ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The " Endogyn papers" Questions for "Kru"

1.) If Kruchinski is a "plastic" surgeon where did he secure his training for this and when? (Breast reconstructive surgery does NOT qualify for other reconstructive procedures!
2.) Did Kruchinski "invent" the Abdolift as Karen and Helen proclaim he did?(IHRT found that another person holds the patent for it?)
3.) Quoting Kruchinski, "There are only very few good surgeons for adhesions, but even the best surgeon won’t reach a 100 % success." (Yet Kruchinski claims that there are no adhesions at EVERY second look he performs, what % is that ?)
4.) IHRT asks why patients who have had NO adhesions on a second look at Endogyn return with adhesions in re-operations at Endogyn? (IHRT suspects that Kruchinski has "selective" lysing of adhesions, as he alone would know which ones were problematic, certainly NOT the patient!)
5.) Quoting Kruchinski, "Five years experience with SprayGel and Lift-laparoscopy (gasless) and a 2nd look laparoscopy, sometimes 3rd look gives so much material and clinical data, that patients can rely on the quality of surgery and infrastructure. And patients can choose a surgeon and a technique." IHRT asks, "Where IS this data?"
IHRT shares an opinion as to what they consider to be one of the "wisest" posts ever placed in Endogyn! IHRT doesn't wonder why "Bob" only posted ONE time on Endogyn! Every ARD patient in the world can take a very good lesson from this Dr. IHRT also noticed that this post was not "barraged"by the Endogyn "gang' and hustled to a surgery with "Kru." "bmccown Just starting Gender: Male Location: Kansas USA Registered:
"Hello. My name is Bob, I live in the USA. My wife of 18 months, whom I've known for almost 10 years (I was widowed a couple of years ago we got together after that) has very severe adhesive disease and severe pain, to the extent she' on disability and large amounts of pain medication. We are looking at more surgery, but will likely delay it as we look into Dr. K's techniques and reputation more. I am a physician, and am skeptical of everything. I have learned the hard way the aphorism "if it sound to good to be true, it probably is" is only too accurate. I'll be checking back frequently and looking around more. "Thanks - Bob
Endogyn Gasless Emma Klinik Abdolift Adhesions ARD Adhesion Related Disorder Adhesiolysis Dr. Kruchinski

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did anybody ever hear from Dr. Bob again? He was the one who wrote on behalf of his wife.