What is wrong with this picture?
That these promises do not make any sense when the beds in Endogyn were EMPTY
All the time I was there, and for both of my trips! I never saw nor heard from anyone else that any opther surgeons did adhesiolysis there, non of these surgeons were ever listed on any operative reports of patients who went to Endogyn, except Reich, and that was only three times!!
All of these things are bogus, false, bold face lies spoken to get patients to think this man is a skilled surgeon, when he simply is not!
Dr. Kruschinski, what happened to your promises on these other centers, and WHAT patients are requesting surgeries??
Your NOT even doing surgeries, you injured yourself or something, but I think people are just getting smarter about you thus NO surgeries to report!
Any professional surgeon with any self-respect would never make such premature claims like this “Caymans” thing before it was totally secure, but this guy did! These things are all lies trying to make himself look important, when he is really at the bottom of the list of skilled surgeons with experience..a “bottom feeders” we call them, “wanna-bees” that aren’t…stay away from this “Kru” as he is one sic person!
Lets not forget that the best adhesion surgery in ALL of Germany, is Dr. Korell of Duisburg, Germany!
Posted Wednesday, May 31, 2006 @ 04:04 AM
exploring a new adhesiolysis center in Palma de Malloorca ..
to handle the requests for more surgeries for adhesions, we are evaluating a center in Palma de Mallorca for EndoGyn. The first meeting was very promising. Palma has an outstanding surrounding, an extraordinary old city (like small Rome) and a beautiful climate and of course the wonderfull mediterranean sea ... Soon I will come backt to you with more information. Regards
Posted Sunday, March 5, 2006 @ 03:44 AM
Registered as physician in UK !
Recently I got registered by the General Medical Council in UK.
Posted Thursday, April 13, 2006 @ 00:47 AM
New EndoGyn centers
EndoGyn announces the opening of two additional EndoGyn centers
Hannover and Braunschweig are both very close to the international airport in Hannover. Hannover is a modern business city,
while Braunschweig is a lovely old city with beautifull architecture
EndoGyn is establishing centers in the same way as in the Emma - Klinik, on a external surgeons basis with external offices (out of the hospital) with the possibility of treating patients there.
Prof. Goeschen.
Posted Saturday, April 1, 2006 @ 12:56 PM
Good news for ARD patients !
Hereby I would like to announce that Harry Reich, Mario Malzoni and myself will perform surgery in Cayman Island. Patients will have the opportunity of gasless and gas laparoscopy with the surgeon of their choice.
Kru drops a lot of surgeons names, but never produces on them in practice!
Dr,’s Harry Reich, Mario Malzoni Prof. Mettler Prof. Goeschen.
I give it one month, and we will hear that this "new" venture fell through...mark my words on this!
Any ARD person who can't see through this mans schemes is crazy!
The post under this one is "RIGHT ON!"
Keep it coming, it is refreshing to read something I can actually laugh at knowing it "represents" what we hear from this man! In fact, I expect to read about this "Kru Cruise Lines" in Endogyn in the near future!
IHRT is a human rights team of persons from around the world who suffer with ARD. We share a common goal of protecting ourselves and others from practices not wise for persons afflicted with ARD. We address issues surrounding ARD in a public format so that those with ARD are informed in every aspect of an issue so that they can make an informed decisions about health care.
ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Adhesion Awareness & Education
Knowledge gives you strength. Knowledge gives you courage.
Withoutcourage there can be no progress.
Without progress there is no solution
A Patient's Guide to Adhesions and Related Pain - by David M. Wiseman, Ph.D
Abdominal Adhesions - by Dr. Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS
Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS
Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier
Confluent Surgical Inc.
De novo Adhesions & Reformed Adhesions -by Dr. Michael Diamond
What Are Adhesions? What Causes Adhesions? How Are Adhesions Treated?
Women's Surgery Group
"Iatrogenic" means "caused by medical treatment."
American Iatrogenic Association
Adhesion Awareness & Education
ARDvark Blob
Adhesion Prevention - Patients
Undiagnosed chronic pain finally diagnosed as adhesions = ARD Stories
Withoutcourage there can be no progress.
Without progress there is no solution
A Patient's Guide to Adhesions and Related Pain - by David M. Wiseman, Ph.D
Abdominal Adhesions - by Dr. Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS
Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS
Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier
Confluent Surgical Inc.
De novo Adhesions & Reformed Adhesions -by Dr. Michael Diamond
What Are Adhesions? What Causes Adhesions? How Are Adhesions Treated?
Women's Surgery Group
"Iatrogenic" means "caused by medical treatment."
American Iatrogenic Association
Adhesion Awareness & Education
ARDvark Blob
Adhesion Prevention - Patients
Undiagnosed chronic pain finally diagnosed as adhesions = ARD Stories
Monday, May 22, 2006
The" Two Faces" of Sally Grigg exposed!
The" Two Faces" of Sally Grigg exposed!
Ladies at Endogyn: DO NOT read this post as there exists a possibility that you will not be “Happy Apples!”
IHRT has included additional material showing what appear to be some very dysfunctional people posting in Endogyn. Be warry of anything that is posted in Endogyn, as it is filled with emotion, dysfunction, miss-representations, and at times, actual lies, and it appears that these ladies do it to seek the attention and favor of "Kru!"
IHRT has said it before, and we will say it again, " Kru" is like a dirty uncle playing in a sandbox with little children so he can prey on their vulnerabilities to stroke his ego and sic needs of approval, a preditor in thier midst and that appears most evident when you read the behaviors of the "ussuals" who post there!How could anyone take the words of people who display such dysfunctional behaviors and schedule a surgery with this "cheesy" "Kru" after listeneing to them "goo and coo over" him? That behavior alone is sic! (Note that even his patient have no respect for this man as a proffesional, calling him, "Kru!" Is this the type of person YOU would want performing surgery on you? YUCK!
IHRT guess's that they don't!
The" Two Faces" of Sally Grigg exposed!
Sally says one thing in public, and another thing in private! Her claims have more holes in it then “Swiss Cheese!” No wonder IHRT smells a rat!
Sally Grigg...So many miss-representations surrounding Sally’s surgeries in Endogyn, and what appear to be outright lies regarding Sally’s "reaction to the Spraygel,: and some type of "medication” to help get the Spraygel “out of her system!” Everything surrounding Sally appears to be in "crisis" mode! LOL. It appears that Sally wants to be the center of attention, even if it means she make things up so she “stands out of the crowd,” such as Sally appears to be doing here in these emails and posts. To say that “Kru” has almost 100% success,” is without ANY basis, yet Sally uses that to harvest innocent ARD patients to “Kru,” when she herself was still not well, and Sally has no intentions of telling people about it either! The whole thing was bogus and simply attention getting as NON of it had any basis to it at all!! Sally says in private, “So I guess I'm supposed to be quiet and be a good girl, until they decide what my body did.” Sally says in public, “If anyone wants to know anything about surgery with Dr. Kruschinski and his great skill, gasless methods, and spray gel, just email me at LostCst@mcn.org I'm happy to share any info I've got.”
Can YOU answer the Mystery?
Who lied when stating there were “DR’S involved in this case,” or “ that Sally’s body was HOLDING the Spraygel,” and that “Kru gave her medication to help RID her body of it.”
Possible answers: “Kru, in the operating with a scalpel,” or “Sally, on the ranch with pitch fork,” or “Jo, down under, spewing her words like a gossip standing at a fence!”
Who do you think is making up the greater “tale” in the following material surrounding Sally Grigg’s surgeries at Endogyn?
-----Original Message-----From:
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 9:37 PM
To: G; Dr.Kruschinski@t-online.de
Subject: Sally Grigg
Gentlemen:The following message appeared on the IAS board today.I don't think this is very helpful or appropriate, or respectful to either Confluent or Dr. K - as per our recent correspondence, what possible medication could Sally be on that would "break down the gel"? Some suggestions please
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 21:19:57 -0600 (CST)
From: joanne@bombobeach.com (Jo)
Subject: Sally Grigg is home from Germany!Message-ID: 200303080319.h283Jvo08403@mail.medispecialty.com
Hello everyone! I had a lovely surprise this morning - a phone call from our Californian friend Sally! Home from Germany just two days ago after her third major surgey in just a few short months.The only draw back to this surgery to remove adhesions after her burst appendix last year was a reaction to the SprayGel! Sally is the only person we know of who has had a reaction and it surprised everyone. Doctors believe Sally's body has possibly built up an immunity to the Gel and it didn't dissolve as it is designed to do and be dispelled from her body via her bladder.Sally is now taking medication to try and break down the gel so that it can be absorbed and then expelled from her body. She says that she feels a little strange but the second look surgery showed that no new adhesions have formed after the procedure! Let's hope and pray that Sally can get the SprayGel out of her system and doctors and the makers of SprayGel can work out why she had this unheard of reaction. Best wishes for a full recoveryLove & warm gentle hugs,Jo
Original Message -----
From: Confluent Surgical
To: S; Dr.Kruschinski@t-online.deSent:
Monday, March 10, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: Sally Grigg
Dear D, Thanks for keeping all of in the loop here. I spoke to Bev today on a number of issues related to Sally Grigg. We have no idea what medication could have been given to this patient. As you know from your own testing, SprayGel is absorbed after 7 days so we don't know at Confluent what drug could be given to accelerate the absorption process.I also spoke to Dr. Reich today and he is going to talk to Dr. Kruschinski concerning a number of topics.
Thanks again for your involvement.
From: Sally Grigg
To: D
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: Sally Grigg
Sally Grigg wrote:
Dear D, Hi, how are you feeling? I hope you are doing better. I'm sorry I missed you in Germany. Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together. Anyway, I had another six hour surgery, all that pus from the burst appendix really did a bad thing, so many adhesions. But Daniel said they were easy compared to the last ones, these were not as imbedded in my organs. I did have some kind of weird reaction to the spraygel, but they are figuring it out. So I guess I'm supposed to be quiet and be a good girl, until they decide what my body did. LOL LOL Why me???? Sally Grigg LostCst@mcn.org
Hello, sweet friends, I'm home from Germany. Stronger this time. I was filled with adhesions from my appendectomy but they were soft. It still took six hours of great surgery and 7 kits of spray gel. I did have an inflamatory reaction to the spray gel this time. I'm probably the only person who has had it twice in a few months, but overall I'm well and happy. It's always hard to travel so far, but dear friends, we finally do have a cure, another miracle. Hopefuly no more operations for me. If anyone wants to know anything about surgery with Dr. Kruschinski and his great skill, gasless methods, and spray gel, just email me at LostCst@mcn.org I'm happy to share any info I've got. I'll write again soon, I've got 215 email messages waiting for me. Now I've got to find the few precious nuggets from friends and delete the crap. Please let me know how you all are. I know I've been bad not answering my emails, but life is so full, but I seem to be out of pain again, so hopefully life will be good. I came home to 3 adorable baby lambs and more on the way. They are soooooooo cute. Love you all and wish I had the money to send you to Dr. Kruschinksi. His success rate is almost 100%. That doesn't mean he makes you a new person, just adhesion free and having to deal with life. LOL Take care, all my love, Sally Grigg
Endogyn updates:
Karen Steward is attempting to use her " smoke screen" method of taking the focus off the Sally Grigg material by throwing out "Law Suit!" No one can or will sue anyone else over posting on the Internet, and any attorney who will not take $5,000.00 to start a case, is extinct! " Kru" isn't worth the time to sue, nor can he be sued, tells you how much Karen knows! But Sally can, and I encourage anyone who feels that they were dupped by her, to email her and ask her questions as to why she miss-lead people like she did!!
