ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The New KKK ~ Kruschinski, Katzer and Karen

Coming soon to IHRT!

There is indeed a new KKK and it is just as evil and dangerous as the sheet wearing one!

What do 2 communist dictators, a doctor and his mistress and a self proclaimed humorist from Weatherford TX have in common?
Well, a million Euros to start with and human harvesting and profiting from pain.

Stand by for this breaking news story as IHRT team members scour the globe to obtain all facts!



Adhesion Related Disorder International Human Rights Team IHRT: Karen Steward writes "Autobiography" Is she confessing her love with Dr. Kruschinski after all?

Adhesion Related Disorder International Human Rights Team IHRT: Karen Steward writes "Autobiography" Is she confessing her love with Dr. Kruschinski after all?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Karen trying to corner the market on ARD

It appears that Karen Steward will do anything to sell her "ARD Product" line to make a buck off the pain and suffering of those who are already used and abused far to often! Karen speaks out of two sides of her mouth when it comes to ARD. One side she gets your sympathy as one who has suffered the worst of ARD, and out of the other side, Karen is hawking, "BUY MY STUFF" and "LOOK AT ME!"

Who does this sound like..."Kruschinski" of course!

So here you will find Karen sending complaint after complaint to other ARD and Endo wed site hosts, and Google as well as any one else will listen to her and then she forces them to spend time and money with her petty little claims in her attempts to corner the market on the Internet! If she were to succeed in her attempt to gain favorable spots in the search engines by knocking a few other ARD web sites off, she will be able to harvest vulnerable, and desperately ill people to her web sites to buy her merchandise; and ultimately to get them to secure surgery with the "Con Doc, Kruschinski," who rise to notoriety comes from "Profiting from Pain!"

BEWARE of any web site associated with Karen Steward of Wetherford, Texas!

Search Results:
Any contains ELM publishing:
3 matching Notices found; showing 50

Articles DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google Karen Steward Google, Inc. [Blogger] July 30, 2011 DMCA Notices
Text DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google Karen Steward Google, Inc. [Blogger] July 17, 2011 DMCA Notices
Article DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google ELM Publishing, Inc. Google, Inc. [Blogger] May 13, 2011 DMCA Notices

Notice UnavailableDMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google
Sent by: ELM Publishing, IncTo: Google
The cease-and-desist or legal threat you requested is not yet available.
Chilling Effects will post the notice after we process it.

Question: Why does a web host, blogging service provider, or search engine get DMCA takedown notices?
Answer: Many copyright claimants are making complaints under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Section 512(c)'s safe-harbor for hosts of "Information Residing on Systems or Networks At Direction of Users" or Section 512(d)'s safe-harbor for providers of "Information Location Tools." These safe harbors give providers immunity from liability for users' possible copyright infringement -- if they "expeditiously" remove material when they get complaints. Whether or not the provider would have been liable for infringement by users' materials it hosts or links to, the provider can avoid the possibility of a lawsuit for money damages by following the DMCA's takedown procedure when it gets a complaint. The person whose information was removed can file a counter-notification if he or she believes the complaint was erroneous.

Question: What does a service provider have to do in order to qualify for safe harbor protection?
Answer: In addition to informing its customers of its policies, a service provider must follow the proper notice and takedown procedures and also meet several other requirements in order to qualify for exemption under the safe harbor provisions.
In order to facilitate the notification process in cases of infringement, ISPs which allow users to store information on their networks, such as a web hosting service, must designate an agent that will receive the notices from copyright owners that its network contains material which infringes their intellectual property rights. The service provider must then notify the Copyright Office of the agent's name and address and make that information publicly available on its web site. [512(c)(2)]
Finally, the service provider must not have knowledge that the material or activity is infringing or of the fact that the infringing material exists on its network. If it does discover such material before being contacted by the copyright owners, it is instructed to remove, or disable access to, the material itself. The service provider must not gain any financial benefit that is attributable to the infringing material.

Question: What are the provisions of 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)(3) & 512(d)(3)?
Answer: Section 512(c)(3) sets out the elements for notification under the DMCA. Subsection A (17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3)(A)) states that to be effective a notification must include: 1) a physical/electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the infringed right; 2) identification of the copyrighted works claimed to have been infringed; 3) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed; 4) information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party (e.g., the address, telephone number, or email address); 5) a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner; and 6) a statement that information in the complaint is accurate and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Subsection B (17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3)(B)) states that if the complaining party does not substantially comply with these requirements the notice will not serve as actual notice for the purpose of Section 512.
Section 512(d)(3), which applies to "information location tools" such as search engines and directories, incorporates the above requirements; however, instead of the identification of the allegedly infringing material, the notification must identify the reference or link to the material claimed to be infringing.

Question: Does a service provider have to follow the safe harbor procedures?
Answer: No. An ISP may choose not to follow the DMCA takedown process, and do without the safe harbor. If it would not be liable under pre-DMCA copyright law (for example, because it is not contributorily or vicariously liable, or because there is no underlying copyright infringement), it can still raise those same defenses if it is sued.

Question: How do I file a DMCA counter-notice?
Answer: If you believe your material was removed because of mistake or misidentification, you can file a "counter notification" asking the service provider to put it back up. Chilling Effects offers a form to build your own counter-notice.

For more information on the DMCA Safe Harbors, see the FAQs on DMCA Safe Harbor Provisions. For more information on Copyright and defenses to copyright infringement, see Copyright.

Cease and Desist? What is this site?
The Chilling Effects Clearinghouse collects and analyzes legal complaints about online activity, helping Internet users to know their rights and understand the law. Chilling Effects welcomes submission of letters from individuals and from Internet service providers and hosts. These submissions enable us to study the prevalence of legal threats and allow Internet users to see the source of content removals.
Chilling Effects aims to support lawful online activity against the chill of unwarranted legal threats. We are excited about the new opportunities the Internet offers individuals to express their views, parody politicians, celebrate favorite stars, or criticize businesses, but concerned that not everyone feels the same way. Study to date suggests that cease and desist letters often silence Internet users, whether or not their claims have legal merit. The Chilling Effects project seeks to document that "chill" and inform C&D recipients of their legal rights in response.
The Chilling Effects clearinghouse is a database of cease and desist notices (C&Ds) sent to Internet users, legal interpretation of those notices, Frequently Asked Questions about parts of the law that affect online activity, and related news and resources. If you have received a cease and desist, we invite you to add it to our database.
You can use this site in many different ways: choose a topic area and explore its homepage and FAQs; search the database for C&Ds similar to one you've received or sent; submit your own notice for law students at the participating clinics to analyze.
The site's centerpiece is the database of annotated cease-and-desist notices:
Clinical law students review the notices submitted and link their legalese to explanatory FAQs. As the number of notices grows, so will the selection of FAQs, which can be read either alongside the notices or on their own.

Site Organization
The Chilling Effects clearinghouse is organized by topic area. Some topics are related to types of activity, such as fan fiction and reverse engineering, others to areas of law, such as copyright and trademark. Within each topic, you will find the linked notices, FAQs, related news, and resources such as statutes and articles.
We invite you to report your own notice to the database (received or sent), search or browse the database, or read "Weather Reports" on the legal climate for Internet activity -- compiled based on the notices submitted.

The Chilling Effects clearinghouse offers two types of searches:
Quick Search, the box in the left corner of each index page, searches for words or "quoted phrases" among topics, FAQs, news, resources, and the subject lines of C&D notices.
Search the Database, linked from the header bar, offers a more detailed search of our database of cease-and-desist notices.

Maintained by Chilling Effects

ARDvark Blog Journal of Adhesion Related Disorder: From Clinical Trails.Gov

ARDvark Blog Journal of Adhesion Related Disorder: From Clinical Trails.Gov

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Karen Stewards try to shut down adhesion web site!

Karen Steward's attempt to shut down ARD web sites FAILS again!

Year after year Karen Steward "stews" and "obsesses" over ARD web sites that provide beneficial information to persons afflicted with Adhesion Related Disorder.
Her problem? These web sites make it hard for Karen and her cohort, Con Doc. Daniel Kruschinski to profit on the pain of those who are afflicted with ARD!

No ifs, ands or buts about it, in our opinion and experience, this is the reason behind her "attacks"on ARD web sites!

