ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Psycho Kruschinski stalks former patient

Pekie is another maimed patient of Dr. Kruschinski.

Poor Pekie.

Thank goodness she is in the ethical hands of Dr. Korell now.

Kru can't get to you now though he constantly tries!

Pekie you are well protected and finally in good hands.

Kru can't control what Pekie says and does anymore BUT he asks the other sick and suffering patients TO FIND OUT!

Kruschinski has been putting up quite a ruse pretending that he still plays a role in Pekie's Healthcare, that he has concern about this poor woman . Pfffft.....

Her husband had a nervous breakdown???? They seem to be catchy to folks who have stayed er, medically attached with Kru.

Yes he is a QUACK!

Miltenberger scrambles to bring her MASTER what he requests.

Yes Master

Calling her everyday????

Leave poor Pekie alone you jerk! What is the German word for Jerk?

Face It.

If Kruschinski,the patients former surgeon is NOT Allowed near Pekie (though IHRT opines he has been trying to get by her bedside for one of his infamous photo opps) and Cannot discuss her situation with surgical peers.....doesn't that speak starkly to him being unceremoniously dropped for the medical world!!!!!!!

doc_kru Master + Geschlecht: männlich Herkunft: Registriert: Okt 2003 Status: Offline Beiträge: 613 Posted Montag, 14. Januar 2008 @ 22:18:44 Pekie ist notfallmäßig wieder bei Dr. Korell gelandet. Wer weiss mehr von ihr ? Viele Grüße --------------------Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski

Once again Pekie ended up as an emergency case at Dr. Korell. Who knows more about her?Kind regards

Miltenberger Master Geschlecht: weiblich Herkunft: Registriert: Mär 2005 Status: Offline Beiträge: 484 Posted Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 @ 18:41:26 ...ja, meine Hoffnung für sie ist auch, dass es ihr nach dieser OP besser geht. Wie Goldi schon sagt, hat sie jetzt erfahren, dass Dr. Korell letztes Mal nur die rechte Seite von Verwachsungen befreit hat und der jetzige "Fast-Darmverschluss" ist links. Dr. Korell sagt selbst, er sei gespann, wie bei der OP nächste Woche die rechte, operierte Seite geworden ist. Ich drücke ihr auf alle Fälle die Daumen, denn was sie durchmacht geht wirklich auf keine Kuhhaut, wie man so schön sagt. Ich telefoniere fast täglich mit ihr, denn ihr Mann kann nicht zu ihr, weil er wegen massiver psychischer Probleme, nach der erneuten Krankenhauseinweisung von Petra auch krank geschrieben werden musste. SchaPu

….yes I hope for her that she feels better after the operation. As Goldi said, she learned that Dr. Korell removed only the adhesions from the right side and the current “nearly-intestinal obstruction” is on the left. Dr Korell said that he is curious about the result of the operation on the right side next week. I keep fingers crossed, since what she is going through beggars description. I telephone nearly daily with her, because the husband can’t visit her due to massive psychological problems he suffered after Pekkie was hospitalized again, and he the doctor signed him of sick.

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