Karen appears to be going "ballistic" trying to deal with everyone elses issues. Talk about controlling! LOL! LOL!
Lisa Graven’s recent post on Endogyn, where she is defending “Kru,” and all but gushing over him appears to be nothing short of dysfunctional behavior! Lisa talks of others being in love with “Kru,” but in order to accuse that, one must have entertained that idea within themselves in order to place it on others, fact is that it has to originate from somewhere, Lisa!
Obsessed? Look at you women, all of you women who gush over this cheesy charactor, that is just sic behavior and you claim others are guilty of it, but not yourself, what is all of this in YOUR post if it isn't obsessive behavior. Lisa? Your obsession with "Kru" still exists years later, and isn't geared at helping people, just tooting the horn of someone who abused you! Also notice that this "love" accusation is thrown around quite a bit, making IHRT wonder just what kind of women can fall in love with the “cheesy” looking “Kru!” (Another Mystery!)
Look how highly “Kru” speaks about his, “ladies,” like he did for Lisa Graven, who bent over backwards to get patients to him! What kind of a person would allow someone to treat them this way, and then “gravel” back at their feet? This is no mystery, as it appears that is it someone like Lisa Graven!”
http://www.endogynserver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.pl?session=IXbn4yP3PZpS5PehAFN0fRCmI8&forum=2&thread=2346---Original Message -----
From: Lilylover5555@aol.com
To: Dr.Kruschinski@t-online.de ; olddad66@runestone.net ; lostcst@mcn.org ;
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Misleading issues on the IAS web site and at Bombobeach web sites
Lisa Graven> Hello Everyone,I see that you all received the same email from Daniel. I am deeply disturbed that he portrays me as a stressed out alcoholic that smokes!!!!... nothing could be farther from the truth! I told him he needs to get his facts correct before he says things like that to so many!! I need to clarify that what he says about me, simply IS NOT true! THE ONLY REASON alcohol was brought up in my situation is because I was told that I had chronic pancreatitis, and we were looking for a cause! I do drink OCCASSIONALLY, if we go out for dinner,I may have a drink or two, sometimes not any. We OCCASSIONALLY "party" with friends when we get together, but I consume no more than 3-4 drinks , sometimes not even that! So yes I do drink alcohol, MAYBE 4-7 drinks a month...I didn't realise this is a factor, and I'm the only one that drinks occassionally!I have had alot of stress in my life this year, more than usual. I've had problems with my immediate family(son) and my extended family (father) but most of that stress was last fall, some residual I guess, but like everyone else, you learn to deal with it, adjust to the changes and move on...I'm not a complete mess because of the stress in my life...Yes, I do smoke(i know, shame on me), but is that a factor in adhesion formation??? I was deeply offended by Daniel's portrayal of me, and I want to be sure you all know his opinion is wrong!!! Thanks for listening, Lisa
IHRT says>"And today look at Lisa, all but drooling over "Kru!"
The fact of the matter is that IHRT will continue to point out the issues that only serve to harm ARD patients seeking information about Endogyn, as what is found in Endogyn, is worthless, miss-leading information regarding an under qualified surgeon who lacks the skills to perform a high quality adhesiolysis, as IHRT sees it, and IHRT will watch closely to see when. more probable, IF "Kru" follows up on his claims of performing adhesiolysis in the Caymans, and having "guest" surgeons to Endogyn! Claims by "Kru" are always left dangling!
IHRT predicts that these claims will never be realized by "Kru," let alone his patients! Mark our words, or, perhaps, "sue us!"
Stayed tuned to IHRT for a discussion on: The Current “Status” of Endogyn, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Have YOU been had by Sally Grigg?
YOU may be able to "Sue" Sally Grigg for missleading YOU into a surgery at Endogyn! Yes, if YOU were one of those who believed Sally Griggs words of HER surgical success at Endogyn, and went to Endogyn yourself because of HER words, then you can take this to court!
Visit Sally Griggs Ranch in CA
(via this link:http://www.howardcreekranch.com/photos.html)
The money is "in the ranch," per say, and IHRT has the material in which Sally Grigg is caught miss-representing her surgical case at Endogyn as she lures patients there! IHRT will post all this material for your use, and if you think that you cannot sue someone for this, think again! An " Internet" case such as this is just what the lawyers are looking for, and so is the media!
Watch for emails and posts by Sally Grigg dating back to 2003 to her current miss-representation of her surgical case at Endogyn!
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 08:02 PM
It is the opinion of IHRT that Sally Grigg was one of the worst perpitrators of an Internet crime by withholding the truth from ARD patients that she has MULTIPLE adhesiolysis procedures at Endogyn, yet Sally withheld that information when promoting surgery at Endogyn to others in her attempts to get them to secure an adhesiolysis there for themselves! Sally continues that ruse yet today, and in our opinion, and experience, cannot be trusted to speak the truth of her ARD case! However, as long as she does continue to promote "Kru" in public, and with miss-representations, she opens herself to this type of scrutiny!
A Sample of what is yet to be learned about another of "Kru's" groupies:
It has been reputed that after Sally's trip home after her initial surgery at Endogyn in which she laid down on the floor of the airplain crying & fussing, so that she could get moved into "First Class!"
(It is IHRTS impression that Sally can afford a first class ticket, yet when you appear to be a scam artist, and hang in those circles, why not take it all the way!)
MORE TO COME ON THIS.........................
Visit Sally Griggs Ranch in CA
(via this link:http://www.howardcreekranch.com/photos.html)
The money is "in the ranch," per say, and IHRT has the material in which Sally Grigg is caught miss-representing her surgical case at Endogyn as she lures patients there! IHRT will post all this material for your use, and if you think that you cannot sue someone for this, think again! An " Internet" case such as this is just what the lawyers are looking for, and so is the media!
Watch for emails and posts by Sally Grigg dating back to 2003 to her current miss-representation of her surgical case at Endogyn!
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 08:02 PM
It is the opinion of IHRT that Sally Grigg was one of the worst perpitrators of an Internet crime by withholding the truth from ARD patients that she has MULTIPLE adhesiolysis procedures at Endogyn, yet Sally withheld that information when promoting surgery at Endogyn to others in her attempts to get them to secure an adhesiolysis there for themselves! Sally continues that ruse yet today, and in our opinion, and experience, cannot be trusted to speak the truth of her ARD case! However, as long as she does continue to promote "Kru" in public, and with miss-representations, she opens herself to this type of scrutiny!
A Sample of what is yet to be learned about another of "Kru's" groupies:
It has been reputed that after Sally's trip home after her initial surgery at Endogyn in which she laid down on the floor of the airplain crying & fussing, so that she could get moved into "First Class!"
(It is IHRTS impression that Sally can afford a first class ticket, yet when you appear to be a scam artist, and hang in those circles, why not take it all the way!)
MORE TO COME ON THIS.........................
Friday, May 19, 2006
Why I do not recommend Dr.K., part 2
(Dear IHRT, Thanks again for letting me post). I certainly cannot post this on adhesions.de, and I HAVE corresponded directly with Dr. Kruschinski).
See "Why I do not Recommend Dr. Kruschinski" , this is part 2 of that.
When I made the decision to go to Germany, I was too desperate to think clearly and I was very naive. I have learned a very hard lesson. I was very vulnerable and I went to a Dr. who I feel lured me by telling me his surgery would RESOLVE my neuropathic pain. I believed him, that was my big mistake. But my conclusion it that he knows very little or nothing about neuropathic pain, and that he lured me there for his personal financial gain.
But note that all of what I say here is my experience, and my opinion.
So do not bother to accuse me of libel, because everything I have to say is true. The dictionary definition of libel is "writing untrue things about someone" and the dictionary definition of slander is " speaking untrue things about another person, in the presence of someone else". I had to look it up myself).
We read on adhesions.de that many patients who have gone to Germany are very appreciative and very impressed that Dr. Kruschinski pays so much attention to them. It is such a contrast to how they have been treated by Drs. in the U.S. It IS true.... before they get there, while they are there, and when they return home, he is very friendly, cordial, and attentive. He returns their calls , returns their e-mail in a timely manner. In fact in an incredibly SPEEDY manner during the time when they are deciding whether or not to go to Germany and when they are making the necessary financial and travel arrangements. Remember recently IHRT published correspondance from a prospective pt's husband (they lived in Hawaii), and Dr. K. wanted their money wired before he had even received her medical reports?
Let us look at certain things about Dr. K and his medical practice. He is the head of his own institute, and he has his own business. He states he is in the process of franchising his business, even though he also states that he is the only one who can do the job right. That does not seem logical to me.
Because he is not affiliated with a University and he does not work in a teaching hospital, there are no "rounds" that he needs to go on with medical students, interns, and residents. Probably he has no committee meetings that he must attend, except perhaps those regarding the Emma Clinic. Most likely, NO PEER REVIEW. Quite possibly, there is no oversight of his surgery or anything else about his business.
And it is a business, he is a Doctor AND a businessman. All doctors who are in private practice are businessmen(or business women). As a businessman, he must have a steady flow of pts. and to do that, he is like a salesman, and he is good at it. He knows how to make pts. feel important, and indebted to him. He gets pts. from word-of-mouth and internet communication. When they arrive, they are seen in his office which is next to the apt. The next day or so, he operates on them, and he sees them after surgery in Emma Clinic, and on subsequent days in his office. He even makes house calls to the apartments if a pt. is having some serious problem or needs a pain shot. He does not charge extra for all this attention, it is part of the package deal.
What does he do the rest of the time? Well, we know from some of his postings on his own webs site, that he spends a lot of time on the computer, responding to e-mails, and reading the stats of how many "hits" his web site gets, reading and responding to other web site postings about adhesions. What else? He says he is gathering data for his report, which is to be published, maybe he is working on that. When is it going to be published?
If anybody knows, please tell me.
So what else does he do? He goes to professional meetings and congresses, all over the world. That is important to him, but expensive. The money has to come from somewhere! He told me that he always flies first class.
What is my point? Why is he so readily available to pts. in the apts if they call him, or e-mail him? Maybe because when he is not at the Emma Clinic, he has very little else to do, and he is just over in his office, working on the computer, trying to get more and more patients?
When I was there in Germany, Dr. K. told me personally that he had a plan to buy the entire apt building, and to have his own operating room and recovery room in the apartment bldg, and pt rooms on the ground floor. He spoke of his vision of a very large number of patients coming from the US to him. It seems that has not happened. At that time (3 years ago), there was no mention of a third look. People were supposed to be cured if they had no adhesions on the second look, and the Spray Gel was supposed to prevent further adhesions from occcuring.
But unfortunately, for many pts, adhesions came back, or were not all removed. Third look, fourth look, fifth look , etc. were/are required for many folks. And some patients developed umbilical hernias, near or at the site where the abdolift was placed.
So it seems that abdolift and spray gel and his surgical skills are not the panacea he expected them to be. That is unfortunate for all.
Maybe all the people that went to him since he started using SprayGel and abodlift were all in a research project! He will probably publish the report, eventually. It will probably say that on the second look, 90% of the patients were adhesion-free. It will probably not say that some people went back multiple times.
I do not want to discredit those people who say they are fine, or greatly improved. I hope they are. What I do not understand is why patients are so reluctant to say that they went back, or that they have to go back, and that they are secretive about the fact that they did go back.