For years Karen has attempted to capitalize on ARD victims with items for sale, and soliciting the sale of a book she wrote about Con Doc Kruschinski, of Germany! Karen paid to have this book published, and it bombed right off the press losing her money spent on it!

Since then Karen seeks any means necessary to recoup her losses, and YES, she will take advantage of vulnerable victims of ARD and have no problem making them victims of her greed as well!

   "Steward ARD Merchandise being sold in India by Doc Kru!

Karen has been saying for years that "she, and Doc Kru" were going to shut down the following web site" & ",/" among other ARD web sites. To date, they have not been successful!

The reasons they have always bombed was that the alleged complaints by them were always found to be invalid!  For the past 10 years Karen and Kru have banded together in their attempts to corner the market on ARD, be it ARD web sites or those afflicted with ARD, in their attempts to cash in on  ARD!

You will see here in this post in an ARD web site that the web site one of Karen's "competition" is scratched out! Not to proffesional, but hey, neither is Karen or Kru in our opinion!

The good news in Karen Steward making all these petty contacts as seen below, is that every time she does something underhanded and immoral like this, in our opinion, she feeds IHRT enough material showing exactly what type of person SHE is!

Karen is trying to paint others in a bad light, and sell her ARD loot, but all she succeeds in accomplishing is to show what she is made of.

Smells like some "Something Evil" is blowing out of Wetherford, Texas, and it reeks of a       stinky Steward!! 

Pssssst, some Steward facts: Karen Stewards daughter made more then one trip to Doc. Kru as did many others, some as many as 6 trips, and yes, paying cash to Kru each time!
 Karen, if you think this is not a true statement, go read your book, as it says in there Melissa went to Kru more then once for surgery! Perhaps YOUR book is not truthfull????

(We will bring you more "Steward facts" in the future, so stop back if you want the truth!)

ENJOY the 2011 Rants of Karen Steward......

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:43 PM
Subject: (HW#14378200) Defamation of Character Complaint:

Dear Customer,

We have been made aware of a defamation of character complaint against your web site The content in question is hosted at the following location:

Please review the complaint provided below. We request that you voluntarily remove the content or contact the complainant directly to resolve the matter. If you have any questions regarding defamation complaints, please contact Feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.

Thank you,
Abuse Department
Hostway Corporation

From: karen steward []
Dear Sirs,

 The ip address above is the one found when I check this url:

The name of the person behind this website is Beverly Doucette of
Marinette , Wisconsin. This website is a front used solely for the
purpose of libeling numerous people across the world, myself
included. I, along with several other people, were successful in getting
this site taken down several years ago when Beverly was hosted through Bravenet.
Though the majority of the libel is written at,
the url is the
active springboard to the libelous blog.

I have contacted everyone from the FBI, to Beverly 's local police,
Wisconsin 's attorney general, etc. They all tell me to contact her
hosting, as she cannot achieve this evil without an available host.
I do have a case file with the FTC, as the purpose of adhesionrelateddisorder
is to monopolize a market of medicine, specifically, adhesions.

The man safely hidden behind Beverly 's skirt, is David Wiseman of
Dallas , Texas . In the link below, you will see that Beverly is tied to
David Wiseman and is the puppet in his diabolical crime of libeling
many innocent people across the globe.

The purpose of my email is to find out if you can help me in removing
this website from the internet since you are the host.
One man has committed suicide due to Beverly 's
libel against him and his wife. Beverly successfully destroyed his
online retirement internet business by her crude, libelous postings.
Their crime? His wife had gone to Germany for adhesions surgery and
innocently posted on the internet her joy at becoming well. The man,
nor his wife, knew David Wiseman of Beverly Doucette prior to the
attacks upon them. The same holds true for all of us who are
being libeled by these people.
Thanks for any help you can offer,
Karen Steward

Beverly Doucette's response to Hostway...
Subject: RE: (HW#14378200) Defamation of Character Complaint:

There is no defamation, nor libel or slander in this web site. The entire contents is 100% validated and proven to be true as printed.

Material found in this web site absolutely exposes persons for criminal activity at national and International levels, however, all material within this web site is validated and true as stated. Some of the content is our opinion, and it is stated as just that, “Our opinion.” Mrs. Steward uses the word, “crime” three different times in her email to you, and accuses Beverly Doucette, AND Dr. David Wiseman of criminal acts, of defamation, which in my estimation tells me that she is angry with both of us, and though Dr. Wiseman has never once blogged or placed material in the web site which the complaint is being made against, she includes him in her accusations.

We could go tit for tat for years as to the reasons Mrs. Steward decided to send a complaint to your service, but I am far to busy for that, and not interested in all of this as for years, as she states, she had had a personal vendetta against Dr. Wiseman and myself thinking that she was left behind when we each choose this venue to educate and inform persons with ARD. She wrote a book about ARD, and she has stated before that it will not sell if web sites offer the same material in their web sites, though these web sites were up well before she came on the scene. ( Simple way to validate that is to look at the date of publication of her book and the dates our web sites first appeared in the Internet. She will continue to try to get ever ARD web site off the Internet if she could thus her book might sell. Simple fact.

Prior to placing material on this public web site we involved an attorney to proof material that is controversial, none was shown to be of a nature that would, nor could, prove to be considered libel, slanderous or defaming in nature.

The reason Mrs. Steward has been unsuccessful in having this web site removed after she had it investigated by all those she listed as contacting, is because there is nothing in it that constitutes breaking a law of any sort.

Though you state that you were "made aware of a defamation of character" located in this web site, you do not show where this defamation occurs within the site, nor do I know of any such defamation. If there is a specific portion within this web site that this woman deems is defaming, it would be more advantageous to direct your attention(and mine)to that particular material and location of it in the web site, which if proven to be of an illegal nature, will then be removed by me immediately. If you deem the web site to be improper, contact me with specific reasons for the action, and to give me the chance to rectify any errors. I will also seek legal advice prior to any changes I will allow to be made in the services I paid for. The email sent to you by Mrs. Steward does not contain anything that validates any action against the web site by your team.

The material in this web site has at no time caused any person to "kill themselves," and though I am aware of this claim against the web site, upon investigating the person who supposedly killed himself due to my web site in fact had been dealing with depression and severe financial issues, and did not commit suicide, but rather appeared to have had a long term health/psychological issue. The most important thing here is that at no time did I ever mention this person, and had never heard his name prior to Mrs. Steward's accusation. Simply was not a true accusation, and there is nothing in this web site that even mentions this person. Note she does not offer up that name or dates for you to investigate prior to taking any action to remove this web site let alone accept her comments without validating them.

The web site link as seen here is located on many, many links within the Internet, not just in this link. If there was any criminal material in the IHRT link, Google would remove the web site, however, none was ever found in the IHRT web site. Google did however remove a web site owned by Mrs. Steward. No matter what Mrs. Steward thinks of the IHRT blog, it has nothing to do with the allegations she is making against my web site and thus cannot be used as a reason to remove my web site..

Any associations I have with anyone does not a defamation make. Nor does having acquaintances' create libel, or slander, or anything else for that matter. It appears that Mrs. Steward doesn't care for my acquaintances, however her dislike of my associations have no bearing on her accusation as submitted to you. (Unless you can show me just cause that person's I associate with is validation of her accusations of defamation, even IF defamation is found to exist within this web site, my acquaintances would absolutely have no bearing on it. Mrs. Steward says” “In the link below, you will see that Beverly is tied to David Wiseman and is the puppet in his diabolical crime of libeling many innocent people across the globe.”

The date of this complaint must be taken into consideration as to why now is Mrs. Steward choosing to bring this to your attention when this web site has been up for a number of years without change. Another interesting caveat here is that Mrs. Steward seems to be confused as to whom she is accusing of the defamation complaint. Is it me, Bevery Doucette, or is it the “diabolical Dr. Wiseman” who she is accusing of the crime of libel? Isn’t Mrs. Steward committing defamation of Dr. Wiseman in her statement regarding him? (The answer is NO, though she is not stating it is her opinion, she is actually making the claim that “David Wiseman is diabolical and involved in the crime of libeling many innocent…etc,” however, unless comments made against another causes them to lose money and reputation in a court of law, there is no defamation. Also, once someone is deceased, they have no rights, thus anything said about them cannot be deemed anything! ( Though at no time has material in this web site defamed a person.) Mrs. Steward is again using the word crime when speaking of this person, "One man has committed suicide due to Beverly 's libel against him and his wife. “ Beverly successfully destroyed his online retirement internet business by her crude, libelous postings. Their crime?”

