds in the recent posts by "Sandy," that of her alleged trip to Endogyn in January 2007 to be "full of "holes!" What IHRT finds interesting in these posts is not only what she says, but what she isn't saying! IHRT will continue to share our opinion of things we see in her posts, however, IHRT will also expose her miss-representations as well, and we will do it in a 100% validating way, as we usually do! For this to occur, we are waiting word from our "friends" in Belgium, Italy, Netherlands and of course, Germany to secure information for us that is unequivocally foolproof when we bring it to IHRT blog!

"Sandy" will be shown to be less then honest in her posts, and IHRT thinks that is important because some very ill and innocent people who are not acclimated to International travel and the necessary medical intervention needed, might believe these words! So many ARD sufferers listened to people out of Endogyn and ended up suffering the rest of their lives for it!

IHRT also wants to point out the lengths that Kru will go to to secure money from patients by use of people such as "Sandy! People willing to do his less then honest far IHRT has been able to show that not only is Kru dishonest, but a number of his patients are too!

We see that another patient claimed to have been cured, is not well and returned to Germany for another surgery! So much for positive results out of Endogyn!
Bonnie and Keith had to return to Endogyn for another surgery, which means the 100% adhesion free results of her second look lap by Kru was not the truth...and we also see that neither of these patients mention having the recent "alleged" surgeries by Kru himself or as a "gas-less" procedure, nor any mention of Spraygel use by these patients! Nothing says that Kru did the surgeries, and why is that, Sandy, Bonnie?
No mention of "gas less" Why is that?

No patients sitting the dining room photos eating tons of food! Why is that, before all we saw was Kru, Michi and patients eating and touring!

People are not as stupid as Kru thinks they are, people realize these differences, and they also realize the IHRT tells it like we see it, but the way we see it and expose it is the truth!

Stay tuned for more on "Dandy Sandy" - IHRT will continue to "critique" the posts by "Sandy," as we think it is important.....however.

The GERMAN MEDICAL BOARD makes a startling discovery regarding a "Kruschinski's Document Fraud!"
Kru caught red handed falsifying documents once again, but this time, it is by the authorities! Many will fall with him on this one! Doctors of good standing will run the other way when Kru appears, as they will not align themselves with a criminal of the worst kind! One who uses fraud to secure innocent patients to get money from them!
100% verified and IHRT will be given an exclusive report next week and we will bring that to you right away!

Remember when Kru and Michi tried to "prove" Michi was an OR nurse, and they offered these documents as the validation of proof? Recently Michi went to apply for unemployment through Endogyn, and when her name was researched by the unemployment office, she was found to be wanted by the police and has since disappeared! No more fun and fancy for this "wanted" mistress, wanted by the authorities, not Kru IHRT means!

All very serious offenses coming out of "Endogyn...such as:
It was never an "Institute"
Never had an "Adhesion Lab" as claimed,
Never did clinical studies on patients,
Never had statistics of any operations done there as there was never any studies being conducted at Endogyn,
Overcharged patients for things not done
Miss-used the "Abdolift, which is not being reproduced anymore,
Caused injuries to patient by use of the Abdolift, and he knew it would bring them back to Endogyn!
Kru never invented the "Abdolift" as he claimed he did,
Kru never paid taxes on 1.5 million cash from International patients,
Kru has been found to have fruaded the Germany healthcare payment system,
The lists goes on and on, and soon IHRT will reveal the most startling "fraud" of all..coming out of Endogyn!

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