See "Why I do not Recommend Dr. Kruschinski" , this is part 2 of that.
When I made the decision to go to Germany, I was too desperate to think clearly and I was very naive. I have learned a very hard lesson. I was very vulnerable and I went to a Dr. who I feel lured me by telling me his surgery would RESOLVE my neuropathic pain. I believed him, that was my big mistake. But my conclusion it that he knows very little or nothing about neuropathic pain, and that he lured me there for his personal financial gain.
But note that all of what I say here is my experience, and my opinion.
So do not bother to accuse me of libel, because everything I have to say is true. The dictionary definition of libel is "writing untrue things about someone" and the dictionary definition of slander is " speaking untrue things about another person, in the presence of someone else". I had to look it up myself).
We read on adhesions.de that many patients who have gone to Germany are very appreciative and very impressed that Dr. Kruschinski pays so much attention to them. It is such a contrast to how they have been treated by Drs. in the U.S. It IS true.... before they get there, while they are there, and when they return home, he is very friendly, cordial, and attentive. He returns their calls , returns their e-mail in a timely manner. In fact in an incredibly SPEEDY manner during the time when they are deciding whether or not to go to Germany and when they are making the necessary financial and travel arrangements. Remember recently IHRT published correspondance from a prospective pt's husband (they lived in Hawaii), and Dr. K. wanted their money wired before he had even received her medical reports?
Let us look at certain things about Dr. K and his medical practice. He is the head of his own institute, and he has his own business. He states he is in the process of franchising his business, even though he also states that he is the only one who can do the job right. That does not seem logical to me.
Because he is not affiliated with a University and he does not work in a teaching hospital, there are no "rounds" that he needs to go on with medical students, interns, and residents. Probably he has no committee meetings that he must attend, except perhaps those regarding the Emma Clinic. Most likely, NO PEER REVIEW. Quite possibly, there is no oversight of his surgery or anything else about his business.
And it is a business, he is a Doctor AND a businessman. All doctors who are in private practice are businessmen(or business women). As a businessman, he must have a steady flow of pts. and to do that, he is like a salesman, and he is good at it. He knows how to make pts. feel important, and indebted to him. He gets pts. from word-of-mouth and internet communication. When they arrive, they are seen in his office which is next to the apt. The next day or so, he operates on them, and he sees them after surgery in Emma Clinic, and on subsequent days in his office. He even makes house calls to the apartments if a pt. is having some serious problem or needs a pain shot. He does not charge extra for all this attention, it is part of the package deal.
What does he do the rest of the time? Well, we know from some of his postings on his own webs site, that he spends a lot of time on the computer, responding to e-mails, and reading the stats of how many "hits" his web site gets, reading and responding to other web site postings about adhesions. What else? He says he is gathering data for his report, which is to be published, maybe he is working on that. When is it going to be published?
If anybody knows, please tell me.
So what else does he do? He goes to professional meetings and congresses, all over the world. That is important to him, but expensive. The money has to come from somewhere! He told me that he always flies first class.
What is my point? Why is he so readily available to pts. in the apts if they call him, or e-mail him? Maybe because when he is not at the Emma Clinic, he has very little else to do, and he is just over in his office, working on the computer, trying to get more and more patients?
When I was there in Germany, Dr. K. told me personally that he had a plan to buy the entire apt building, and to have his own operating room and recovery room in the apartment bldg, and pt rooms on the ground floor. He spoke of his vision of a very large number of patients coming from the US to him. It seems that has not happened. At that time (3 years ago), there was no mention of a third look. People were supposed to be cured if they had no adhesions on the second look, and the Spray Gel was supposed to prevent further adhesions from occcuring.
But unfortunately, for many pts, adhesions came back, or were not all removed. Third look, fourth look, fifth look , etc. were/are required for many folks. And some patients developed umbilical hernias, near or at the site where the abdolift was placed.
So it seems that abdolift and spray gel and his surgical skills are not the panacea he expected them to be. That is unfortunate for all.
Maybe all the people that went to him since he started using SprayGel and abodlift were all in a research project! He will probably publish the report, eventually. It will probably say that on the second look, 90% of the patients were adhesion-free. It will probably not say that some people went back multiple times.
I do not want to discredit those people who say they are fine, or greatly improved. I hope they are. What I do not understand is why patients are so reluctant to say that they went back, or that they have to go back, and that they are secretive about the fact that they did go back.
Endoygn's "Tag Team" approach to "HARVESTING PATIENTS!"
Just when IHRT thinks that “Kru’s” groupies who have posted intentional miss-leading information to “harvest” ARD patients to Endogyn have learned that IHRT WILL expose them for doing that, they do it AGAIN! Have they no conscience or scruples? (Of course they don’t, look whom they promote!)
The “dangers” of these recent posts in Endogyn is that they do NOT present the facts as they really exist, but then again, this IS the usual agenda in Endogyn! What a sad thing it is that we, the victims of ARD, cannot even trust our “own” to be honest with us, and worse, to know that they intentionally strive to deceive us so that they can get a pat on the head from someone who deceived them!
The good news is that IHRT WILL present the facts, and we will present it ALL the facts as IHRT will NOT put up with this type of “scamming” of ARD victims by those who claim to care about them! The very thing that is going on in Endogyn right now with these two posts is why so many of the patients to Endogyn are still suffering; because they trusted the words of others who miss-represented the truth!
Lets walk through these posts together….
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 08:02 PM
What we have here in the post from Sally Grigg presents only what is seen as a successful surgery with “Kru,” and to make matters worse, the second post by Leiza Hiltz is used to validate how wonderful Sally’s surgery was! This is called the ol’ “Endogyn Tag Team” approach to harvesting! IHRT has seen it a million times in Endogyn!
Sally Grigg returned to Endogyn at LEAST three times for repeat adhesiolysis procedures, (side note: Sally complained to another ARD patient that she did not receive a “couple of thousands of dollars” from “Kru” for keeping quite about it! IHRT does have the original 2003 emails between Grigg and other ARD patients to Endogyn if Sally would like IHRT to post them. See one of them below this post.) Sally’s harvesting approach starts with the innocent “baby talk” with a dab of the “caring, kind and concerned, group hug” approach and then she throws in her spiritual self for a bit of “affect” to convince that HER words are true! “May God Bless everyone and help us to unite and make the world a better place and stop spreading "uck" around to hurt other people. Two wrongs have never made a right.” Yet Sally is deliberately miss-representing her case without so much as a care about who might get hurt by it! (This behavior by one of our own is beyond IHRT’s ability to comprehend!) Anyway, here is the “rest of the Sally Grigg story!” Sally suffered an ruptured appendix after her initial adhesiolysis with “Kru” and things like that are not good following an adhesiolysis procedure no matter where you had it performed, but traveling to another country for it does make it hit harder! Though we can sympathize with Sally on such an unfortunate incident, what we do NOT sympathize with is the fact that she had to return to Endogyn for multiple surgeries as a result of this situation. IF Sally is well today as a result of multiple surgeries at Endogyn, then she is one of a very few, but we know that Sally was also one of those who grossly miss-represented their surgeries at Endogyn back in 2003 by NOT telling others how many times they had returned to Endogyn! Sally is currently doing this again, and it isn’t so much that she is omitting the fact of multiple returns to Endogyn, she is neglecting to mention the costs of those trips to Germany, and that she got nothing more then she could have secured right here in the USA where she probably would have had to undergo multiple surgeries too! IHRT asks how many of you could afford to make 3 or 4 trips to Germany such as Sally has done? How many of you could afford such trips, no to mention the costs of the surgeries, but flights and accommodations costs as well? To many facts omitted in Sally Grigg's post patting “Kru’s” back, Again!
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Leiza Hiltz, “ I know how easy it is to get so excited about being able to do things again and getting so busy that we forget to share this joy, but it really does mean a lot to those out there that may find this site and be looking for answers to help themselves get out of agony. Your post could be the one that helps convince someone out there that there is hope and help to look forward to. I know it was reading the testimonies of Dr. Kruschinski's patients that gave me courage to want to live again so thanks again and I hope others will take the time to post their stories of joy and recovery, it is so refreshing!”
All “IHRT” can say about this post from Leiza is that she is exactly right about Sally’s words convincing others they too will get well in "A" (singular) surgery at Endogyn!
Leiza has made the case for the necessity for IHRT to have to continue to monitor the posts at Endogyn, as they are definitely deceiving and harmful to desperate, vulnerable and suffering ARD patients! Shame on both of you!
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 21:19:57 -0600 (CST)From: joanne@bombobeach.com (Jo)To: ADHESIONS@OBGYN.NETSubject: Sally Grigg is home from Germany! Hello everyone!I had a lovely surprise this morning - a phone call from our Californian friend Sally! Home from Germany just two days ago after her third major surgey in just a few short months.
The truth be told in the post below!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Why I do not recommend Dr. Kruschinski !!
The “dangers” of these recent posts in Endogyn is that they do NOT present the facts as they really exist, but then again, this IS the usual agenda in Endogyn! What a sad thing it is that we, the victims of ARD, cannot even trust our “own” to be honest with us, and worse, to know that they intentionally strive to deceive us so that they can get a pat on the head from someone who deceived them!
The good news is that IHRT WILL present the facts, and we will present it ALL the facts as IHRT will NOT put up with this type of “scamming” of ARD victims by those who claim to care about them! The very thing that is going on in Endogyn right now with these two posts is why so many of the patients to Endogyn are still suffering; because they trusted the words of others who miss-represented the truth!
Lets walk through these posts together….
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 08:02 PM
What we have here in the post from Sally Grigg presents only what is seen as a successful surgery with “Kru,” and to make matters worse, the second post by Leiza Hiltz is used to validate how wonderful Sally’s surgery was! This is called the ol’ “Endogyn Tag Team” approach to harvesting! IHRT has seen it a million times in Endogyn!
Sally Grigg returned to Endogyn at LEAST three times for repeat adhesiolysis procedures, (side note: Sally complained to another ARD patient that she did not receive a “couple of thousands of dollars” from “Kru” for keeping quite about it! IHRT does have the original 2003 emails between Grigg and other ARD patients to Endogyn if Sally would like IHRT to post them. See one of them below this post.) Sally’s harvesting approach starts with the innocent “baby talk” with a dab of the “caring, kind and concerned, group hug” approach and then she throws in her spiritual self for a bit of “affect” to convince that HER words are true! “May God Bless everyone and help us to unite and make the world a better place and stop spreading "uck" around to hurt other people. Two wrongs have never made a right.” Yet Sally is deliberately miss-representing her case without so much as a care about who might get hurt by it! (This behavior by one of our own is beyond IHRT’s ability to comprehend!) Anyway, here is the “rest of the Sally Grigg story!” Sally suffered an ruptured appendix after her initial adhesiolysis with “Kru” and things like that are not good following an adhesiolysis procedure no matter where you had it performed, but traveling to another country for it does make it hit harder! Though we can sympathize with Sally on such an unfortunate incident, what we do NOT sympathize with is the fact that she had to return to Endogyn for multiple surgeries as a result of this situation. IF Sally is well today as a result of multiple surgeries at Endogyn, then she is one of a very few, but we know that Sally was also one of those who grossly miss-represented their surgeries at Endogyn back in 2003 by NOT telling others how many times they had returned to Endogyn! Sally is currently doing this again, and it isn’t so much that she is omitting the fact of multiple returns to Endogyn, she is neglecting to mention the costs of those trips to Germany, and that she got nothing more then she could have secured right here in the USA where she probably would have had to undergo multiple surgeries too! IHRT asks how many of you could afford to make 3 or 4 trips to Germany such as Sally has done? How many of you could afford such trips, no to mention the costs of the surgeries, but flights and accommodations costs as well? To many facts omitted in Sally Grigg's post patting “Kru’s” back, Again!