If there is anything even remotely of a defaming nature in this link, it shall be, or can be, removed, however, I see nothing of that nature in this link. I was at these congress’s not Mrs. Steward, and every word in this link is absolutely fact. As for the pictures, they speak for themselves! I too encourage you to visit the link as submitted by Mrs. Steward as it does validate the validity that the web site is geared to educate and inform persons with ARD how best to “Be Their Own Dr.”

Next “his accusation of “monopolizing a market of medicine, specifically, adhesions”
is very easy to rule out in the by visiting Mrs. Stewards web site, which is also an education and information web site for those who are afflicted with ARD. In fact, the ONLY people making money on ARD with the
 "www.adhesion"  web site is Hostways being paid each year to host it!

There exists many, many web sites offering the same material that you will find in the ARD web site and Mrs. Stewards web site.
Simply take a look at her web site if you want to see someone trying to corner the market on ARD! And for profit no less!

You will never fund that existing in any of the ARD web sites I am associated with! Absolutely not!

If the following charge were true in this statement by Mrs. Steward, I am certain one of the agencies she contacted would have contacted you with a legal notice to have this link removed from the Internet, and they would not have asked that of you, they would have directed you to do it based on law!

“The man, nor his wife, knew David Wiseman of Beverly Doucette prior to the attacks upon them. The same holds true for all of us who are being libeled by these people.” I am of the opinion that Mrs. Steward file a class action against me using her accusations as stated to you in her email. I am certain that if there is actual defamation in the web site, any literate Atty. Could locate it and manage a class action. I do know that she has made claims of doing this, but like the other contacts, she was informed that no criminal activity is taking place in my web site, and her opinion or the web site nor her dislike of me and others she is accusing, doesn’t make her accusations fact. She needs to prove her accusations, as does your team before taking any actions against it,and an investigation of your team would be of benefit to me as this lady will continue to seek ways to shut other “ARD” websites down , and her agenda is a personal as her book is not selling, from what I hear.

You will not find one single word of defamation, slander or libel in the following link, nor within the contents in any of it.

I would expect a thorough investigation from your legal team to show just cause for any changes in your services of hosting the web site AdhesionRelaterDisorder. In the event you do not, or will not, put forth an effort to prove or disprove the allegations made against the web site, I would expect that you considered my explanations as presented here to be fact, thus closing the issue.

The fact of the matter is that I have not edited material to the web site and the web site manager relocated years ago thus rendering it in a state of inactivity and usable by me.

Please indicate to me as to any other action you wish from me regarding this communication in the event I misunderstood your directions.

Thank-you for informing me of this matter,
Beverly Doucette

"Okay then, THIS bombed! What do will Karen do next to corner the ARD market to sell her ARD loot?

We never could figure out the obsession, in our opinion, is  between Kru and Karen,              
and we still don't!
What could it be between these two after all these years???

Lets get to know Doc Kru a little better now that Karen brings this up again!

SLUMDOG "SUGAR DADDY" Dr. Daniel Kruschinski

The OSCAR goes to......


In the latest escapades out of Endogyn, IHRT cought SLUMDOG "SUGAR DADDY" Dr. Daniel Kruschinski slumming with his NEW and IMPROVED "DADDY'S GIRL" after meeting her through "!  Here you will see the NEW "Endogyn" infrastructure Con Kru has in India!

Complete with the "Abdolift" exclusive to his surgeries!

Only in IHRT will you find the facts as "Dr. Daniel Kruschinski – Endogyn, Germany" reveals his “perverted” side for all the world to see, and it appears to be without shame!



(IHRT cautions you that going into these web sites, your PC WILL get porno pop ups, curtsey of Kruchsinski! Even if you use a different email address, the PC going into these web sites WILL get tagged!)


*** FACES OF A PERVERT ***                      
DR. DANIEL MARIAN KRUSCHINSKI lives life on the shady side with his new "Daddy's Girl" as he slums with her all over Germany after meeting her in ""... (Ouch!)

Seems they now run a web site that assists "Young Girls" to meet "Old Men!" (Yuck!)
Looks like the "OLD USED UP" Mistress Micheala Katzer is OUT of a "Sugar Daddy" and the "YOUNG SEXY" Janine Gessner is IN with a new "Sugar Daddy!"


Meet the "NEW FACE" in Dr. Daniel Kruschinski's life......“Janine Gessner"


"Hi, DANNY BOY" .........

Janine seems to be saying to her new "Sugar Daddy..
(Wait until she finds out her DOCTOR is really nothing but a bankrupt, lying, washed up, smelly alcoholic, married OLD perverted fart..oh, IHRT forgot that Kruschinski is GAS-LESS, at least Janine has THAT going for her! (LOL! LOL!)

B.Z. stellt die speziellsten Flirtseiten im Internet vor Für reife Männer - Frauen, die graue Schläfen lieben, finden hier ihr Objekt der Begierde. Als eines von 2500 Mitgliedern muss man als Lady unter 30, als Mann über 40 Jahre alt sein:
Janina Gessner Premium-Mitglied
CRM work Firma:(sichtbar nur für registrierte Mitglieder)
10587 Berlin, Deutschland


Über michBerliner Zeitung

Dass ältere Herren oft ein Faible für wesentlich jüngere Damen haben, liegt in der Natur der Sache. Viele Promis über 40 "schmücken" sich mit Schönheit und Frische solcher Grazien. ... Auch für den Durchschnittsbürger gibt es Möglichkeiten, ohne Millioneneinkommen und Promibonus mit jüngeren Frauen anzubandeln. Vielen Frauen ist ein erfahrener Partner lieber, da er über eine gewisse Lebenserfahrung verfügt und Sicherheit sowie Geborgenheit symbolisiert. Spezielle Wünsche, besondere Börsen So verwundert es nicht, dass es sogar Kontaktbörsen für diese spezielle Beziehungskonstellation gibt... Eine dieser Börsen ist "": Über 1000 Damen zwischen 18 und 30 sind hier bereits registriert und schauen sich nach einem erfahrenen Partner von 40 Jahren und älter um. Eine solche Kontaktbörse bietet für eben diese Partnerkonstellationen eine gute Möglichkeit zum Kennenlernen. Denn hier suchen und finden sich junge Frauen und ältere Männer... [Quelle: v. 8.1.2008]


Babel Fish Translation….

Ripely young meets The fact that older gentlemen have often a Faible for substantially younger ladies lies in the nature of the thing. Many Promis over 40 " schmücken" itself with beauty and freshness of such Grazien. … Also for the average citizen there are possibilities, without million-incomes and Promibonus with younger Mrs. anzubandeln. Many women is rather an experienced partner, since it symbolizes security as well as security had a certain life experience and. Special desires, special stock exchanges Thus it does not surprise that there are even contact contacts for this special relations constellation… One of these stock exchanges is " Hoar frost meet": Over 1000 ladies between 18 and 30 are registered here already and look themselves after an experienced partner of 40 years and older over. Such a contact stock exchange offers a good possibility for evenly these partner constellations to becoming acquainted with. Because and are young women and older men search here…[Quelle: v. 8.1.2008]

ENDOGYN, abdolift, gasless, abdominal pain, debilitating, hidden disorder, enslaving, ARD awareness, hopelessness,

ARDvark Blog Journal of Adhesion Related Disorder: Karen trying to corner the market on ARD

ARDvark Blog Journal of Adhesion Related Disorder: Karen trying to corner the market on ARD

Predator Alert: Karen Steward and her "Business Prospects" on Facebook

Predator Alert: Karen Steward and her "Business Prospects" on Facebook

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Profiting from Pain: Adhesion Related Disorder ~ Stay safe

Profiting from Pain: Adhesion Related Disorder ~ Stay safe

The truth about Gas less laparoscopy and Dr. Kruschinski

Translation from German to English by Babelfish
“gasless” Laparoskopie

Gas lots Laparoskopie is (was) a special form of the Laparoskopie, with which one can operate without the expensive special instruments without body cut (could). The method requires (e) less exercise and fate than genuine endoscopic operating.

(The following text is co-ordinated with the president of the working group gynäkologische Endoskopie of the German society for Gynäkologie and birth assistance).

