ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Kruschinski on being fired before even starting his new job!

Finally a patient of Kruschinski's, "Gets It".

"Is the decision of the hospital really entgueltig or does exist still hope that co-operation continues nevertheless? Substantial threats must exist against the hospital, if those terminate even contrary to the terms of the agreement co-operation. One can these types, for it responsible is really not the handicraft puts?Das is unbelievable! lg"

Das IS believable!

Read below what Kru says about being fired before even starting his new job and the turmoil it cause's all involved.
Kruschinski's public spiral into madness,it's obvious he cares not who he brings down with him. He tries to pull a fast one in Fulda.

You decide what's more plausable, go will be fun....
You can choose to read below from Kruschinski or listen to what really happened:

The recommendations of Dr.s Mettler and Reich do not and did not replace a proper background check.

Helios called the German Medical Board and found Kruschinski has no license to practice.

They contacted the district attorney in Hessen and found Daniel is a wanted criminal and has defrauded many people.

The even called Emma Klinik and learn it had been taken over by the government as they help to perpetuate fraud with Kruschinski.

The found out and checked that Dr.K's scientific research was a fraud too.

They were horrified by the Endogyn website finding a patient contact list and scare tactic photos for vulnerable people to access.

They never heard of this abdo-lift thing nor spraygel or lift laparoscopy for that matter.

The contract is so canceled!


By providing this employer with false information, you, Daniel, you, voided the contract.

2 middle aged ladies from the United States could not cause your downfall.....You did this to YOURSELF...and others, with no regard to ANY consequences.

Guess what Endogyn Slaves, you can get all this information yourself by picking up a telephone or writing a quick email.

The time for believing Kruschinski offers any hope is over.
He has never offered anyone hope just repeat surgeries.

Now stop wasting what precious time you have and start to research and plan you elective surgery wisely and let Dr. Daniel Kruschinski be a lesson to us all:
Never take words for granted for fact, ask for proof and scrutinize the source.
If it seems too good to be true, IT IS!

As to what becomes of honerable man would throw himself on his sword knowing the pain and havoc he has caused so many - LOL

IHRT says that until he is behind bars he is out there and remains an extremely dangerous crazy person, with enough carisma to get his foot into many doors.

Beware the surgeon which no hospital will have.

He will try to remake himself, he always does!

Professional translation
The Ladies and Gentlemen could not withstand the bombing with slanderousness for a single day. Although I told them that I am the target of bad mouth propaganda and we included that in the contract. They assured me that they do not have a problem with the gossip, nevertheless they called me and cancelled the cooperation. I feel sorry for the scheduled patients, after all there were nine and most of them have already received the permission from their employer. I am really disappointed, and feel sorry for the patients. Obviously it is impossible to rely on contracts and promises in Germany. And there is more trust in smear strategies than in cooperation partners. Sorry but my efforts for patients with a insurance from the state are useless as long as dirty slanderers prohibit that. But we have to keep on fighting.Here some clauses from the contract we have formulated