Posted Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 09:17 PM
Leiza Hiltz, “ I know how easy it is to get so excited about being able to do things again and getting so busy that we forget to share this joy, but it really does mean a lot to those out there that may find this site and be looking for answers to help themselves get out of agony. Your post could be the one that helps convince someone out there that there is hope and help to look forward to. I know it was reading the testimonies of Dr. Kruschinski's patients that gave me courage to want to live again so thanks again and I hope others will take the time to post their stories of joy and recovery, it is so refreshing!”
All “IHRT” can say about this post from Leiza is that she is exactly right about Sally’s words convincing others they too will get well in "A" (singular) surgery at Endogyn!
Leiza has made the case for the necessity for IHRT to have to continue to monitor the posts at Endogyn, as they are definitely deceiving and harmful to desperate, vulnerable and suffering ARD patients! Shame on both of you!
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 21:19:57 -0600 (CST)From: joanne@bombobeach.com (Jo)To: ADHESIONS@OBGYN.NETSubject: Sally Grigg is home from Germany! Hello everyone!I had a lovely surprise this morning - a phone call from our Californian friend Sally! Home from Germany just two days ago after her third major surgey in just a few short months.
The truth be told in the post below!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Why I do not recommend Dr. Kruschinski !!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Why I do not recommend Dr. Daniel Kruschinski
I am a former patient of Dr. Daniel Kruschinski and I want to tell my story so that other people will be aware, and can make a more informed decision than I did. I have written directly to Dr. K. several times, and the only response I have gotten from him is "Sorry we could not help you", or "Come back for another surgery, to give the nerves another chance to grow back together."
Damaged nerves do not "Grow back together". Does he really believe that they do?
I did NOT have adhesiolysis, I did not have the abdolift, I did not have spray gel, because they were not indicated for my problem. I had a scar revision by Dr. Krushinski , and as a result of that procedure done by him, I am so much worse, and in constant horrible nerve pain, which has not responded to any treatment. My life is ruined, and it is only going to get worse.
Why would I go to Germany for such a thing as a scar revision? Why would I seek out a scar revision from an adhesion specialist? The answer is that I was desperate and frantic. Prior to going to Germany, I had severe neuropathy from a prior surgery, and I was told that my scar was adhesed by a physical therapist, several massage therapists, a plastic surgeon, and a neurologist. They all told me that further surgery would just make it worse. So I tried a TENS unit, many different medications for neuropathy, and a nerve block, all to no avail.
I found the IAS on the internet and participated on that for several months, to learn about adhesions. I thought that pelvic adhesions, abdominal adhesions, and scar adhesions must have something in common. I heard about people who were going to Germany to get cured of adhesions and who were then pain-free. I called several of those people and believed them when they told me that they were fine, and that they were pain-free. They all encouraged me to go there.
I wrote directly to Dr. Kruschinski and his exact words to me were:"Your problem will be resolved when I take down your incision, remove the adhesed area, and re-suture you and the scar will not be adhesed again." He did not say, "We will see what we can do," He definitely said, "YOUR PROBLEM WILL BE RESOLVED WHEN I DO such and such........." He also told me that he was a plastic surgeon, but I do not think he is. He had another Dr. with him to do the surgery, and she was a plastic surgeon, and thus of course I had to pay double the surgical fee.
He seemed so confident, when all other doctors etc I had gone to said they could not help me, so I used my entire savings to make the trip to Germany, and I had the surgery, and I had to stay 17 days and I was in terrible pain the entire time. My scar was all the way around my body, and I kept asking for pain medication, but all I got was the liquid drops that people in Germany take for headaches. I definirely did not go bike riding or sightseeing, but I did force myself to walk 1-2 hours a day. I had tremendous swelling and bruising, which I expected, and I thought that when it went away, the pain would go away also, but it never did.
A very strange thing happened on the day of my surgery. I was back in my room, hours after the surgery. A nurse came in and told me to get out of bed and she walked with me down the hall and watched as I got back into bed. I had no problems getting in and out of bed. A while later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, which was just a few steps from the bed, and then got right back into the bed. Shortly after that, Dr. K. came rushing into my room, and loudly accused me of doing AEROBICS, demanded that I get out of bed, raise my arms above my head, and he then ripped off my dressing. He was muttering something in German. I never figured out what he was so upset about. I asked him what the problem was but he did not reply.
The rest of the story is that the procedure I had done by him was a total disaster. He made the skin so tight I cannot eat or breathe normally. It is perhaps just a coincidence, but the side of my body that he operated on is much tighter and hurts much more than the side that the other Dr, the plastic surgeon, did.
Just beware anyone who is reading this. Remember the saying "if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. "
I do feel that Dr. Kruschinaki LURED me to Germany by his words "Your problem Will be resolved" Personally I think he just wanted my money. I was a fool to believe him.
Nobody from IHRT requested that I write this message. It was my own decision. There is a lot more that I could say, but I have confined my comments to my personal experience and not the experiences of others. They can speak for themselves.
Thank you IHRT for the opportunity to post this on your BLOG.
Damaged nerves do not "Grow back together". Does he really believe that they do?
I did NOT have adhesiolysis, I did not have the abdolift, I did not have spray gel, because they were not indicated for my problem. I had a scar revision by Dr. Krushinski , and as a result of that procedure done by him, I am so much worse, and in constant horrible nerve pain, which has not responded to any treatment. My life is ruined, and it is only going to get worse.
Why would I go to Germany for such a thing as a scar revision? Why would I seek out a scar revision from an adhesion specialist? The answer is that I was desperate and frantic. Prior to going to Germany, I had severe neuropathy from a prior surgery, and I was told that my scar was adhesed by a physical therapist, several massage therapists, a plastic surgeon, and a neurologist. They all told me that further surgery would just make it worse. So I tried a TENS unit, many different medications for neuropathy, and a nerve block, all to no avail.
I found the IAS on the internet and participated on that for several months, to learn about adhesions. I thought that pelvic adhesions, abdominal adhesions, and scar adhesions must have something in common. I heard about people who were going to Germany to get cured of adhesions and who were then pain-free. I called several of those people and believed them when they told me that they were fine, and that they were pain-free. They all encouraged me to go there.
I wrote directly to Dr. Kruschinski and his exact words to me were:"Your problem will be resolved when I take down your incision, remove the adhesed area, and re-suture you and the scar will not be adhesed again." He did not say, "We will see what we can do," He definitely said, "YOUR PROBLEM WILL BE RESOLVED WHEN I DO such and such........." He also told me that he was a plastic surgeon, but I do not think he is. He had another Dr. with him to do the surgery, and she was a plastic surgeon, and thus of course I had to pay double the surgical fee.
He seemed so confident, when all other doctors etc I had gone to said they could not help me, so I used my entire savings to make the trip to Germany, and I had the surgery, and I had to stay 17 days and I was in terrible pain the entire time. My scar was all the way around my body, and I kept asking for pain medication, but all I got was the liquid drops that people in Germany take for headaches. I definirely did not go bike riding or sightseeing, but I did force myself to walk 1-2 hours a day. I had tremendous swelling and bruising, which I expected, and I thought that when it went away, the pain would go away also, but it never did.
A very strange thing happened on the day of my surgery. I was back in my room, hours after the surgery. A nurse came in and told me to get out of bed and she walked with me down the hall and watched as I got back into bed. I had no problems getting in and out of bed. A while later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, which was just a few steps from the bed, and then got right back into the bed. Shortly after that, Dr. K. came rushing into my room, and loudly accused me of doing AEROBICS, demanded that I get out of bed, raise my arms above my head, and he then ripped off my dressing. He was muttering something in German. I never figured out what he was so upset about. I asked him what the problem was but he did not reply.
The rest of the story is that the procedure I had done by him was a total disaster. He made the skin so tight I cannot eat or breathe normally. It is perhaps just a coincidence, but the side of my body that he operated on is much tighter and hurts much more than the side that the other Dr, the plastic surgeon, did.
Just beware anyone who is reading this. Remember the saying "if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. "
I do feel that Dr. Kruschinaki LURED me to Germany by his words "Your problem Will be resolved" Personally I think he just wanted my money. I was a fool to believe him.
Nobody from IHRT requested that I write this message. It was my own decision. There is a lot more that I could say, but I have confined my comments to my personal experience and not the experiences of others. They can speak for themselves.
Thank you IHRT for the opportunity to post this on your BLOG.
Good news for ARD patients !
NO MORE Endogyn for Patients from the USA!!
Patients from the USA can now save time and money...Dr. Kruschinski has re-located to the "Grand Caymans!"
Dr. Kruschinsli had this to say, "Greatings from Buenos Aires Argentina from the Annual Congress of the International Society for gynecologic Endoscopy. A very short message for your information. I will write more about the very successfull congress after returning back to Germany in the end of this week.
Hereby I would like to announce that Harry Reich, Mario Malzoni and myself will perform surgery in Cayman Island. Patients will have the opportunity of gasless and gas laparoscopy with the surgeon of their choice." Posted Saturday, April 1, 2006 @ 12:56 PM
*The costs of surgery are lower in the Caymans, * the weather is magnificent and for the US patients, *the flights are minimal!Daniel Kruschinski has announced that he will be performing "gassless" adhesiolysis on the"GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND! "It "appears" in Daniel's message that patients seeking his adhesiolysis with the "Abdolift" can now schedule in the Caymans!
*NO more long, drawn out flights,
*NO more issues with translations,
*NO more currency exchanges,
*NO more trying to figure out foriegn medications and customs,
*NO more concern of the weather for scheduling a surgery, *
*NO more having to wonder where to spend your recuperation, as you will be in the "Paradise" of beaches, sands, palm trees, and tropical breezes!
Why do people with "Adhesion Related Disorder" travel abroad to undergo medical procedures? The answer is simple...US citizens have an excellent opportunity to seek top quality procedures that are not available in the USA, and they can receive that intervention by the top "Adhesion Specialists" from the USA, not to mention a little peaceful recuperation & relaxation in a tropical environment, suitable for the whole family! "Medical/Surgical" tourism is simply the process of traveling abroad to a specific destination to obtain certain medical procedures. Medical tourism is certainly not a new concept. Canadians and Europeans have been traveling outside their regions for years to obtain medical procedures due the long waiting periods associated with socialized medicine. The global elite have been traveling to other countries securing medical intervention at world renowned hospitals all over the world, such as Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and MD Anderson.
For persons afflicted with ARD, the answers to our surgical needs cannot be found at those hospitals, however, we can, and many do, secure the highest quality adhesiolysis available in the world in only TWO places: "Grand Cayman Island and Italy!" Don't forget that we can assist you in securing a FREE flight to anywhere along the southern coast of the USA where you can catch a flight to the Caymans and back!You will find information about adhesiolysis with Dr. Harry Reich here:http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ardnews.html (This infrastructure has been set up to secure a surgery in the Caymans with ONLY Dr. Reich, please get to Daniel for any scheduling needs for a surgery in the Caymans with him.)