“Gas lots “Laparoskopie = spatial air Laparoskopie

This method finds in our region still isolates application. We are addressed on that occasionally by female patients.

The so-called “Lapro elevator” was developed at the beginning of the 90's of Jörg saucy stone (Austria, at that time upper physician at the University of Ulm). Saucy stone does not use the technology today any longer.

The manufacturer, the company STORZ in Tuttlingen, took the Lapro elevator in the year 2006 again from the market.

This concerns a simple variant of the Laparoskopie, which obtained attention for the first time in the 90's in Germany, however contrary to the standard Laparoskopie neither in the subject surgery nor in the subject Gynäkologie to become generally accepted could.

The name expresses that with this technology no medical CO2-Gas is introduced into the abdominal cavity around the abdominal cavity to unfold and place for the operational interference to create. Instead after opening of the abdominal cavity at the navel a handle is introduced and the abdominal wall is pulled up. It flows normal air with room temperature into the abdominal cavity. Air is definitv a gas. Thus the question arises whether the term is not unfortunately selected and/or misleading.
In the work community Gynäkologi Endoskopie of the German society for Gynäkologie and birth assistance (AGE) is therefore alternatively the term “spatial air Laparoskopie” common (Professor Leo De Wilde, Oldenburg, president of the AGE.)

If air arrives over open veins with an operation into the Blutkreislauf, it causes clearly more easily a lethal Embolie than CO2, which ent always as product of the respiration in low concentration in the blood and can over the lung be abgeatmet. Also from the abdominal cavity air is only very slowly eliminated by the organism, which is less important however.

Why thus at all “gas lots Laparoskopie”

Around to understand one must develop little conception gift as a layman: With the standard Laparoskopie must be worked against to escaping the Aufdehnungsmediums with valves, so that the development of the abdominal cavity remains keeping upright. With the gasless technology one can save this expenditure. The raising of the abdominal wall guarantees the hook elevator by course at the navel. One can make and leave as many as desired and of any size holes open into the abdominal wall. Simple rubber cases replace expensive valve cases. One knows logical way any instruments of the open belly surgery by these openings would bring in. A hospital can here evt. much money save, because this equipment is usually already present. With the standard Laparoskopie cannot be done that. Instruments must be exactly co-ordinated with the valve cases. One needs expensive special instruments and this depending upon OI spectrum evt. in large number. Because of the cost advantages the gasless Laparoskopie is naturally in poorer countries likes.

For an operating surgeon trained in conventional surgery the conversion is not more simply, there it the handling of the delicate, different Laparoskopie instruments to learn must. To that extent the gasless Laparoskopie makes endoscopically ungeübten surgeon possible a simplified entrance into the Laparoskopie.

Also from view of the Anästhesisten (Narkoseärzte) it gives to laproskopieren reasons “gasless”. The renouncement of CO2-Gas and the proportioned positive pressure in the abdominal cavity has advantages for certain risk female patients, essentially older humans. They can be endoscopically operated if necessary without body cut, although a standard Laparoskopie for them would not be possible.


One wants the clearly rougher conventional instruments and staunching of bleeding methods (Tupfer!) uses, needs one clearly larger wounds in the abdominal wall. The cosmetic result is then accordingly more unfavorable. The wound in the navel region must offer place not only for the hook elevator mechanism but also for the optics system. The necessary Wunddurchmesser amounts to about 20 mm. (Standard Laparoskopie to the comparison 5 - 11 mm.)
The effectiveness of the belly development is more unfavorable, than with the CO2-Laparoskopie, since the rise takes place only at one point. The result is a conical figure with the highest point at the navel. The operating surgeon needs most place however within the basin range. That succeeds with the even Aufdehnung with exactly proportioned CO2-Gasdruck more effectively. This is for us a operation-technically important point. The punctual pressure is not favorable on the fabric by the hook construction with long operations. The rough elevator construction is natural the operating surgeon and the assistant when operating in the way.
The spatial air cannot be warmed up. It prevails during the “gasless” OI in the abdominal cavity a lower temperature than with the CO2-Laparoskopie with body-warm gas (for this special devices are available.) The sinking of the fabric temperature has some important unfavorable metabolic effects (see below).

Our result: The “gasless” spatial air Laparoskopie takes a central position between body cut and belly reflection for us. It has elements of both.

Naturally a OI team equipped well for the standard Laproskopie could use its fine instruments also by gasless spatial air Laparoskopie. Then at least the wounds would be in the abdominal wall alike. Also those captivatingly precise Microchirurgie with miniaturized equipment under strong picture enlargement would be realizable. Disadvantages remained the worse development of the abdominal cavity and the missing possibility of the heating up of the belly by the warm gas. Waste of the Körpertemperatur changed among other things the Pharmakokinetik, increases the Sauerstoffverbrauch by cooling trembling, strengthens subjective measurement feeling, worsens the immune defense, increases the muscle strain (and with it the pain feeling). The blood clotting is affected unfavorably. (Literature: Gabriele Depenbusch: Be called hints against cool cases - Perioperative heat measures for patients still more effectively used. Intensively 2002; 10:165 - 174 George Thieme publishing house)

We decided in the OPZ Hürth so far against the introduction of the spatial air Laparoskopie with the elevator technology. We would see the sense of the procedure only with completely special female patients, whom we cannot operate usually ambulatory, to e.g. older humans.

Wrong conceptions to the “gasless” spatial air Laparoskopie

The gasless Laparoskopie does not permit more precise operating.
The production of the entrance to the abdominal cavity effected with the gasless Laparoskopie on less dangerous art. one does not have to dot the abdominal cavity for the execution of a CO2-Laparoskopie not “blindly” with a Kanüle and not to also in-sting the Trokarhülsen “blindly”. One can use problem-free the “open” technology and manufacture the entrance under view. (Literature A. Maucher (1990), open Laparoskopie. gynäkol prax 14, 741-746, Hans Marseille publishing house Munich) S. also for this the chapter “open Laparoskopie” on this homepage. The entrance technology furthest common with distance is however the “Blindpunktion)
The OI times are not shorter. Patients do not recover faster. The pain after the interference is not smaller. The medicine need is not smaller.
The results of the operations are better in no aspect, than with the CO2-Laparoskopie. The resulting scars are not cosmetically more favorably but clearly larger.
„The gasless “Laparoskopie does not permit operational treatment, which one can realize not with the standard Laparoskopie. (Also the standard Laparoskopie permits surgical sewing, even with micro-surgical seam material under up to twenty-way picture enlargement).
The “gasless Laparoskopie” does not accompany with a lower total complication risk. The Embolie and Thromboserate are not lower. The Narkosetechnik differs not from the normal Laparoskopie.

Gaslose Laparoskopie ist (war) eine Sonderform der Laparoskopie, bei der man ohne die teueren Spezialinstrumente ohne Leibschnitt operieren kann (konnte). Die Methode erfordert (e) weniger Übung und Geschick als echtes endoskopisches Operieren.

(Der nachfolgende Text ist mit dem Präsidenten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft gynäkologische Endoskopie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe abgestimmt).

"Gaslose“ Laparoskopie = Raumluft-Laparoskopie

Diese Methode findet in unserer Region noch vereinzelt Anwendung. Wir werden gelegentlich von Patientinnen hierauf angesprochen.

Entwickelt wurde der sog. "Lapro-Lift" zu Beginn der 90er Jahre von Jörg Keckstein (Österreich, seinerzeit Oberarzt an der Universität Ulm). Keckstein selbst verwendet die Technik heute nicht mehr.

Der Hersteller, die Firma STORZ in Tuttlingen, hat den Lapro-Lift im Jahre 2006 wieder vom Markt genommen.

Es handelt sich um eine einfache Variante der Laparoskopie, die in den 90er Jahren in Deutschland erstmals Aufmerksamkeit erzielte, sich aber im Gegensatz zur Standard-Laparoskopie weder im Fach Chirurgie noch im Fach Gynäkologie durchsetzen konnte.

