You are looking at the most delusional person in the world!!!!

"What? Do I LOOK like I am Bankrupt"
Kruschinski's most famous words, just before he filled for insolvency!
Kruschinski's most famous words, just before he filled for insolvency!

Bankruptcy Court Action
Über das Vermögen des Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,
Geburtsjahr: 1958,
Falkenhausenweg 54,12249 Berlin
ist am 02.08.2007 um 13.00
Uhr das Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet worden.
Der Schuldner hat einen Antrag auf Restschuld befreiung gestellt.
Verwalter: Rechtsanwältin Vera Mai, Kurfürstendamm 66, 10707 Berlin AZ:
36k IN 2631/07Berlin, 9. August 2007 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Über das Vermögen des Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,
Geburtsjahr: 1958,
Falkenhausenweg 54,12249 Berlin
ist am 02.08.2007 um 13.00
Uhr das Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet worden.
Der Schuldner hat einen Antrag auf Restschuld befreiung gestellt.
Verwalter: Rechtsanwältin Vera Mai, Kurfürstendamm 66, 10707 Berlin AZ:
36k IN 2631/07Berlin, 9. August 2007 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Translation for your convenience:
Dr. med Daniel Kruschinski, date of birth 1958,
Dr. med Daniel Kruschinski, date of birth 1958,
Falkenhausenweg 54, 12249 Berlin 02.08.2007 13.00h
has filed for bankruptcy
has filed for bankruptcy
The debtor made an application for release from debts
Executor: Attorny Vera Mai, Kurfuerstendamm 66, 10707 Berlin AZ:
36k IN 2631/07Berlin, 9. August 2007Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Executor: Attorny Vera Mai, Kurfuerstendamm 66, 10707 Berlin AZ:
36k IN 2631/07Berlin, 9. August 2007Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Good thing IHRT is re-opening your case!
Lots of people are looking for YOU!
Tons of them in IHRT's stat counter!

"Down Memory Lane"
As only Daniel Kruschinski can take us!

Out of the mouth of Kru.....
**Daniel's words: I get all my"coping" skills from my daddy who was a prisoner in Auschwitz!
** I will have Endogyn Infrastructures all over the world!
** I can go back to the "Emma" any time!
** I will have Endogyn Infrastructures all over the world!
** I am doing clinical studies, surgeries everyday at Zuckerburg, flying off to Thialand and Africa, have a wife, 2 mistress's, 4 kids that I claim and do not pay support to, enough food, beer and booze to keep me happy, and I don't pay taxes either because all of the above is all paid for by the German government to boot! In fact, I never paid taxes now that I think of it!
Below you will find the most delusional person in the world!!!!
** Here are some impressions from the OR at the Klinik am Zuckerberg and some faces for you to get familiar with. Most of them you will see only at the operating or recovery room.
**MORE FACTS about SPRAYGEL to come......
** I am not divorced!
Below you will find the most delusional person in the world!!!!
** Here are some impressions from the OR at the Klinik am Zuckerberg and some faces for you to get familiar with. Most of them you will see only at the operating or recovery room.
**MORE FACTS about SPRAYGEL to come......
** I am not divorced!
** Those are NOT my two sons! Shirley is a whore!
** I am Jewish!
** I am Catholic!
** Michi is NOT my mistress
** I will give each of my patients your book, Karen!
** I will give each of my patients your book, Karen!
** We will have more clinical study reports for you on SprayShield!
To date IHRT has proved all these statements from Kru were LIES,
ands many, many more lies as well!
Psycho, Sociopath Kruschinski is on the loose again.....

After hanging out with his father figure
learning all that he can about human experiments.....
"Hey Daddy!"

Of course Kruschinski is back, all he has in life is his computer and web site as that is the only way he can feed his perverted ego!
So far the only patient still stroking his ego in the OLD Endoyn message board is "Dandy Sandy!"
(Dandy Sandy actually posts and then answers herself as Kru doesn't!)
(Dandy Sandy actually posts and then answers herself as Kru doesn't!)
Is it a wonder he was bored to death with the old, useless"Endogyn" web site!
Helen Dynda & Karen Stewart, and all the rest of Kru's crew deserted Kru just as we said they would! IHRT right again!
Well, he does have other ways to stroke his ego so why bother with Dandy Sandy!!
Looking through the eyes of a drunk...Yes, this IS how he see's himself in the mirror!