Offering Hope and Help to the Victims of ARD Worldwide ADHESION RELATED DISORDER Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery NOW Being Performed at The Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier http://www.confluentsurgical.com
*Remember currently the costs of surgery are lower in the Caymans then at Endogyn, though securing a surgery with Kruschinski might cost more in the Caymans then for Dr. Reich, as Dr. Reich doesn't have as far to travel as Daniel does! * Also, being that Kruschinski has a high % of re-operations due to adhesions from the "Abdolift," it will be important for ARD patients to secure how often he will be in the Caymans for those follow-up procedures, (or if you will then have to travel to Germany for them.)
* DVD's and/or VHS videos ARE available in the Grand Caymans, so you can finally secure them for your surgery with Kruschinski.
* There are excellent surgeons in the Grand Caymans who will be watching or participating in ALL of Daniels procedures, and this is the most magnificent issues IHRT realizes on this re-location of Kruschinski's adhesiolysis procedure! (Protection for the patients)
* It will be interesting to see how much Spraygel kits are actually being used in Daniels surgeries, verses what the patients are actually charged for, and compared to other surgeons using it in the Caymans.
* This re-location of Kruschinski will also allow for a comparative study of the "CO2 verses Gasless" procedure outcomes for adhesion development and all other areas concerning the recovery of persons with ARD. (THIS alone will be a major step forward in the world of ARD.)
* Please note that Kruschinski's message from Buenos Aires Argentina, does NOT state that Dr. Reich, or Dr. Malzoni, will be performing surgery WITH Kruschinski, but rather, independent of each other, so make sure that your not being told that you will have two or more of these surgeons in the Caymans as in that, your costs may escalate! (However, if you were offered such a team, as long as the cost's remain the same, take it!)
* You will need to discuss prior to securing a "Kruschinski adhesiolysis, as to whether the operative reports will be translated and ready for you to take home before you leave the Caymans.
* You will need to discuss the "second" look laps by Kruschinski, as currently they are not performed in the Caymans.IHRT wants to stress that we DO NOT support any surgical procedure performed by Daniel Kruschinski, with the "Abdolift" as that technique creates adhesions, however, IHRT DOES promote all ARD patients from the USA traveling to the "Grand Cayman Island" for an adhesiolysis with "SprayGel," just not with Kruschinski.IF that is your pleasure, at least IHRT realizes Kruschinski will be watched, allowing for a higher degree of safety for those afflicted with ARD. With this re-location of Kruschinski's adhesiolysis procedure being done outside of Germany and Endogyn, there will be less harvesting, bogus lures and control placed on the patients from the USA seeking a surgery with Kruschinski! IHRT does think that his "computer" reports on his patients will continue in the disrespectful way that Kruschinski currently eploits his patients for his personal gain.IF you want a surgery with Kruschinski, secure it in the Cayman Island only!!
If you want to be as well as you can get from an adhesiolysis in the Caymans, secure it with Dr.Reich!
NO MORE Endogyn for Patients from the USA!!
Patients from the USA can now save time and money...Dr. Kruschinski has re-located to the "Grand Caymans!"
Dr. Kruschinsli had this to say, "Greatings from Buenos Aires Argentina from the Annual Congress of the International Society for gynecologic Endoscopy. A very short message for your information. I will write more about the very successfull congress after returning back to Germany in the end of this week.
Hereby I would like to announce that Harry Reich, Mario Malzoni and myself will perform surgery in Cayman Island. Patients will have the opportunity of gasless and gas laparoscopy with the surgeon of their choice." Posted Saturday, April 1, 2006 @ 12:56 PM
*The costs of surgery are lower in the Caymans, * the weather is magnificent and for the US patients, *the flights are minimal!Daniel Kruschinski has announced that he will be performing "gassless" adhesiolysis on the"GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND! "It "appears" in Daniel's message that patients seeking his adhesiolysis with the "Abdolift" can now schedule in the Caymans!
*NO more long, drawn out flights,
*NO more issues with translations,
*NO more currency exchanges,
*NO more trying to figure out foriegn medications and customs,
*NO more concern of the weather for scheduling a surgery, *
*NO more having to wonder where to spend your recuperation, as you will be in the "Paradise" of beaches, sands, palm trees, and tropical breezes!
Why do people with "Adhesion Related Disorder" travel abroad to undergo medical procedures? The answer is simple...US citizens have an excellent opportunity to seek top quality procedures that are not available in the USA, and they can receive that intervention by the top "Adhesion Specialists" from the USA, not to mention a little peaceful recuperation & relaxation in a tropical environment, suitable for the whole family! "Medical/Surgical" tourism is simply the process of traveling abroad to a specific destination to obtain certain medical procedures. Medical tourism is certainly not a new concept. Canadians and Europeans have been traveling outside their regions for years to obtain medical procedures due the long waiting periods associated with socialized medicine. The global elite have been traveling to other countries securing medical intervention at world renowned hospitals all over the world, such as Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and MD Anderson.
For persons afflicted with ARD, the answers to our surgical needs cannot be found at those hospitals, however, we can, and many do, secure the highest quality adhesiolysis available in the world in only TWO places: "Grand Cayman Island and Italy!" Don't forget that we can assist you in securing a FREE flight to anywhere along the southern coast of the USA where you can catch a flight to the Caymans and back!You will find information about adhesiolysis with Dr. Harry Reich here:http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ardnews.html (This infrastructure has been set up to secure a surgery in the Caymans with ONLY Dr. Reich, please get to Daniel for any scheduling needs for a surgery in the Caymans with him.)
Offering Hope and Help to the Victims of ARD Worldwide ADHESION RELATED DISORDER Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery NOW Being Performed at The Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier http://www.confluentsurgical.com
*Remember currently the costs of surgery are lower in the Caymans then at Endogyn, though securing a surgery with Kruschinski might cost more in the Caymans then for Dr. Reich, as Dr. Reich doesn't have as far to travel as Daniel does! * Also, being that Kruschinski has a high % of re-operations due to adhesions from the "Abdolift," it will be important for ARD patients to secure how often he will be in the Caymans for those follow-up procedures, (or if you will then have to travel to Germany for them.)
* DVD's and/or VHS videos ARE available in the Grand Caymans, so you can finally secure them for your surgery with Kruschinski.
* There are excellent surgeons in the Grand Caymans who will be watching or participating in ALL of Daniels procedures, and this is the most magnificent issues IHRT realizes on this re-location of Kruschinski's adhesiolysis procedure! (Protection for the patients)
* It will be interesting to see how much Spraygel kits are actually being used in Daniels surgeries, verses what the patients are actually charged for, and compared to other surgeons using it in the Caymans.
* This re-location of Kruschinski will also allow for a comparative study of the "CO2 verses Gasless" procedure outcomes for adhesion development and all other areas concerning the recovery of persons with ARD. (THIS alone will be a major step forward in the world of ARD.)
* Please note that Kruschinski's message from Buenos Aires Argentina, does NOT state that Dr. Reich, or Dr. Malzoni, will be performing surgery WITH Kruschinski, but rather, independent of each other, so make sure that your not being told that you will have two or more of these surgeons in the Caymans as in that, your costs may escalate! (However, if you were offered such a team, as long as the cost's remain the same, take it!)
* You will need to discuss prior to securing a "Kruschinski adhesiolysis, as to whether the operative reports will be translated and ready for you to take home before you leave the Caymans.
* You will need to discuss the "second" look laps by Kruschinski, as currently they are not performed in the Caymans.IHRT wants to stress that we DO NOT support any surgical procedure performed by Daniel Kruschinski, with the "Abdolift" as that technique creates adhesions, however, IHRT DOES promote all ARD patients from the USA traveling to the "Grand Cayman Island" for an adhesiolysis with "SprayGel," just not with Kruschinski.IF that is your pleasure, at least IHRT realizes Kruschinski will be watched, allowing for a higher degree of safety for those afflicted with ARD. With this re-location of Kruschinski's adhesiolysis procedure being done outside of Germany and Endogyn, there will be less harvesting, bogus lures and control placed on the patients from the USA seeking a surgery with Kruschinski! IHRT does think that his "computer" reports on his patients will continue in the disrespectful way that Kruschinski currently eploits his patients for his personal gain.IF you want a surgery with Kruschinski, secure it in the Cayman Island only!!
If you want to be as well as you can get from an adhesiolysis in the Caymans, secure it with Dr.Reich!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery NOW Being Performed at the: Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Click here for more info
Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier Excellent Endoscopic Surgeons Confluent SpraygelExcellent Care Easy Travel for Patients from the USA
US Currency English Language Tropical Beaches with Warm Sand
Dr. Harry Reich will be there in July for patients who prefer his adhesiolysis technique!
Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874 Tel: 570-674-2256 Fax: 570-674-2263
E-mail: reichh_paoffice@msn.com
Patients prefering another surgeon who performs surgery there must check with that surgeons office for dates.Education: Laparoscopy is a way of access not a technique (H. Reich)
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery NOW Being Performed at the: Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Click here for more info
Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier Excellent Endoscopic Surgeons Confluent SpraygelExcellent Care Easy Travel for Patients from the USA
US Currency English Language Tropical Beaches with Warm Sand
Dr. Harry Reich will be there in July for patients who prefer his adhesiolysis technique!
Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874 Tel: 570-674-2256 Fax: 570-674-2263
E-mail: reichh_paoffice@msn.com
Patients prefering another surgeon who performs surgery there must check with that surgeons office for dates.Education: Laparoscopy is a way of access not a technique (H. Reich)
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A MUST to take to "Medical Appointments & for "Social Security"
Be Your Own Best Dr.
Q. > Is “Adhesion Related Disorder” A Chronic Disease?
A. > Yes it is!
Based on the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” & The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) "Adhesion Related Disorder” IS considered a “Disease.”
The following information is important to take with you when you see your “Medical Appointments” or to appointments associated with applying for “Social Security Benefits” as this information correlates directly with the “debilitating and often untreatable” symptoms experienced by those afflicted with “Adhesion Related Disorder.”
www.adhesionrelateddisoreder.com > "Be Your Own Best Dr."
Chronic Disease Overview
The profile of diseases contributing most heavily to death, illness, and disability among Americans changed dramatically during the last century. Today, chronic diseases—such as cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes—are among the most prevalent, costly, and preventable of all health problems. Seven of every 10 Americans who die each year, or more than 1.7 million people, die of a chronic disease. The prolonged course of illness and disability from such chronic diseases as diabetes and arthritis results in extended pain and suffering and decreased quality of life for millions of Americans. Chronic, disabling conditions cause major limitations in activity for more than one of every 10 Americans, or 25 million people
Costs of Chronic Disease
The United States cannot effectively address escalating health care costs without addressing the problem of chronic diseases:
More than 90 million Americans live with chronic illnesses.
Chronic diseases account for 70% of all deaths in the United States.
The medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $1.4 trillion medical care costs.
Chronic diseases account for one-third of the years of potential life lost before age 65.
Hospitalizations for pregnancy-related complications occurring before delivery account for more than $1 billion annually.
The direct and indirect costs of diabetes are nearly $132 billion a year.
Each year, arthritis results in estimated medical care costs of more than $22 billion, and estimated total costs (medical care and lost productivity) of almost $82 billion.
The estimated direct and indirect costs associated with smoking exceed $75 billion annually.
In 2001, approximately $300 billion was spent on all cardiovascular diseases. Over $129 in lost productivity was due to cardiovascular disease.
The direct medical costs associated with physical inactivity was nearly $76.6 billion in 2000.
