Pssst...Karen Stewarts omits a few facts in her blog, such as her daughter went to Germany TWICE, but she elects not to mention that!
Karen also forgets to mention that it is not possible to know if in fact any adhesiolysis procedure will be succesful until after a year or more! The highest % of patients to Kruschinski made multiple trips to Germany and never got well, but he made lots of money on them!
October 31, 2010
Karen Steward Good news out of Canada from a woman who has suffered ten long years from the devastating effects of adhesions after undergoing a total hysterectomy. Recently, she made the decision to seek help in Europe, specifically with surgeon, Dr. Daniel Kruschinski. She reports that she woke from surgery without any pain at all, which, in her words, "was a miracle
Saturday Nov. 20
Raising money for Carl's Adhesiolysis surgery in Germany by Dr. Daniel Kruschinski who is world renowned in adhesion treatments.
Cost = $15 000
Karen Steward has donated $6700 towards the surgery, her daughter suffered for 14 yrs and had 2 unsuccessful surgeries in the States, before receiving 1 successful treatment in Germany by Dr. K and has been symptom free since 2003. She has now dedicated her life to raising awareness about this disorder, and created a website that better explains the disorder www.adhesionpain.net.
Everyone is welcome, from all ages from all fitness levels. Come out don’t worry about anything accept having fun, while donating to something that can change a persons life ....
Thank you , see you on the 20th of November 2010@ RAW CrossFit. 19 Laurier Rd. Penetanguishene.
All support is greatly appreciated, respected and never forgotten, thank you for helping me get through this tough time!
Carl Desjardins
Dr. Jens Pagels Head physician gynaecological clinic St-Josef hospital Moers Asberger road 4 Tel: 02841 107 2430 Fax: 02841-107 2326 gyn.pagels@st-josef-moers.de I wish a successful and happy year 2011 to all! Faithfully, Jens Pagels
Dr. Jens Pagels
Chefarzt Frauenklinik
St-Josef Krankenhaus Moers
Asberger Straße 4
Tel: 02841 107 2430
Fax: 02841-107 2326
ChefarztPriv.-Doz. Dr. med. M. Korell
Am Hasenberg 46 41462
Neuss Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschland
Festnetztelefon: work 02131/5295-5002
Fax: fax 02131/5295-5003
Monika Kretschmer
T (02131) 5295 - 5002F (02131) 5295 - 5003
adhesionpain,karen stewart, Con Man, Covidien, Daniel Kruschnski, Experimental Surgery, fraud, harvesting, insurance fraud, ISGE.org, Lift Laparoscopy, SprayGel,bogus science, Covidien, Dr Kruschinski, Dr. Liselotte Mettler, Endogyn, fraud, ISGE.org, Klinik am Zuckerberg, Quack, Sprayshield