He asks the terribly ill to work on his behalf - nice guy huh

Thread translated by babelfish

doc_kru masters Sex: male origin: Registered: October 2003 status: Off-line of contributions: 521 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Wednesday, 9 May 2007 @ 17:01:32 it did not even hold days that the ladies and gentlemen by slandering stood for the bombardment held. Although it to it it was referred and in the contract was in writing held that these slandering to exist and although was said at that time, make nothing, today by telephone the statement one made that co-operation is not continued nevertheless... The taken into account female patients do wrong to me, nevertheless already were it nine, who already partly regulated everything with their working premises. I am disappointed also deeply and it do to me for the female patients and patients much wrong, but do not even rely apparent kan one in Germany on contracts and promises. And one believes slandering strategies more than co-operation partners... Sorry, but my efforts for cash patients were probably in vain, as long as dirty slanderers prevent that. It would be times strained whether positive reports can move also as much as negative... But we will have to fight together probably further. Here times the clause, as we formulated it and in the contract are located: Ratio: § 9 currency of the contract and notice 1. the contractual relation begins to 01. 03. 2007 and are closed on indefinite time. 2. The contract can be quit with one period from four weeks to the end of the month. Regulations pertaining to labour law, e.g. the protection against dismissal act apply no. 3. The right for extraordinary notice for important reason remains unaffected. 4. The hospital, which medical director and the department physicians is well-known that against Dr. Kruschinski and also EndoGyn a slandering campaign took place and further effected. For activities, consequences or damage from this slandering campaign, those the hospital, which involve xxxxxxxxxxKlinik GmbH or their coworker, do not take over the EndoGyn Ltd. and its physicians responsibility. Also such activities may not represent reasons of an extraordinary notice. 5. The notice requires writing. § 9 Vertragsdauer und Kündigung
1. Das Vertragsverhältnis beginnt am 01. 03. 2007 und wird auf unbestimmte Zeit geschlossen.
2. Der Vertrag kann mit einer Frist von vier Wochen zum Monatsende gekündigt werden. Arbeitsrechtliche Vorschriften, wie z. B. das Kündigungsschutzgesetz finden keine Anwendung.
3. Das Recht zur außerordentlichen Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund bleibt unberührt. 4. Dem Krankenhaus, dem ärztlichen Direktor und den Abteilungsärzten ist bekannt, dass gegen Dr. Kruschinski und auch EndoGyn eine Verleumdungskampagne erfolgte und weiterhin erfolgt. Für Aktivitäten, Folgen oder gar Schäden aus dieser Verleumdungskampagne, die das Krankenhaus, die xxxxxxxxxxKlinik GmbH oder deren Mitarbeiter involviert, übernehmen die EndoGyn Ltd. als auch ihre Ärzte keine Verantwortung. Auch dürfen solche Aktivitäten nicht Gründe einer außerordentlichen Kündigung darstellen.
5. Die Kündigung bedarf der Schriftform.

§ 9 duration of the contract and cancellation

1. the contractual relationship begins to 01. 03. 2007 and is closed on indefinite time.

2. The contract can be quit with one period from four weeks to the end of the month. Regulations pertaining to labour law, e.g. the protection against dismissal act do not apply.

3. The right for extraordinary cancellation for important reason remains unaffected.

4. The hospital, the medical director and the department physicians is well-known that against Dr. Kruschinski and also EndoGyn a slandering campaign took place and still continues. For activities, consequences or damage from this slandering campaign, that might affect the hospital, the xxxxxxxxxxKlinik GmbH or their co-workers, EndoGyn Ltd. and its physicians can not be called to account. These activities do not serve as a reason for an extraordinary cancellation.

5. Cancellation must be in written form.
------------------- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, elevator © by EndoGyn Ltd..

Gucci board Owner Sex: male origin: Mainz/Germany registers: September 2003 status: Off-line of contributions: 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Wednesday, 9 May 2007 @ 23:22:37 I cannot understand that simply! As one can as hospital, whose task is it human lives to save or to them the pain take, a doctor, who supports the patients of an illness, those often simply and simply is ignored due to of incapacity to act and ignorance of the treating physicians, who them a chance gives on a pain-free life to dismiss because they get ANONYMOUS threatening calls and letters, partially on English language, which are not fulfillable by any means realisitsch. Particularly since this message got probably also the hospital at the sugar mountain and one had there no negative effects on the hospital! I hope, which built themselves "smart" heads up there again and superior whom they help with this dismissal! The patients, who are their customers, probably not!