Nearly $68 billion is spent on dental services each year.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.ATel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435
The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) "Adhesion Related Disorder"
Intestinal Adhesions
Some adhesions will cause no symptoms and go away by themselves. For people whose intestines are only partially blocked, a diet low in fiber, called a low-residue diet, allows food to move more easily through the affected area. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the adhesions, reposition the intestine, and relieve symptoms. But the risk of developing more adhesions increases with each additional surgery.
Methods to prevent adhesions include using biodegradable membranes or gels to separate organs at the end of surgery or performing laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery, which reduces the size of the incision and the handling of the organs. More......http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ardnews9.html
Definitions of:
*An impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
*A disease is any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person affected or those in contact with the person. Sometimes the term is used broadly to include injuries, disabilities, syndromes, symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts these may be considered distinguishable categories. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease
*A term of health status; when something is wrong with a bodily functionwww.jhsph.edu/publichealthexperts/Glossary.htm
*Disease can be defined in three ways:www.med.uwo.ca/ecosystemhealth/education/glossary.htm
*Process injurious to health and/or longevitywww.weightlosssurgery.com.au/index.php
*A condition of an organic being or of one of its parts that impairs normal living functioning.www.iffgd.org/GIDisorders/glossary.html
*A condition of being sick from a particular cause. Different plants and animals often suffer from certain diseases. Some animals are known to carry diseases that effect other organisms. For example, a beetle carries a fungus which causes Dutch Elm *Disease in elm trees.www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/glossary.htm
*An abnormal condition of a plant in which its physiology, morphology, and/or development is altered under the continuous influence of a pathogen. (3)ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/glossary/Defs_D.htm
*An abnormal bodily condition of a living plant or animal that interferes with functioning and can usually be recognized by signs, symptoms, and illness.whyfiles.larc.nasa.gov/text/kids/Problem_Board/problems/biosphere/glossary.html
*A stress condition produced by the effects of a pathogen on a susceptible host.scarab.msu.montana.edu/historybug/glossary.htm
*Any condition that prevents the body from working as it should other that direct injury.ricegenomics.plbr.cornell.edu/glossary.htm
*A condition of an organism that impairs normal physiological function. Also see Infectious *Disease.fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/glossary.html
*Any abnormality of bodily structure or function, other than those arising directly from injury.www.canadapharma.org/Patient_Pathways/Glossary_Terms/
*A deleterious change in the body's condition in response to destabilizing factors, such as nutrition, chemicals, or biological agents.highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070294267/student_view0/glossary_a-d.html
*Diseases may be caused by microorganisms or by environmental factors such as a lack of available iron in the soil or excess water.www.ottawa.ca/residents/healthy_lawns/lawns/links/glossary_en.shtml
*Illness, sickness. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of body functions, systems, or organs. Top of pagewww.rationaltherapeutics.com/reference/glossary.htm
*Can be defined as a derangement in the function of the whole body of the host or any of its parts.www.fao.org/Wairdocs/ILRI/x5436E/x5436e04.htm
*A condition of the body in which there is incorrect function due to heredity, infection, diet, or environment.www.mdk12.org/instruction/curriculum/science/glossary.shtml
*A pathological condition that is cross-culturally defined and recognized.oregonstate.edu/instruct/anth370/gloss.html
*A condition, caused by living organisms or environmental changes, that impairs the normal functions of a living organism.www.ipmalmanac.com/glossary/index.asp
*A state in which a function or part of the body is no longer in a healthy conditionlib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib/allergybegone/glossary.html
*A medical concept, which serves for communication between doctors. Disease does not exist as such in nature. What medicine conceives as disease is a tolerance decline accompanied by WOB complaintswww.what-is-cancer.com/papers/newmedicine/glossary.html
*A medically definable process, in terms of pathophysiology and pathology. Illness is what the patient experiences.www.therubins.com/geninfo/Definit.htm
*Presence of some pathology or abnormality in a part of the body. Bacteria and viruses cause many such diseases Tolerance – In pharmacology, the ability to tolerate larger and larger doses of a drug after each exposure to it.www.uwic.ac.uk/shss/dom/newweb/General/Glossary.htm
*Disorder or pathology that affects health.www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/0/15f5c5045e7a1dd4cc256b6b0002b038
*Any departure from health; a particular destructive process in an organ or organism with a specific cause and symptoms.www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10364_10950-27394--,00.html
*Sickness, illness or loss of health.www.sabin.org/vaccine_science_GlossaryB_D.htm
Q. > Is “Adhesion Related Disorder” A Chronic Disease?
A. > Yes it is!
Based on the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” & The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) "Adhesion Related Disorder” IS considered a “Disease.”
The following information is important to take with you when you see your “Medical Appointments” or to appointments associated with applying for “Social Security Benefits” as this information correlates directly with the “debilitating and often untreatable” symptoms experienced by those afflicted with “Adhesion Related Disorder.”
www.adhesionrelateddisoreder.com > "Be Your Own Best Dr."
Chronic Disease Overview
The profile of diseases contributing most heavily to death, illness, and disability among Americans changed dramatically during the last century. Today, chronic diseases—such as cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes—are among the most prevalent, costly, and preventable of all health problems. Seven of every 10 Americans who die each year, or more than 1.7 million people, die of a chronic disease. The prolonged course of illness and disability from such chronic diseases as diabetes and arthritis results in extended pain and suffering and decreased quality of life for millions of Americans. Chronic, disabling conditions cause major limitations in activity for more than one of every 10 Americans, or 25 million people
Costs of Chronic Disease
The United States cannot effectively address escalating health care costs without addressing the problem of chronic diseases:
More than 90 million Americans live with chronic illnesses.
Chronic diseases account for 70% of all deaths in the United States.
The medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $1.4 trillion medical care costs.
Chronic diseases account for one-third of the years of potential life lost before age 65.
Hospitalizations for pregnancy-related complications occurring before delivery account for more than $1 billion annually.
The direct and indirect costs of diabetes are nearly $132 billion a year.
Each year, arthritis results in estimated medical care costs of more than $22 billion, and estimated total costs (medical care and lost productivity) of almost $82 billion.
The estimated direct and indirect costs associated with smoking exceed $75 billion annually.
In 2001, approximately $300 billion was spent on all cardiovascular diseases. Over $129 in lost productivity was due to cardiovascular disease.
The direct medical costs associated with physical inactivity was nearly $76.6 billion in 2000.
Nearly $68 billion is spent on dental services each year.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.ATel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435
The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) "Adhesion Related Disorder"
Intestinal Adhesions
Some adhesions will cause no symptoms and go away by themselves. For people whose intestines are only partially blocked, a diet low in fiber, called a low-residue diet, allows food to move more easily through the affected area. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the adhesions, reposition the intestine, and relieve symptoms. But the risk of developing more adhesions increases with each additional surgery.
Methods to prevent adhesions include using biodegradable membranes or gels to separate organs at the end of surgery or performing laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery, which reduces the size of the incision and the handling of the organs. More......http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/ardnews9.html
Definitions of:
*An impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
*A disease is any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person affected or those in contact with the person. Sometimes the term is used broadly to include injuries, disabilities, syndromes, symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts these may be considered distinguishable categories. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease
*A term of health status; when something is wrong with a bodily functionwww.jhsph.edu/publichealthexperts/Glossary.htm
*Disease can be defined in three ways:www.med.uwo.ca/ecosystemhealth/education/glossary.htm
*Process injurious to health and/or longevitywww.weightlosssurgery.com.au/index.php
*A condition of an organic being or of one of its parts that impairs normal living functioning.www.iffgd.org/GIDisorders/glossary.html
*A condition of being sick from a particular cause. Different plants and animals often suffer from certain diseases. Some animals are known to carry diseases that effect other organisms. For example, a beetle carries a fungus which causes Dutch Elm *Disease in elm trees.www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/glossary.htm
*An abnormal condition of a plant in which its physiology, morphology, and/or development is altered under the continuous influence of a pathogen. (3)ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/glossary/Defs_D.htm
*An abnormal bodily condition of a living plant or animal that interferes with functioning and can usually be recognized by signs, symptoms, and illness.whyfiles.larc.nasa.gov/text/kids/Problem_Board/problems/biosphere/glossary.html
*A stress condition produced by the effects of a pathogen on a susceptible host.scarab.msu.montana.edu/historybug/glossary.htm
*Any condition that prevents the body from working as it should other that direct injury.ricegenomics.plbr.cornell.edu/glossary.htm
*A condition of an organism that impairs normal physiological function. Also see Infectious *Disease.fightaidsathome.scripps.edu/glossary.html
*Any abnormality of bodily structure or function, other than those arising directly from injury.www.canadapharma.org/Patient_Pathways/Glossary_Terms/
*A deleterious change in the body's condition in response to destabilizing factors, such as nutrition, chemicals, or biological agents.highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070294267/student_view0/glossary_a-d.html
*Diseases may be caused by microorganisms or by environmental factors such as a lack of available iron in the soil or excess water.www.ottawa.ca/residents/healthy_lawns/lawns/links/glossary_en.shtml
*Illness, sickness. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of body functions, systems, or organs. Top of pagewww.rationaltherapeutics.com/reference/glossary.htm
*Can be defined as a derangement in the function of the whole body of the host or any of its parts.www.fao.org/Wairdocs/ILRI/x5436E/x5436e04.htm
*A condition of the body in which there is incorrect function due to heredity, infection, diet, or environment.www.mdk12.org/instruction/curriculum/science/glossary.shtml
*A pathological condition that is cross-culturally defined and recognized.oregonstate.edu/instruct/anth370/gloss.html
*A condition, caused by living organisms or environmental changes, that impairs the normal functions of a living organism.www.ipmalmanac.com/glossary/index.asp
*A state in which a function or part of the body is no longer in a healthy conditionlib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib/allergybegone/glossary.html
*A medical concept, which serves for communication between doctors. Disease does not exist as such in nature. What medicine conceives as disease is a tolerance decline accompanied by WOB complaintswww.what-is-cancer.com/papers/newmedicine/glossary.html
*A medically definable process, in terms of pathophysiology and pathology. Illness is what the patient experiences.www.therubins.com/geninfo/Definit.htm
*Presence of some pathology or abnormality in a part of the body. Bacteria and viruses cause many such diseases Tolerance – In pharmacology, the ability to tolerate larger and larger doses of a drug after each exposure to it.www.uwic.ac.uk/shss/dom/newweb/General/Glossary.htm
*Disorder or pathology that affects health.www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/0/15f5c5045e7a1dd4cc256b6b0002b038
*Any departure from health; a particular destructive process in an organ or organism with a specific cause and symptoms.www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10364_10950-27394--,00.html
*Sickness, illness or loss of health.www.sabin.org/vaccine_science_GlossaryB_D.htm
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
ARD Education & Awareness
What does the word "iatrogenic" mean?
Iatros means physician in Greek, and -genic, meaning induced by, is derived from the International Scientific Vocabulary. Combined, of course, they become iatrogenic, meaning physician-induced. Iatrogenic disease is obviously, then, disease which is caused by a physician.
Or perhaps it is not so obvious.
The growing complexity of modern life (and medicine) has promoted the elasticity of language. In common usage, then, iatrogenic disease is now applied to any adverse effect associated with any medical practitioner or treatment. The practitioner need not be a physician, he might be a nurse or a radiology technician, or any one of the scores of differentiated healthcare workers encountered in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or offices, or for that matter in the ambulance on the way to one of those places. For those who advance the language to the frontier, iatrogenic disease can be caused by practitioners whose association with medicine is negligible or antithetical, such as homeopaths, chiropractors, and psychologists (especially now that they are lobbying for the authority to write drug prescriptions). Or perhaps even Grandma, if she is the one handing out the pills.