Der Name bringt zum Ausdruck, dass bei dieser Technik kein medizinisches CO2-Gas in die Bauchhöhle eingeführt wird um die Bauchhöhle zu entfalten und Platz für den operativen Eingriff zu schaffen. Statt dessen wird nach Eröffnung der Bauchhöhle am Nabel ein Bügel eingeführt und die Bauchwand hochgezogen. Es strömt normale Luft mit Zimmertemperatur in den Bauchraum. Luft ist definitv ein Gas. Es stellt sich also die Frage, ob der Begriff nicht unglücklich gewählt bzw. irreführend ist.
In der Arbeitgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Endoskopie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (AGE) ist deswegen alternativ der Begriff "Raumluft-Laparoskopie" gebräuchlich (Prof. Leo De Wilde, Oldenburg, Präsident der AGE.)

Wenn Luft über offene Adern bei einer Operation in den Blutkreislauf gelangt, verursacht sie deutlich leichter eine lebensgefährliche Embolie als CO2, das als Produkt der Atmung immer in niedriger Konzentration im Blut anwesend ist und über die Lunge abgeatmet werden kann. Auch aus dem Bauchraum wird Luft vom Organismus nur sehr langsam eliminiert, was aber weniger wichtig ist.

Warum also überhaupt "Gaslose Laparoskopie"

Um das zu verstehen muss man als Laie ein wenig Vorstellungsgabe entwickeln: Bei der Standard-Laparoskopie muss mit Ventilen einem Entweichen des Aufdehnungsmediums entgegengewirkt werden, damit die Entfaltung des Bauchraumes aufrecht erhalten bleibt. Bei der gaslosen Technik kann man sich diesen Aufwand ersparen. Das Anheben der Bauchdecke stellt der Haken-Lift durch Zug am Nabel sicher. Man kann beliebig viele und beliebig große Löcher in die Bauchdecke machen und offen lassen. Einfache Gummihülsen ersetzen teure Ventilhülsen. Logischerweise kann man jegliche Instrumente der offenen Bauch-Chirurgie durch diese Öffnungen einführen. Eine Klinik kann hier evt. viel Geld sparen, weil dieses Instrumentarium in der Regel bereits vorhanden ist. Bei der Standard-Laparoskopie geht das nicht. Instrumente müssen genau auf die Ventilhülsen abgestimmt sein. Man braucht teure Spezialinstrumente und dies je nach OP-Spektrum evt. in großer Zahl. Wegen der Kostenvorteile ist die gaslose Laparoskopie natürlich in ärmeren Ländern beliebt.

Für einen in konventioneller Chirurgie ausgebildeten Operateur ist die Umstellung einfacher, da er nicht die Handhabung der zierlichen, andersartigen Laparoskopie-Instrumente erlernen muss. Insofern ermöglicht die gaslose Laparoskopie endoskopisch ungeübten Chirurgen einen vereinfachten Einstieg in die Laparoskopie.

Auch aus Sicht der Anästhesisten (Narkoseärzte) gibt es Gründe "gaslos" zu laproskopieren. Der Verzicht auf CO2-Gas und den dosierten Überdruck im Bauchraum hat Vorteile für bestimmte Risiko-Patientinnen, im wesentlichen ältere Menschen. Sie können ggf. ohne Leibschnitt endoskopisch operiert werden, obwohl eine Standard-Laparoskopie für sie nicht möglich wäre.


Will man die deutlich gröberen konventionellen Instrumente und Blutstillungsmethoden (Tupfer!) einsetzen, benötigt man deutlich größere Wunden in der Bauchdecke. Das kosmetische Ergebnis ist dann entsprechend ungünstiger. Die Wunde in der Nabelregion muss Platz nicht nur für die Haken-Lift Einrichtung sondern auch für das Optiksystem bieten. Der erforderliche Wunddurchmesser beträgt etwa 20 mm. (Standard-Laparoskopie zum Vergleich 5 - 11 mm.)
Die Effektivität der Bauchentfaltung ist ungünstiger, als bei der CO2-Laparoskopie, da die Anhebung nur an einem Punkt erfolgt. Das Ergebnis ist eine kegelförmige Figur mit dem höchsten Punkt am Nabel. Der Operateur benötigt den meisten Platz aber im Beckenbereich. Das gelingt bei der gleichmäßigen Aufdehnung mit genau dosiertem CO2-Gasdruck effektiver. Dies ist für uns ein operationstechnisch wichtiger Punkt. Nicht günstig ist bei langen Operationen der punktuelle Druck auf das Gewebe durch die Hakenkonstruktion. Die grobe Lift-Konstruktion ist dem Operateur und den Assistenten natürlich bei Operieren im Weg.
Die Raumluft kann nicht angewärmt werden. Es herrscht während der "gaslosen" OP im Bauchraum eine niedrigere Temperatur als bei der CO2-Laparoskopie mit körperwarmem Gas (hierfür stehen spezielle Geräte zur Verfügung.) Die Absenkung der Gewebetemperatur hat einige wichtige nachteilige Stoffwechseleffekte (s. u. ).

Unser Fazit: Die "gaslose" Raumluft-Laparoskopie nimmt für uns eine Mittelstellung zwischen Leibschnitt und Bauchspiegelung ein. Sie hat Elemente von beiden.

Natürlich könnte ein für die Standard-Laproskopie gut ausgerüstetes OP-Team seine feinen Instrumente auch per gasloser Raumluft-Laparoskopie einsetzen. Dann wären zumindest die Wunden in der Bauchdecke gleich. Auch die bestechend präzise Microchirurgie mit miniaturisiertem Instrumentarium unter starker Bildvergrößerung wäre realisierbar. Nachteile blieben die schlechtere Entfaltung des Bauchraumes und die fehlende Möglichkeit der Erwärmung des Bauches durch das warme Gas. Abfall der Körpertemperatur verändert u. a. die Pharmakokinetik, erhöht den Sauerstoffverbrauch durch Kältezittern, verstärkt subjektives Missempfinden, verschlechtert die Immunabwehr, erhöht die Muskelanspannung (und damit das Schmerzempfinden). Die Blutgerinnung wird ungünstig beeinflusst. (Literatur: Gabriele Depenbusch: Heiße Tips gegen coole Fälle - Perioperative Wärmemassnahmen für Patienten noch effektiver eingesetzt. Intensiv 2002; 10: 165-174 Georg Thieme Verlag)

Wir haben uns im OPZ-Hürth bisher gegen die Einführung der Raumluft-Laparoskopie mit der Lift-Technik entschieden. Wir sähen den Sinn des Verfahrens nur bei ganz speziellen Patientinnen, die wir meist nicht ambulant operieren können, z. B. älteren Menschen.

Falsche Vorstellungen zur "gaslosen" Raumluft-Laparoskopie

Die gaslose Laparoskopie erlaubt kein präziseres Operieren. .
Die Herstellung des Zugangs zur Bauchhöhle erfolgt bei der gaslosen Laparoskopie nicht auf eine weniger gefährliche Art. Man muss zur Durchführung einer CO2-Laparoskopie nicht die Bauchhöhle "blind" mit einer Kanüle punktieren und die Trokarhülsen auch nicht "blind" einstechen. Man kann problemlos die "offene" Technik einsetzen und den Zugang unter Sicht herstellen. (Literatur A. Maucher (1990), Offene Laparoskopie. gynäkol prax 14, 741-746, Hans Marseille Verlag München)s. hierzu auch das Kapitel "offene Laparoskopie" auf dieser Homepage. Die mit Abstand am weitesten verbreitete Zugangstechnik ist allerdings die "Blindpunktion)
Die OP-Zeiten sind nicht kürzer. Patienten erholen sich nicht schneller. Die Schmerzen nach dem Eingriff sind nicht geringer. Der Medikamentenbedarf ist nicht geringer.
Die Ergebnisse der Operationen sind in keinem Aspekt besser, als bei der CO2-Laparoskopie . Die resultierenden Narben sind nicht kosmetisch günstiger sondern deutlich größer.
Die „gaslose“ Laparoskopie erlaubt keine operative Behandlung, die man nicht mit der Standard-Laparoskopie realisieren kann. (Auch die Standard-Laparoskopie erlaubt chirurgisches Nähen, sogar mit mikrochirurgischem Nahtmaterial unter bis zu 20-facher Bildvergrößerung).
Die "gaslose Laparoskopie" geht nicht einher mit einem niedrigeren Gesamt-Komplikationsrisiko. Die Embolie- und Thromboserate ist nicht niedriger. Die Narkosetechnik unterscheidet sich nicht von der normalen Laparoskopie.