grazyna starters + Sex: womanlike origin: Bottrop/Ruhrgebiet registers: November 2006 status: Off-line of contributions: 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Thursday, 10 May 2007 @ 04:42:23 Gucci says exactly, what I also think! With large vibration I read and cannot the message of Dr Kruschinski that everything likewise not seize. How can the physicians and the hospital, who had agreed nevertheless before, offend suddenly because of such idiotischen actions, which they are also always, such a good physician and block above all many patients the chances on healing? The contract stands nevertheless and has this clause NR. 4, those, as I understand, a co-operation despite these "act of terrorism ions" further affirmed. One cannot set nevertheless so simply by telephone out of strength! Above all the patients, who may not already have dates nevertheless are simply pushed away. There is nobody, which keeps and first times of the well-being of the patients thinks a clear head in this hospital. What can one do as patient or a future patient, so that co-operation remains existing nevertheless further? Can one turn in this hospital to someone and explain to him, why it is so important that Dr.Kruschinski remains, thus the other side the medal to show, calls and FOR the Doc to speak? I am gladly ready for if helps! Love of greetings, Grazyna

Juke starter + Sex: womanlike origin: Between Mainz and Alzey in the beautiful Rhinehesse registers: January 2004 status: Off-line of contributions: 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Thursday, 10 May 2007 @ 05:33:23 Also very much it shook me that one gives the slandering campaigns more faith, as humans, which stands before one. These sides in the InterNet would have to be stopped and forbidden immediately with provisional order, but as I white come the sides from the USA, or?! In addition one would need a lawyer in the USA!!! Here in Germany that would be a little differently stored. Costs arise, that are clear. Also I follow Grazyna and am ready positive reports to be delivered.

Bee starter + Sex: womanlike origin: Registered: February 2006 status: Off-line of contributions: 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Thursday, 10 May 2007 @ 07:19:00 Hello, I is now one the concerning those the date for 16.5.07 to be unfortunately called off had.-((. On Tuesday I was still in Hanover and for investigation with Dr.und am then very calmed down and more fully trust to him again home-driven. There one takes 6 in such a way std. Course travel on itself around a discussion with it to lead thereby one is correctly calmed down and clarifies everything again in peace and then comes such a call. I was as taken away and can it yet seize. It is like a bad dream!! Suit-cases were already packed, ticket bought, the head drauf adjusted in the work of everything clarified........ I cannot understand the KH also that at least the patients can be still operated where were already planned. Also you all this believe or no way find to the whole malice out of the way to go. Property me now with my KK in connection set and wants to try to Braunschweig go, hopes only it folds. Property after the discussion rather no hope and lasts again to for a long time.-((. There me for the moment so well is ill-written I and can that eternal make and then still promise is not not wait over weeks and then OI date and ill message also rear ago drags on over weeks everything. I have so a rage in the belly and at the same time very very much disappointment. Hope that the Dr. possibly still any solution for us gesetzl. Versicherte finds times for him and for us Betroffende 100% folds. Also for him it is bloed and it stands in such a way always so stupidly there, it has genuinly which other one earned where it for us all uses themselves in such a way, it is genuinly to........ LG bee we do not give up however, also I positive wherever would report. Dearest in the KH would call!!

Juke starter + Sex: womanlike origin: Between Mainz and Alzey in the beautiful Rhinehesse registers: January 2004 status: Off-line of contributions: 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Thursday, 10 May 2007 @ 07:32:13 I can understand hello bee, your rage, because the pain and findings are present and do not put not from pastime in the hospital. I press you the thumbs that the health insurance company the OI in Braunschweig paid. I do not understand the KK, there it am nevertheless not more expensively there?!

Minz starter Sex: womanlike origin: FRG registers: April 2007 status: Off-line of contributions: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Thursday, 10 May 2007 @ 11:17:39 Hello, I is likewise totally shocked over the message of Dr. Kruschinski. Straight ones yesterday I recommended the OI method of Dr. Kruschinski to an acquaintance and made her courage that she can be operated now also as a legally insured female patient problem-free. The firmly taken into account female patients wrong, who had, do to me to be now called off. Is the decision of the hospital really entgueltig or does exist still hope that co-operation continues nevertheless? Substantial threats must exist against the hospital, if those terminate even contrary to the terms of the agreement co-operation. One can these types, for it responsible is really not the handicraft puts?Das is unbelievable! lg

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