Treatment is a term stretched beyond reason. It might refer to something as tangible as surgery or as subtle as a conversation, if the person conducting the conversation is considered a health specialist. (And who isn't?)
It might be a potent drug or a placebo. It might be effective or worthless, real or imaginary. While iatrogenic has retained at least a modicum of comprehensibility, treatment has been utterly debased both in word and deed. Therapy is in pretty much the same rundown shape since it was linked to the prefix psycho-.
Because of the intrusion of the Therapeutic State into every cranny of modern life, we have now made iatrogenic illness refer to any adverse reaction caused by anyone thought or claiming to be a health specialist, using any treatment (or lack thereof if the thereof lacking causes the illness) in any setting. With the heavy burden we have loaded onto the word, it is essential for any use of iatrogenic to include clear directions as what the user intends. That way we can distinguish between a person who is dying from an infection obtained from a physician's contaminated hands and a person who sues his doctor for not informing him that skydiving is a dangerous hobby.
Now that we have entered the time of physicians intentionally killing their patients and calling it "physician assisted suicide," iatrogenic takes on a whole new meaning. To understand that we need to look at Germany in the 1940s.
Nicolas S. Martin Executive Director American Iatrogenic Association ©2002, AiA
www.iatrogenic.org American Iatrogenic Association 2513 S. Gessner #232 Houston, Texas 77063-2096
Iatros means physician in Greek, and -genic, meaning induced by, is derived from the International Scientific Vocabulary. Combined, of course, they become iatrogenic, meaning physician-induced. Iatrogenic disease is obviously, then, disease which is caused by a physician.
Or perhaps it is not so obvious.
The growing complexity of modern life (and medicine) has promoted the elasticity of language. In common usage, then, iatrogenic disease is now applied to any adverse effect associated with any medical practitioner or treatment. The practitioner need not be a physician, he might be a nurse or a radiology technician, or any one of the scores of differentiated healthcare workers encountered in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or offices, or for that matter in the ambulance on the way to one of those places. For those who advance the language to the frontier, iatrogenic disease can be caused by practitioners whose association with medicine is negligible or antithetical, such as homeopaths, chiropractors, and psychologists (especially now that they are lobbying for the authority to write drug prescriptions). Or perhaps even Grandma, if she is the one handing out the pills.
Treatment is a term stretched beyond reason. It might refer to something as tangible as surgery or as subtle as a conversation, if the person conducting the conversation is considered a health specialist. (And who isn't?)
It might be a potent drug or a placebo. It might be effective or worthless, real or imaginary. While iatrogenic has retained at least a modicum of comprehensibility, treatment has been utterly debased both in word and deed. Therapy is in pretty much the same rundown shape since it was linked to the prefix psycho-.
Because of the intrusion of the Therapeutic State into every cranny of modern life, we have now made iatrogenic illness refer to any adverse reaction caused by anyone thought or claiming to be a health specialist, using any treatment (or lack thereof if the thereof lacking causes the illness) in any setting. With the heavy burden we have loaded onto the word, it is essential for any use of iatrogenic to include clear directions as what the user intends. That way we can distinguish between a person who is dying from an infection obtained from a physician's contaminated hands and a person who sues his doctor for not informing him that skydiving is a dangerous hobby.
Now that we have entered the time of physicians intentionally killing their patients and calling it "physician assisted suicide," iatrogenic takes on a whole new meaning. To understand that we need to look at Germany in the 1940s.
Nicolas S. Martin Executive Director American Iatrogenic Association ©2002, AiA
www.iatrogenic.org American Iatrogenic Association 2513 S. Gessner #232 Houston, Texas 77063-2096
Sunday, May 07, 2006
ARD Education & Information
1.) ARD Validation for "Social Security" & "Medical Appoints"
YOUR voice DOES make a difference in getting ARD recognized!!!!
THIS report is a MUST to take to your "Medical Appointments" and to add to your file for applying for "Social Security" as it validate that "ADHESIONS" are recognized at the national level as the etiology (cause) of chronic abdominal/pelvic pain!
BACKGROUND: Intra-abdominal adhesions constitute between 49% and 74% of the causes of small bowel obstruction. Traditionally, laparotomy and open adhesiolysis have been the treatment for patients who have failed conservative measures or when clinical and physiologic derangements suggest toxemia and/or ischemia. With the increased popularity of laparoscopy, recent promising reports indicate the feasibility and potential superiority of the minimally invasive approach to the adhesion-encased abdomen.
More: http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/
2,) Constipation and Adhesions:
Now the New guidelines for severe or persistent constipation
More: http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/adhesion9.html
3.) Adhesions: Adhesions are internal scars that bind organs and tissues that are not normally connected. Adhesions form as a result of trauma due to surgery, infection, disease or other injury.
Adhesions can distort and disturb body functions and cause pain, intestinal obstruction and infertility, giving rise to a complex of problems, collectively termed "Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD)" - Dr. David Wiseman, founder International Adhesion Society
The rate of adhesion formation after surgery is surprising given the relative lack of knowledge about ADHESIONS among doctors and patients alike. From autopsies on victims of traffic accidents, Weibel and Majno (1973) found that 67% of patients who had undergone surgery had adhesions. This number increased to 81% and 93% for patients with major and multiple procedures respectively. Similarly, Menzies and Ellis (1990) found that 93% of patients who had undergone at least one previous abdominal operation had adhesions, compared with only 10.4% of patients who had never had a previous abdominal operation. Furthermore, 1% of all laparoscopies developed obstruction due to adhesions within one year of surgery with 3% leading to obstruction at some time after surgery. Of all cases of small bowel obstruction, 60-70% of cases involve adhesions (Ellis, 1997).
Recent analysis of the latest US health statisticsby the International Adhesions Society (IAS) (www.adhesions.org) reveals that over 2200 people died in 2001 with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction due to adhesions. This number has been consistent for five consecutive years with between 2100 and almost 2500 deaths per annum. Women account for a 60% majority of these deaths.
YOUR voice DOES make a difference in getting ARD recognized!!!!
THIS report is a MUST to take to your "Medical Appointments" and to add to your file for applying for "Social Security" as it validate that "ADHESIONS" are recognized at the national level as the etiology (cause) of chronic abdominal/pelvic pain!
BACKGROUND: Intra-abdominal adhesions constitute between 49% and 74% of the causes of small bowel obstruction. Traditionally, laparotomy and open adhesiolysis have been the treatment for patients who have failed conservative measures or when clinical and physiologic derangements suggest toxemia and/or ischemia. With the increased popularity of laparoscopy, recent promising reports indicate the feasibility and potential superiority of the minimally invasive approach to the adhesion-encased abdomen.
More: http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/
2,) Constipation and Adhesions:
Now the New guidelines for severe or persistent constipation
More: http://www.adhesionrelateddisorder.com/adhesion9.html
3.) Adhesions: Adhesions are internal scars that bind organs and tissues that are not normally connected. Adhesions form as a result of trauma due to surgery, infection, disease or other injury.
Adhesions can distort and disturb body functions and cause pain, intestinal obstruction and infertility, giving rise to a complex of problems, collectively termed "Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD)" - Dr. David Wiseman, founder International Adhesion Society
The rate of adhesion formation after surgery is surprising given the relative lack of knowledge about ADHESIONS among doctors and patients alike. From autopsies on victims of traffic accidents, Weibel and Majno (1973) found that 67% of patients who had undergone surgery had adhesions. This number increased to 81% and 93% for patients with major and multiple procedures respectively. Similarly, Menzies and Ellis (1990) found that 93% of patients who had undergone at least one previous abdominal operation had adhesions, compared with only 10.4% of patients who had never had a previous abdominal operation. Furthermore, 1% of all laparoscopies developed obstruction due to adhesions within one year of surgery with 3% leading to obstruction at some time after surgery. Of all cases of small bowel obstruction, 60-70% of cases involve adhesions (Ellis, 1997).
Recent analysis of the latest US health statisticsby the International Adhesions Society (IAS) (www.adhesions.org) reveals that over 2200 people died in 2001 with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction due to adhesions. This number has been consistent for five consecutive years with between 2100 and almost 2500 deaths per annum. Women account for a 60% majority of these deaths.
Friday, May 05, 2006
ISGE Interview with Dr. Harry Reich
IHRT has received a number of communications regarding this video..
Please give it time to load for EACH interview segment, and the video will open on it's own.
This interview is well worth the wait to hear from this most extraodinary laporoscopic surgeon!
Please give it time to load for EACH interview segment, and the video will open on it's own.
This interview is well worth the wait to hear from this most extraodinary laporoscopic surgeon!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Vidoe Interview with Dr. Harry Reich

The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE)
Video interview with Harry Reich by Tamer Seckin
About 15th Annual Congress of ISGE
Date: 03.18.2006
Place: Dallas, Pennsylvania
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery
Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery
NOW Being Performed at the:
Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Click here for more info Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier
Excellent Endoscopic Surgeons
Confluent Spraygel
Excellent Care
Easy Travel for Patients from the USA
US Currency
English Language
Tropical Beaches with Warm Sand
Dr. Harry Reich will be there in July or August for patients who prefer his adhesiolysis technique!Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874 Tel: 570-674-2256 Fax: 570-674-2263 E-mail: reichh_paoffice@msn.com
Patients prefering another surgeon who performs surgery there must check with that surgeons office for dates.
Education: Laparoscopy is a way of access not a technique (H. Reich)
NOW Being Performed at the:
Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Click here for more info Surgeries are being performed with the use of: Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier
Excellent Endoscopic Surgeons
Confluent Spraygel
Excellent Care
Easy Travel for Patients from the USA
US Currency
English Language
Tropical Beaches with Warm Sand
Dr. Harry Reich will be there in July or August for patients who prefer his adhesiolysis technique!Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874 Tel: 570-674-2256 Fax: 570-674-2263 E-mail: reichh_paoffice@msn.com
Patients prefering another surgeon who performs surgery there must check with that surgeons office for dates.
Education: Laparoscopy is a way of access not a technique (H. Reich)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Dr. Reich Keeps His Word for ARD Awareness
Dr. Reich keeps his word for ARD Education and Awareness as 2006 President of the ISGE! THIS IS ON THE ISGE Website! http://www.isge.org/nshowp.php?pid=136
LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR ADHESIOLYSIS Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS Postoperative adhesions occur after almost every abdominal surgery and are the leading cause of intestinal obstruction. Over 90% of patients undergoing abdominal operations will develop postsurgical adhesions. This was not considered surprising, given the extreme delicacy of the peritoneum and the fact that apposition of two injured surfaces nearly always results in adhesion formation.1 For the surgeon, laparoscopic lysis of bowel adhesions is fraught with danger to his/her reputation as bad results often are accompanied by poor reimbursement and lawsuits. This surgery is not for every surgeon...MORE: http://www.isge.org/nshowp.php?pid=136
PLUS: Message from President of ISGE: http://www.isge.org/nshowp.php?pid=135
Dear members,
I welcome the opportunity to serve as the president of ISGE. Fortunately, this is a two year term as the first 6 months have been a time consuming learning experience. I thank my board for bearing with me. I hope to accomplish my major goals over the next 18 months.