If this really was the way to have an adhesiolysis then all the world would be clammoring at Kruschinskis door! All he has is "advertising" and no hard facts about his claims. The Endogyn "parrots", those endeared to Kruschinski are common lay people who will happily explain TO ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN about the deletirious side effects of carbon dioxide and reel in another sucker to a very questionable surgery.
See the skeptisism in the forum below....first translated to English then in the originional German.
It is a far cry from what Karen Steward of Texas espouses!

Babelfish translation from German to English
Dr kurschinskie, EndyGyn = Risko growing together smaller
becci mouse
Mo, 07/06/2010 - 14:14hello it love,

since the contribution is already somewhat older, I open from there new post office and would like to ask, who already made thereby experiences, who there was in practice. with you actually fewer growing together, did you did develop have make again to let a OI? did someone use the possibility without full arcose to be operated???

since practice is far for many away, depending upon residence, I would know also gladly, how the contact came to conditions, how discussions ran, reliably by telephone/mail I take to? is one at all well advised and examined, if one only one day before the OI travels? can local physicians which with found at all begin or do have one to re-examinations again and again? for me some hundreds km, if I carry then however fewer growing together off and I have the chance, would be to be healed, take I gladly in purchase… from there completely urgently please to communicate to me many tips and experiences completely. sone fear of the OI has and is already correctly depressive, because I in the Internet horrogeschichten myself and risks read and see only black: (

and the latter asks: how did it run off with the assumption of the costs? I am private, but white not whether soetwas one takes over, if one drives etc. into another place.

are strained and wait longingly for answer, lg becci

To write announcing or registering around comments

Hello becci, I has


Mo, 07/06/2010 - 18:59Hello becci,

I read not all your contributions, therefore I do not know your diagnosis/complaints.

Would like to mean you however (even if only volatile) impression of Dr. Kruschinski to describe. I had times at the telephone. It was before the diagnosis Endo, at that time a general physician the suspicion also growing together and possibly “which gynäkologisches”… and with to be googled is I evenly over it had tripped and have nen date made the telephone consulting hour. My impression was not the best one: We talked no 10 min, I to it completely scarcely my complaints and the suspicion let us describe and already had I nen OI date. I found that in such a way… naja. And the cash hätt's anyway not paid.

He works with this elevator method, as you writes without gas. And as growing together barrier it works with a kind spraying gel which I from otherwise no hospital knows (clearly, he has probably a patent drauf). (IHRT ~ Nah thats just what he wants you to think)

But is ob's good or bad.??? Does someone know relevant studies? I do not know so quite, but wenns the miracle drug against growing together would give nevertheless, then we would not have nevertheless all, or? That is only my completely personal opinion, and I white that female patients by him were operated on it to swear.

Love of greetings


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Rear Becci, too doc


Mo, 07/06/2010 - 20:12Rear Becci,

too doc kruschinski gabs here already some discussions.

fact is: it is endometriosespezialist and still on NO advanced training or meeting about endometriose, also of endometrioseverband Germany, was seen none (to these meetings endometriosespezialisten, which train themselves further regularly, all go). alone to me would already signal to go there not.

besides it operates in a private hospital and describes on its homepage in my opinion fell so praising mark “which has I there again wonderful mad carried out” that I have the feeling, it goes over to be ego and, above all, around its money.

surely that sounds everything for someone, which hurts degrees has, in emergency feels, also psychologically possibly quite to ends is total (like most women, who look for nem endoarzt), like the rescue and super. BUT: on it the offer aims exactly, aims the way of the advertisement off! it is made, because in this way women, who are weak degrees, an alleged rescue anchor been enough and in addition properly into the bag reached. (IHRT ~ this really hits the nail on the head huh)

I würd there never probably go ...... to decide must that everyone. in a phase, where I was in emergency, I times contact there had, and even said, if I pay the OI and come, me as free achievement (further LOCK means) the preliminary investigation is given to me.

besides several said to me spezis the fact that my small endometrioseherde with the elevator method does not see and thus no comprehensive view can get (also different one spezis to work with elevator, but not at endo…). And: The complaints (muscular strain etc.) are also not better after that elevators than according to the method with gas.

I go rather to one endospezi, which is exactly specialized in endo, continues to form and to growing together one prevents also there.


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I must agree you


Mo, 07/06/2010 - 20:16I must agree you strawberry.

Wenn's around Endometriose does not go is it already times at all the correct partner!!!! I thought it went around growing together.

To write announcing or registering around comments

I do not know the physician,


Di, 08/06/2010 - 09:05
I do not know the physician, but I can only say, I am condemned glad, which was invented the full arcose! Never voluntarily I would like life received by this OP´s somewhat! Before the anaesthesias have I meanwhile no more fear… And I am gone until one year ago only under obligation to the blood removing…

LG Daniela

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hello daniela, with me goes

becci mouse

Di, 08/06/2010 - 14:49hello daniela,

with me it concerns the suspicion on endometriose. large fear has before intervened, first OI in full arcose and before the diagnosis, the risks of renewed growing together etc.

I found its homepage also not good in the first moment very and in my emergency know I, I whom was to believe, has already grant investigated, to each physician says something else, it gives those, which swear on the gasless and those, which gives preference to the classical method, gives it. report and opinions are only unfortunately always very on one side and each speaker make evenly only the contrary operation method totally bad, everything sound plausible and also widerum not.

me can someone help, has someone possibly well-founded studies or per/versus arguments for me? are already again drauf and to call off the OI: (

lg becci

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hello strawberry, you has completely

becci mouse

Di, 08/06/2010 - 15:00hello strawberry,

you have quite right with yours state: I despaired to degrees totally weakly, fearfully, panisch…: (
from where does one know that he was so far on no such studies and advanced training? how did you have contact to the hospital, by telephone?

relative this sprays: as it on the homepage is praised, is it the growing together means absolutely, in America is that course and give. I found that very logical everything, since the liquid, which is used with the classical OI method, remains clinging not on the wounds like this spray. there it, the scars meant were less with the gasless OI, belly cuts can be avoided. then is talks there about second look, thus a control OI, in the growing together, which grant themselves within 3 after the first OI form, to be solved can… and and… then with the regioanlanästhesie, has nevertheless such fear of a full arcose…

white further, today unfortunately a very short discussion by telephone with my COMPANY spoke, and this meant also that with the gasless OI less precise herd be found can, which is risks the same growing together also occur can… must one know that she transferred me to Dr. Ebert, therefore her surely not completely different physician then would particularly praise (to make we us anything forwards, ALL physicians do not want to earn, then unfortunately is that)

if jnd still more has information, opinions or experiences, please to write the text completely urgently here, are so down: (


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Dr. Kruschinski


Di, 08/06/2010 - 16:07Hello together,

only once I would like to say that everyone of the OI method must be convinced, it must let which be issued over itself!

If that is not the case, I would always call a OI off.

One must with itself in pure ones to be, because with the result, no matter how it goes out, one must to live be able.

Now to Dr. Kruschinski:

Is interesting, as much bad criticism it must put in and over it is written, although degrees those were never operated by it… (IHRT ~ Ummm I was)

I was operated one week ago by him! Head OI and some days after Second look.

Z.Zt. still am I in the hospital. After both interferences I knew immediately which thing am, have some pictures received, so that I knew exactly, what it there with me down “employed” have!

In a KH I would have gotten a belly cut, would have been said at that time me with the first BSP. I did not want to have these with nearly 27 years however, therefore I had decided against it. Now I lasted a breath of larger cuts as with normal EX. my considerations and research up to OI having a half year!

And why it to recruit must: It operates in a private hospital! There everyone can go without a transfer, says I now times so casually. And it must constantly fight for it and justify itself for its method. Is that fair? Or is it envy of the others? (IHRT ~ haw haw haw haw)

The SprayShield I got also, over experiences can I naturally only think I in some weeks for speaking and like it with the pain look!

I learned it to know now personally and from there can I now a judgement afford!

Which all patients say are: It seems to be always on the escape…

But: It is each day in the hospital, answers even at Easter and at night to my emails!!!

He says even it is its appointment and gives everything for it… from there suffers badly his family life under it. ( IHRT, This is the understatement of the century!)

Now, I know for me, if further OPs lines up, I will come always ago. My travel time: approx. 4 autohours

And I am not private, but the BKK health takes over the costs. Only the gel and the remainder of the stay one must pay.