Looking through the eyes of a drunk...Yes, this IS how he see's himself in the mirror!
Fat and Bald and Blurry

King Kru aka Daniel Marian Kruschinski is right on track with IHRT's prediction that he would, 100%, absolutely try to re-invent himself into another "Walk - on - Water" surgeon!
King Kru is NOT performing adhesiolysis procedures at Zuckerburg, and he is NOT using the "Abdolift" at Zuckerburg unless he is using it for "cosmetic procedures" as that is all Zuckburg Klinik is license to do there!
King Kru is NOT performing adhesiolysis procedures at Zuckerburg, and he is NOT using the "Abdolift" at Zuckerburg unless he is using it for "cosmetic procedures" as that is all Zuckburg Klinik is license to do there!
A member of IHRT recently toured Klinik Zuckerburg and found it to be nothing but a hotel in which cosmetic procedures are performed by Dr.'s who all have offices elsewhere! People are free to roam the three stories at will, no nurses, no nothing to be exact!
The list of "cosmetic surgeons" sits near the information desk as you enter from the side door, and guess who was NOT on that listing!
Yup...King Kru.
The cosmetic surgeons listed on the information board also had calling cards seen blow on the desk, and what to my wondering eyes does appear? A goofy "Endogyn" that appears to have been a hasty put with the others! This card was poorly written, very unprofessional in appearance,k and the other Dr.s had office address's on theirs cards, but alas Kru only had a cellphone number and web site! Go figure!

All the Dr.'s listed as working in Zuckerburg Klinik were plastic surgeons, but again, only one Dr. offered "internal adhesiolysis procedures" at a facility that doesn't even have a recovery room to monitor it's patients!

The photo of Zuckerburg that is found in "Endogyn" shows the facade of the klinik at the restaurant entrance off the deck, which faces a very messy unkempt looking miniature golf course and a water fountain that doesn't work!! Nice job, Hutter!
Another wonderful feature of this "klinik" is that it has no elevator for post op patients, and for that matter, one has to wonder if the adhesiolysis procedures Kru claims to do there are performed in one of the hotel rooms as how do you get the ARD patient from the room to the operating /recovery room? The answer is, YOU USE A CHAIRLIFT!

Every time someone calls Zuckerburg and asks for Kruschinski, the receptionist says that he is "on tour," and tells you to call his cellphone!

In this answer IHRT can easily surmise that Doc. Hutter is either in bed with Kru to screw patients out of their money or Hutter will let anyone with a buck advertise on the Zukerburg web site and put calling cards in the Klinik!
By promoting Kruschinski Hutter is hoping that someone will send Kru money and then he would be assured of recouping monies he got taken for by Kru! Maybe Zuckerburg should get rid of that messy golf course and put in a tennis court as Hutter seems to have a nice little "racket" going! Also, the water fountain doesn't work either and looks rather scummy. Perhaps they only used it for promotional photos!

"Hutter and Kru" what a hoot when they are on a toot!
Speaking of hoots, get a load of King Krus
Endogyn web site!
Welcome to EndoGyn®
Endoscopic Gynecology
Endoscopic Gynecology

Enter the world of Dr. Kruschinski

My boy, Danny, was a good boy! Sure, he was into experimenting at a young age, like, on animals, neighborhood children, bums, and the likes of those kinds! But he was trying to do good for humanity! He was good with his hands! He was always trying to put the square peg into a round hole, you know, becuase if he accomplished that he would be the only one in the world to have done it, and then onto greatness!
He sent me a hand written " Mothers Day Card" he is that sweet!

Oh, sure, I tease him with a card now and then. I think they ar are funny, why not? It is good to laugh! I am sure every mother does that!

YOU MADE IT TO THE BIG TIME Kru! Your mother would be proud!
Mobile: 0177. 62.04.621
Email: Dr.Kruschinski@EndoGyn.com
Tollfree Phone consulting Germany, Every Thursday between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm
Con Man, Covidien, Daniel Kruschnski, Experimental Surgery, fraud, harvesting, insurance fraud, ISGE.org, Lift Laparoscopy, SprayGel,bogus science, Covidien, Dr Kruschinski, Dr. Liselotte Mettler, Endogyn, fraud, ISGE.org, Klinik am Zuckerberg, Quack, Sprayshield
You are full of shit. You are playing with people's lives with all of your childish trash talk. Grow up and get a life. You say that you will stand before your God and so shall I...I wonder who will be judged more harshly? All of the FACTS that you have listed in the above post are untrue. I know this, because I had three surgeries at the Zuckerberg Clinic. All of which have proven successful. Dr. Kruschinski is a good man and has helped many people who suffer from this disease. You should be ashamed of yourself.
To Shelva Wensel, If all were SO successful why did you go have 3 surgeries? This person blogging does have a life and is trying to save many desperate people from being just another guinea pig in Germany. Prove it. He should be ashamed of himself and so should you. You are probably not who you even say you are. What are you doing on this site if you don't like what is being said?
Shelva...no hard feelings...we hope you are well but as before, time and again....in a few months, if you find yourself back where you were or worse....we will be here for you.
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