My goals for this year are as follows:
· Make the website user friendly, including a chat line and monthly updates on controversial areas in our specialty, flavored by many opinions.
· Increase membership.
· Increase patient access to our membership.
· Work more closely with AAGL, ESGE, APAGE, AGES, and SLS.
· Encourage and recognize Centers of Excellence for patient referral for difficult cases
.· Promote reusable instruments for advanced laparoscopic surgery.
· Promote public awareness that robotics are rarely advantageous in gynecologic surgery.
· Support courses in the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Eastern Europe including Russia, and China.
I have operated in many different parts of the world teaching endoscopic surgery over the past 20 years. The drive for gynecologic endoscopy is very much alive worldwide. I believe it is time for the ISGE to play a leading role in gynecologic endoscopic surgery worldwide, both the surgery and the politics. We need to form a World Federation of International Societies of Gynecologic Endoscopy. (The general surgeons already have their laparoscopic world federation. And few of them can operate without expensive disposable instruments.)
ISGE meetings under the direction of one of the worlds best laporoscopic surgeons....
14th annual congress in London, April 2005,
9th regional meeting in Mumbai, September 2007
15th annual meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March, 2006.
10th Regional meeting in Beijing, China, September,2007
ISGE annual meeting in Osaka, Japan, 2007
ISGE regional meeting in Munich, Germany, October, 2007
Is Dr. Harry Reich the best laporoscopic surgeon in the world, he would answer "no" to that question and tell you that Mario Malzoni of Italy is, however, Dr. Reich stands among the very few top laporoscopic surgeons in the world, and those surgeons who stand with him offer the best chance of securing wellness from adhesion symptoms, but do you know where to find these surgeons? IHRT knows and we will tell you!
LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR ADHESIOLYSIS Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., FACS Postoperative adhesions occur after almost every abdominal surgery and are the leading cause of intestinal obstruction. Over 90% of patients undergoing abdominal operations will develop postsurgical adhesions. This was not considered surprising, given the extreme delicacy of the peritoneum and the fact that apposition of two injured surfaces nearly always results in adhesion formation.1 For the surgeon, laparoscopic lysis of bowel adhesions is fraught with danger to his/her reputation as bad results often are accompanied by poor reimbursement and lawsuits. This surgery is not for every surgeon...MORE: http://www.isge.org/nshowp.php?pid=136
PLUS: Message from President of ISGE: http://www.isge.org/nshowp.php?pid=135
Dear members,
I welcome the opportunity to serve as the president of ISGE. Fortunately, this is a two year term as the first 6 months have been a time consuming learning experience. I thank my board for bearing with me. I hope to accomplish my major goals over the next 18 months.
My goals for this year are as follows:
· Make the website user friendly, including a chat line and monthly updates on controversial areas in our specialty, flavored by many opinions.
· Increase membership.
· Increase patient access to our membership.
· Work more closely with AAGL, ESGE, APAGE, AGES, and SLS.
· Encourage and recognize Centers of Excellence for patient referral for difficult cases
.· Promote reusable instruments for advanced laparoscopic surgery.
· Promote public awareness that robotics are rarely advantageous in gynecologic surgery.
· Support courses in the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Eastern Europe including Russia, and China.
I have operated in many different parts of the world teaching endoscopic surgery over the past 20 years. The drive for gynecologic endoscopy is very much alive worldwide. I believe it is time for the ISGE to play a leading role in gynecologic endoscopic surgery worldwide, both the surgery and the politics. We need to form a World Federation of International Societies of Gynecologic Endoscopy. (The general surgeons already have their laparoscopic world federation. And few of them can operate without expensive disposable instruments.)
ISGE meetings under the direction of one of the worlds best laporoscopic surgeons....
14th annual congress in London, April 2005,
9th regional meeting in Mumbai, September 2007
15th annual meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March, 2006.
10th Regional meeting in Beijing, China, September,2007
ISGE annual meeting in Osaka, Japan, 2007
ISGE regional meeting in Munich, Germany, October, 2007
Is Dr. Harry Reich the best laporoscopic surgeon in the world, he would answer "no" to that question and tell you that Mario Malzoni of Italy is, however, Dr. Reich stands among the very few top laporoscopic surgeons in the world, and those surgeons who stand with him offer the best chance of securing wellness from adhesion symptoms, but do you know where to find these surgeons? IHRT knows and we will tell you!
Not everybody gets the special treatment in GErmany
Everybody else seems to have gotten the special treatment in Germany, except me.
I flew to Germany with a companion. Nobody met us at the airport, so after waiting about 45 minutes, we called Dr. K.'s office and somebody was sent to get us. Also nobody took me back to the airport. By that time, my companion had left because another pt and her friend had moved in with me, and it was too crowded. In the morning of the day prior to the day I was supposed
to leave, I was informed that I had to move to a hotel, because another pt was moving into the apt with two of her family members.
Ok, so I moved to the hotel, no problem, except that I had to find my own way to the airport by myself, so I took a cab and it cost $50 which I had to pay myself and was never reimbursed.
Also, something really weird happened while I was in the Emma Clinic, in the evening after surgery. I had already been gotten out of bed once by the nurse, and the nurse did not tell me not to get out of bed again, so a couple hours later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, then I got back into bed. A couple hours later, Dr. K came rushing into my room, loudly accusing me of doing "aerobic exercises". He told me to get out of bed and he ripped off my dressing, muttering in German. Then he saw that my companion was sitting back in the corner, and he suddenly turned to pleasant and said everything was OK.
After he left, I asked my companion, "what was that all about", and neither one of us could figure it out.>
Recently there was a discussion on endogyn about no gloves in the examining room. I did not think about it much at the time, but now to hear that another of his pts had a blood borne infection, Hepatitus, is REALLY SCARY.
I flew to Germany with a companion. Nobody met us at the airport, so after waiting about 45 minutes, we called Dr. K.'s office and somebody was sent to get us. Also nobody took me back to the airport. By that time, my companion had left because another pt and her friend had moved in with me, and it was too crowded. In the morning of the day prior to the day I was supposed
to leave, I was informed that I had to move to a hotel, because another pt was moving into the apt with two of her family members.
Ok, so I moved to the hotel, no problem, except that I had to find my own way to the airport by myself, so I took a cab and it cost $50 which I had to pay myself and was never reimbursed.
Also, something really weird happened while I was in the Emma Clinic, in the evening after surgery. I had already been gotten out of bed once by the nurse, and the nurse did not tell me not to get out of bed again, so a couple hours later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, then I got back into bed. A couple hours later, Dr. K came rushing into my room, loudly accusing me of doing "aerobic exercises". He told me to get out of bed and he ripped off my dressing, muttering in German. Then he saw that my companion was sitting back in the corner, and he suddenly turned to pleasant and said everything was OK.
After he left, I asked my companion, "what was that all about", and neither one of us could figure it out.>
Recently there was a discussion on endogyn about no gloves in the examining room. I did not think about it much at the time, but now to hear that another of his pts had a blood borne infection, Hepatitus, is REALLY SCARY.
The " Endogyn papers" Questions for "Kru"
1.) If Kruchinski is a "plastic" surgeon where did he secure his training for this and when? (Breast reconstructive surgery does NOT qualify for other reconstructive procedures!
2.) Did Kruchinski "invent" the Abdolift as Karen and Helen proclaim he did?(IHRT found that another person holds the patent for it?)
3.) Quoting Kruchinski, "There are only very few good surgeons for adhesions, but even the best surgeon won’t reach a 100 % success." (Yet Kruchinski claims that there are no adhesions at EVERY second look he performs, what % is that ?)
4.) IHRT asks why patients who have had NO adhesions on a second look at Endogyn return with adhesions in re-operations at Endogyn? (IHRT suspects that Kruchinski has "selective" lysing of adhesions, as he alone would know which ones were problematic, certainly NOT the patient!)
5.) Quoting Kruchinski, "Five years experience with SprayGel and Lift-laparoscopy (gasless) and a 2nd look laparoscopy, sometimes 3rd look gives so much material and clinical data, that patients can rely on the quality of surgery and infrastructure. And patients can choose a surgeon and a technique." IHRT asks, "Where IS this data?"
IHRT shares an opinion as to what they consider to be one of the "wisest" posts ever placed in Endogyn! IHRT doesn't wonder why "Bob" only posted ONE time on Endogyn! Every ARD patient in the world can take a very good lesson from this Dr. IHRT also noticed that this post was not "barraged"by the Endogyn "gang' and hustled to a surgery with "Kru." "bmccown Just starting Gender: Male Location: Kansas USA Registered:
"Hello. My name is Bob, I live in the USA. My wife of 18 months, whom I've known for almost 10 years (I was widowed a couple of years ago we got together after that) has very severe adhesive disease and severe pain, to the extent she' on disability and large amounts of pain medication. We are looking at more surgery, but will likely delay it as we look into Dr. K's techniques and reputation more. I am a physician, and am skeptical of everything. I have learned the hard way the aphorism "if it sound to good to be true, it probably is" is only too accurate. I'll be checking back frequently and looking around more. "Thanks - Bob http://www.endogynserver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.plsession=8vcWKqDJLZj3is4n9d756L5YvA&forum=2&thread=52
Endogyn Gasless Emma Klinik Abdolift Adhesions ARD Adhesion Related Disorder Adhesiolysis Dr. Kruchinski
2.) Did Kruchinski "invent" the Abdolift as Karen and Helen proclaim he did?(IHRT found that another person holds the patent for it?)
3.) Quoting Kruchinski, "There are only very few good surgeons for adhesions, but even the best surgeon won’t reach a 100 % success." (Yet Kruchinski claims that there are no adhesions at EVERY second look he performs, what % is that ?)
4.) IHRT asks why patients who have had NO adhesions on a second look at Endogyn return with adhesions in re-operations at Endogyn? (IHRT suspects that Kruchinski has "selective" lysing of adhesions, as he alone would know which ones were problematic, certainly NOT the patient!)
5.) Quoting Kruchinski, "Five years experience with SprayGel and Lift-laparoscopy (gasless) and a 2nd look laparoscopy, sometimes 3rd look gives so much material and clinical data, that patients can rely on the quality of surgery and infrastructure. And patients can choose a surgeon and a technique." IHRT asks, "Where IS this data?"
IHRT shares an opinion as to what they consider to be one of the "wisest" posts ever placed in Endogyn! IHRT doesn't wonder why "Bob" only posted ONE time on Endogyn! Every ARD patient in the world can take a very good lesson from this Dr. IHRT also noticed that this post was not "barraged"by the Endogyn "gang' and hustled to a surgery with "Kru." "bmccown Just starting Gender: Male Location: Kansas USA Registered:
"Hello. My name is Bob, I live in the USA. My wife of 18 months, whom I've known for almost 10 years (I was widowed a couple of years ago we got together after that) has very severe adhesive disease and severe pain, to the extent she' on disability and large amounts of pain medication. We are looking at more surgery, but will likely delay it as we look into Dr. K's techniques and reputation more. I am a physician, and am skeptical of everything. I have learned the hard way the aphorism "if it sound to good to be true, it probably is" is only too accurate. I'll be checking back frequently and looking around more. "Thanks - Bob http://www.endogynserver.com/cgi-bin/210/cutecast.plsession=8vcWKqDJLZj3is4n9d756L5YvA&forum=2&thread=52
Endogyn Gasless Emma Klinik Abdolift Adhesions ARD Adhesion Related Disorder Adhesiolysis Dr. Kruchinski
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