To further questions simply announce

Love of greetings

To write announcing or registering around comments

Hello becci, I became


Di, 08/06/2010 - 16:09Hello becci,

I would never go with a Endomoetrioseverdacht to him! Simply so from the feeling. In no technical periodical, on no congress of the Endovereinigung or hears one reads something of him in connection with Endo. With Endometriose you belong into the hands species! And Kruschinski is in my opinion only self-appointed which growing together bellies concerns.

Here times a beautiful text to the gasless Lap:

I had heard of it already, also of many disadvantages, and that I now found. How in the text by the way descriptive is developed by saucy stone - > and no more does not use! That says some nevertheless already…



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Left thank you


So, 13/06/2010 - 16:42 Hello Daniela, thank you for the left and your open comment! I find it very courageous by you that you take here so openly position. I reacted it experienced as it to criticism. It feels asked already insulting if it for it we whether it at all a practice has. Also I go actually proving only to a physician to that me can in appropriate advanced training measures have participated, and/or in technical periodicals is represented. Which does not concern Schneck83 so would like I anybody too close to step however one could nearly believe that this is a kind advertisement. Which Doc omits itself already with a female patient over its family life. It should nevertheless the patient and not around the physician concern here. In addition which many bad criticisms? Criticism at it nevertheless nearly not only always exists these miracle stories. Endo is a hard fate and no place for physicians, who are already insulting if her are not praised.

LG Nela

To write announcing or registering around comments

Hello Nela that with its


So, 13/06/2010 - 18:24Hello Nela,

that with its family life does not have it me also told, I “snapped open” in the hospital only!

It changed with me no private word, everything had with me to do, thus for the patient.


To write announcing or registering around comments

Hello Schnecke83, are you


So, 13/06/2010 - 18:38Hello Schnecke83,

were you operated by Dr. Kruschinski because of Enometriose?


To write announcing or registering around comments

Hello Daniela, I has


So, 13/06/2010 - 19:03Hello Daniela,

yes, I have Endo degree of 3 with strong growing together and an inclination to the Zystenbildung at the ovaries.

My was already again 8 cm large: - (

Between intestine and the Gebärmutter I have still Endo, which he has however for the time being leaves, there it a piece intestine to remove would have had and then get one an artificial intestine exit for 3 months, so that the two intestine ends can grow together.

Oh, always these OI `s, as good that one does not have white how often one still so in its life therefore under measurers.


Origional German text

Dr kurschinskie, EndyGyn = Risko Verwachsungen geringer
Mo, 07/06/2010 - 14:14hallo ihr lieben,

habe soeben in einem älteren beitrag von dr kurschinski in braunschweig gelesen und bin total geschockt, aufgeregt und erfreut. habe mir sogleich dann seine homepage angeguckt und dort von seinen neuartigen op-techniken gelesen, die die risiken von verwachsungen eindämmen sollen, auch wird gaslos operiert, was insg auch weniger risiken birgt, außerdem gibt es dort auch die möglichkeit, ohne vollnarkose diesen eingriff vornehmen zu lassen, was mich total neugierg macht. denn ich habe schreckliche angst vor meinem op termin in berlin und würd am liebste absagen, wenn ich über die risiken lese und auch hier im forum wird deutlich, dass immer wieder verwachsungen über die jahre entstehen, die sicher nicht durch die endo, sondern durch BS / oder Bschnitte entstanden sind.

da der beitrag schon etwas älter ist, mache ich daher einen neuen post auf und möchte fragen, wer damit schon erfahrungen gemacht hat, wer dort war in der praxis. sind bei euch tatsächlich weniger verwachsungen entstanden, musstet ihr erneut eine op machen lassen? hat jemand die möglichkeit genutzt, ohne vollnarkose operiert zu werden???

da die praxis ja für viele weit weg ist, je nach wohnort, würde ich auch gerne wissen, wie der kontakt zu stande kam, wie besprechungen verliefen, sicher per telefon/mail nehme ich am? wird man überhaupt gut beraten und untersucht, wenn man erst einen tag vor der op anreist? können hiesige ärzte was mit den befunden überhaupt anfangen oder muss man zu nachuntersuchungen immer wieder hin? für mich wären das einige hunderte km, wenn ich dann aber weniger verwachsungen davontrage und ich die chance habe, geheilt zu werden, nehme ich das gerne in kauf...daher ganz dringend die bitte, mir ganz viele tips und erfahrungen mitzuteilen. habe sone angst vor der op und bin schon richtig depressiv, weil ich mir im internet horrogeschichten und risiken durchlese und nur noch schwarz sehe :(

und die letzte frage: wie lief es denn mit der kostenübernahme ab? ich bin privatversichert, aber weiß nicht, ob soetwas übernommen wird, wenn man in einen anderen ort fährt etc.

bin gespannt und warte sehnsüchtig auf antwort, lg becci

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Hallo becci, ich habe
Mo, 07/06/2010 - 18:59Hallo becci,

ich habe nicht alle deine Beiträge gelesen, also kenne ich deine Diagnose/Beschwerden nicht.

Möchte dir aber meinen (wenn auch nur flüchtigen) Eindruck von Dr. Kruschinski schildern. Ich hatte den mal am Telefon. Es war vor der Diagnose Endo, damals hatte ein Allgemeinmediziner den Verdacht auch Verwachsungen und evtl. "was gynäkologisches"...und beim googeln bin ich eben über ihn gestolpert und hab nen Termin zur Telefonsprechstunde gemacht. Mein Eindruck war nicht der Beste: Wir haben keine 10 min geredet, ich hab ihm ganz knapp meine Beschwerden und den Verdacht geschildert und schon hatte ich nen OP-Termin. Das fand ich so...naja. Und die Kasse hätt's ohnehin nicht gezahlt.

Er arbeitet ja mit dieser Lift-Methode, wie du schreibst ohne Gas. Und als Verwachsungsbarriere arbeitet er mit einer Art Sprühgel was ich aus sonst keiner Klinik kenne (klar, er hat wohl auch ein Patent drauf).

Aber ob's gut oder schlecht ist..??? Kennt jemand relevante Studien? Ich weiß nicht so recht, aber wenns doch DAS Wundermittel gegen Verwachsungen geben würde, dann hätten wir doch alle keine, oder? Das ist nur meine ganz persönliche Meinung, und ich weiß das Patientinnen die von ihm operiert wurden darauf schwören.

Liebe Grüße


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Hi Becci, zu doc
Mo, 07/06/2010 - 20:12Hi Becci,

zu doc kruschinski gabs hier schon einige diskussionen..

fakt ist: er ist kein endometriosespezialist und wurde noch auf KEINER fortbildung oder veranstaltung zum thema endometriose, auch vom endometrioseverband deutschland, gesehen (zu diesen veranstaltungen gehen endometriosespezialisten, die sich regelmäßig fortbilden, alle hin). das allein würde mir schon signalisieren, da nicht hin zu gehen.

zudem operiert er in einer privatklinik und schildert auf seine homepage meiner meinung nach die fälle so selbstlobend marke "was hab ich da wieder wundervolles tolles geleistet", dass ich das gefühl habe, es geht um sein ego und, vor allem, um sein geld.

sicherlich klingt das alles für jemanden, der grad schmerzen hat, sich in not fühlt, auch psychisch evtl ziemlich am ende ist (wie die meisten frauen, die nach nem endoarzt suchen), wie die rettung und total super. ABER: genau darauf zielt das angebot, zielt die art und weise der werbung ab! sie ist gemacht, weil auf diese weise frauen, die grad schwach sind, ein vermeintlicher rettungsanker gereicht wird- und dazu ordentlich in die tasche gegriffen.

ich würd da niemals hingehen......entscheiden muss das wohl jeder selber. in einer phase, wo ich in not war, hab ich da mal kontakt hin gehabt, und mir wurde sogar gesagt, wenn ich die op zahle und komme, wird mir als gratisleistung (weiteres lockmittel) die voruntersuchung geschenkt.

zudem haben mir mehrere spezis gesagt, dass mein kleine endometrioseherde mit der liftmethode NICHT sieht und somit keinen umfassenden einblick bekommen kann (auch andere spezis arbeiten mit lift, aber nicht bei endo...). Und: Die beschwerden (muskelkater usw) sind nach dem liften auch nicht besser als nach der methode mit gas..

ich geh lieber zu einem endospezi, der auf endo genau spezialisiert ist, sich weiter bildet und auch dort wird verwachsungen vorgebeugt..


