ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Institute of Endoscopic Gynecology is CLOSED

What is an institute?
According to the New World Dictionary, an institute is:

a) An organization for the promotion of art, science, education, etc.
b) A college or university specializing in art, music, science, etc.
c) An organization for advanced STUDY, RESEARCH, and INSTRUCTION in a restricted field.

Using these definitions,
The Institute of Endoscopic Gynecology, formerly headquartered in Seligenstadt, Germany, does not seem to meet the criteria to be known as an INSTITUTE, because it consists of only one person, Dr. Daniel Kurschinski, who names himself as Director of this "Institute". One doctor's medical practice is not an "organization".
Although he has often refered to "we", as in "today we operated on an advanced case of adhesions", who is "we?"

Even at the time when the most patients were going to Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, there were no other doctors involved in his endeavor. Thus no study, research, or instruction was or is taking place, except what Dr. Kruschinski was doing on his own, and he has many times denied that he was doing "research".

Attn: Dr. Kruschinski
Please clarify how you alone constitute an institute. To our knowledge, you do not even have an office. Yet, you continue to advertise on your web site that such an institute exists.
There are no other doctors working with you at your "institute" and there never have been.
Your advertising on your web site appears to be a deliberate misrepresentaion by you of the truth.

To our knowledge, the truth of the matter is that the Endogyn Office in Selginstadt is closed and empty, you do NOT have an office at the Emma Klinik, and you are not authorized or permitted to do any surgery anywhere in Germany.

Anybody who would continue to believe that Endogyn is an institute is greatly mistaken. Endogyn is only a logo on a Web Site.

Example of a true Institute:
The National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md, USA.


itsme said...

This is another way that this Dr. used his proffesion to dupe innocent people! When a person is suffering as much as adhesion patients suffer, they are easily blindsided by things like this! Shame on Dr. Kruschinski for taking advantage of all of us this way! He does not deserve the title of Dr. as he seems to have breeched everything that the Hippocratic Oath stands for!
And I have never written to this site before!

itsme said...

The last words of the Hippocratic Oath are "Do No Harm".

He may have helped some people, but he HARMED lots of people also.

Anonymous said...

IF IHRT did not blow the whistle on Kru, the "Institute" might be flourishing. kru would be doing "Advanced study" of the effects of Spraygel, surgeons would be flying in from all over the world to become educated in his methods of McAbdo/SprayGel franchising,and "research" would continue to be carried out, (probably without the pt's knowledge that they were part of a "research study", and Kru
would be sitting pretty.
Now thanks to the evil intentions of IHRT, none of this is happening.
Thank you IHRT (and your internal representatives) for your excellent investigative work; you have saved a lot of people from financial, physical and emotional harm.
One more thing, if Kru has used Spray GEl for a long time, why does he frequently state on his we site, "I contintue to be amazed at how well the spray gel holds up."

itsme said...

Handling the Opposition
Quacks are involved in a constant struggle with legitimate health care providers, mainstream scientists, government regulatory agencies and consumer protection groups. Despite the strength of this science-based opposition, quackery manages to flourish. To maintain their credibility, quacks use a variety of clever propaganda ploys. Here are some favorites:
"They persecuted Galileo!" The history of science is laced with instances where great pioneers and their discoveries were met with resistance. Harvey (nature of blood circulation), Lister (antiseptic technique) and Pasteur (germ theory) are notable examples. Today's quack boldly asserts that he is another example of someone ahead of his time. Close examination, however, will show how unlikely this is. First of all, the early pioneers who were persecuted lived during times that were much less scientific. In some cases, opposition to their ideas stemmed from religious forces. Secondly, it is a basic principle of the scientific method that the burden of proof belongs to the proponent of a claim. The ideas of Galileo, Harvey, Lister and Pasteur overcame their opposition because their soundness can be demonstrated.
A related ploy, which is a favorite with cancer quacks, is the charge of "conspiracy." How can we be sure that the AMA, the FDA, the American Cancer Society, drug companies and others are not involved in some monstrous plot to withhold a cancer cure from the public? To begin with, history reveals no such practice in the past. The elimination of serious diseases is not a threat to the medical profession—doctors prosper by curing diseases, not by keeping people sick. It should also be apparent that modern medical technology has not altered the zeal of scientists to eliminate disease.