ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Friday, August 11, 2006

IHRT answers Kru's Question

IHRT answers Kruschinski's most recent question.....

Anonymous (Kruschinski) said...

Are you going to demand updates on ALL websites? Seems only fair...
I guess you'll be contacting Dr. Wiseman to demand he contact all the patients on the IAS quilt to update those stories! Bombo Beach too?
Let's see what others need updates... Your 'demands' are ridiculous... Who elected you Judge, Jury and Executer?

August 11, 2006 12:52 PM

"Kru," Your trial has started and our court of law is the world !


"Kru," use your imagination putting a face to your Judges!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Kru," YOU selected your own jury when you started to scam everyone you ever met!

THIS is where you are headed, be it only in your mind, but this IS where your headed, Kruschinski!


Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely sure you know very well it wasn't Dr. K. that posted that was me! AS IF YOU DIDN"T KNOW...

Anonymous said...

Who are you?
Good imitation of his writing style and misspelling.

Anonymous said...

It is Kruschinski, always lying and always blaming someone else for his own actions!
Can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, Kru!

You can't even stay true to your own "crew" who stuck beside you no matter what you faced, and though they were/are blinded by your manipulations, they stood by you, only to be thrown to the YOU!

If I felt that a Dr. saved my life and that he went, "bad" after that, I would be damned if I would defend his actions, harvest patients to him and promote him as being something he is not! Those who "serve" Kru with absolute faith in him after seeing what he is doing, are some of the most dispicable people on earth!

IHRT has only told truth, IHRT has proven it's stand against Kru is founded on real infractions against patients, and we have forced him to confess many things that he withheld from his "followers!"
To date, it appears that only Karen, Jan and Heart allow themsleves to be blinded by Kr! For anyone to offer him the best for his "family," when he is living with his mitress, is in denial and wants to stay that way!

IHRT knows it was Kru who posted.....AND THIS WE KNOW!

Anonymous said...

The TRASH has been emptied on Endogyn.
What does that mean?
Even Karen's many positive posts have been trashed, and are now gone.