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Ich muss dir zustimmen
Mo, 07/06/2010 - 20:16Ich muss dir zustimmen Erdbeere.

Wenn's um Endometriose geht ist er schon mal gar nicht der richtige Ansprechpartner!!!! Ich dachte es ging um Verwachsungen.

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Ich kenne den Arzt nicht,
Di, 08/06/2010 - 09:05

Ich kenne den Arzt nicht, aber ich kann nur sagen, ich bin verdammt froh, das die Vollnarkose erfunden wurde! Niemals freiwillig möchte ich von diesen OP´s etwas life mitbekommen! Vor den Narkosen hab ich mittlerweile keine Angst mehr... Und ich bin bis vor einem Jahr nur unter Zwang zum Blutabnehmen gegangen...

LG Daniela

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hallo daniela, bei mir geht
Di, 08/06/2010 - 14:49hallo daniela,

bei mir geht es um den verdacht auf endometriose. habe ja große angst vor dem eingriff, erste op in vollnarkose und vor der diagnose, den risiken erneuter verwachsungen etc.

ich fand seine homepage im ersten moment sehr gut und in meiner not weiß ich auch nicht, wem ich glauben soll, habe bereits stunden recherchiert, jeder arzt sagt etwas anderes, es gibt die, die auf die gaslose schwören und es gibt die, die der klassischen methode den vorzug geben. nur leider sind die berichte und meinungen immer sehr einseitig und jeder sprecher macht eben nur die gegenteilige operationsmethode total schlecht, alles klingt einleuchtend und auch widerum nicht.

kann mir denn jemand weiterhelfen, hat jemand evtl fundierte studien oder pro/contra argumente für mich? bin schon wieder drauf und dran, die op abzusagen :(

lg becci

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hallo erdbeere, du hast ganz
Di, 08/06/2010 - 15:00hallo erdbeere,

du hast ganz recht mit deiner aussage: ich bin grad total schwach, ängstlich, verzweifelt, panisch...:(

woher weiß man denn, dass er bisher auf keinen solchen studien und fortbildungen war? wie hattest du denn kontakt zu der klinik, per telefon?

bezüglich diesen sprays: so wie es auf der homepage gepriesen wird, ist es DAS verwachsungenmittel schlechthin, in amerika sei das gang und gebe. ich fand das alles sehr logisch, da die flüssigkeit, die bei der klassischen op-methode verwendet wird, nicht auf den wunden haften bleibt wie dieses spray. dort hieß es, die narben seien mit der gaslosen op weniger, bauchschnitte können vermieden werden. dann ist da die rede von dem second look, also einer kontroll-op, in der verwachsungen, die sich ja innerhalb 3 stunden nach der ersten op bilden, gelöst werden können...und und und... dann das mit der regioanlanästhesie, hab doch solche angst vor einer vollnarkose...

weiß nicht weiter, habe heute mit meiner FA gesprochen, leider ein sehr kurzes gespräch per telefon, und diese meinte auch, dass mit der gaslosen op weniger präzise herde gefunden werden können, die risiken die gleichen sind, verwachsungen auch auftreten können...aberdazumuss man wissen, dass sie mich zu dr. ebert überwiesen hat, also würde sie sicher nicht einen ganz anderen arzt dann besonders loben (denn machen wir uns nichts vor, ALLE ärzte wollen verdienen, so ist das leider)

wenn jnd noch mehr infos, meinungen oder erfahrungen hat, bitte ganz dringend hier texten, bin so down :(


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Dr. Kruschinski
Di, 08/06/2010 - 16:07Hallo zusammen,

erst einmal möchte ich sagen, dass jeder von der OP Methode überzeugt sein muss, die er über sich ergehen lassen muss!

Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, würde ich eine OP immer absagen.

Man muss mit sich im Reinen sein, weil mit dem Ergebnis, egal wie es ausgeht, muss man leben können.

Nun zu Dr. Kruschinski:

Interessant ist, wie viel schlechte Kritik er einstecken muss und über ihn geschrieben wird, obwohl grade diejenigen nie von ihm operiert wurden...

Ich wurde vor einer Woche von ihm operiert! Haupt-OP und einige Tage danach Second look.

Z.Zt. befinde ich mich noch in der Klinik. Nach beiden Eingriffen wusste ich sofort Bescheid was Sache ist, habe etliche Bilder erhalten, so dass ich genau wusste, was er dort bei mir unten "angestellt" hat!

In einem KH hätte ich einen Bauchschnitt bekommen, wurde mir damals bei der ersten BSP gesagt. Diesen wollte ich mit fast 27 Jahren aber nicht haben, deshalb habe ich mich dagegen entschieden. Nun habe ich ein Hauch größerer Schnitte wie bei einer normalen BSP. Meine Überlegungen und Forschungen bis hin zu OP haben ein halbes Jahr gedauert!

Und warum er werben muss: Er operiert in einer Privatklinik! Dort kann jeder ohne eine Überweisung hin gehen, sage ich jetzt mal so salopp.. Und er muss ständig dafür kämpfen und sich für seine Methode rechtfertigen. Ist das fair? Oder ist es Neid von den Anderen?

Das SprayShield habe ich auch bekommen, über Erfahrungen kann ich natürlich erst denke ich in einigen Wochen sprechen und wie es mit den Schmerzen aussieht!

Ich habe ihn nun persönlich kennen gelernt und daher kann ich mir nun ein Urteil leisten!

Was alle Patienten sagen ist: Er scheint immer auf der Flucht zu sein...

Aber: Er ist jeden Tag in der Klinik, antwortet sogar an Ostern und nachts auf meine E-Mails!!!

Er sagt selbst es ist seine Berufung und gibt alles dafür...daher leidet arg sein Familienleben darunter.

Nun ja, ich für mich weiß, falls weitere OPs anstehen, werde ich immer her kommen. Meine Fahrzeit: ca. 4 Autostunden

Und ich bin nicht privatversichert, aber die BKK Gesundheit übernimmt die Kosten. Nur das Gel und den Rest des Aufenthaltes muss man selbst zahlen.

Bei weiteren Fragen einfach melden

Liebe Grüße

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Hallo becci, ich würde
Di, 08/06/2010 - 16:09Hallo becci,

ich würde mit einem Endomoetrioseverdacht niemals zu ihm gehen! Einfach so vom Gefühl her. In keiner Fachzeitschrift, auf keinem Kongress der Endovereinigung liest oder hört man etwas von ihm im Zusammenhang mit Endo. Mit Endometriose gehörst du in die Hände eines Spezies! Und Kruschinski ist meiner Meinung nach nur ein selbsternannter was Verwachsungsbäuche angeht.

Hier mal ein schöner Text zur gaslosen Lap:

Ich hatte davon schon gehört, auch von vielen Nachteilen, und das hab ich nun gefunden. Wie im Text übrigens beschrieben ist von Keckstein entwickelt -> und nicht mehr verwendet! Das sagt doch schon einiges...



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Link Vielen Dank
So, 13/06/2010 - 16:42Hallo Daniela, vielen Dank für den Link und Deinen offenen Kommentar! Ich finde es sehr mutig von Dir, dass Du hier so offen Stellung beziehst. Ich habe es selbst erlebt wie er auf Kritik reagiert. Er fühlt sich schon beleidigt wenn er danach gefragt wir ob er überhaupt eine Praxis hat. Auch ich gehe nur zu einem Arzt der mir tatsächlich nachweisen kann an entsprechenden Fortbildungsmaßnahmen teilgenommen zu haben, bzw. in Fachzeitschriften vertreten ist. Was Schneck83 betrifft so möchte ich niemandem zu nahe treten aber man könnte fast glauben, dass dies eine Art Werbung ist. Welcher Doc lässt sich schon bei einer Patientin über sein Familienleben aus. Es sollte hier doch um den Kranken und nicht um den Arzt gehen. Außerdem welche viele schlechte Kritiken? Kritik an ihm existiert doch fast gar nicht bloß immer diese Wundergeschichten. Endo ist ein hartes Schicksal und kein Platz für Ärzte, die schon beleidigt sind wenn sie nicht gelobt werden.

LG Nela

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Hallo Nela, dass mit seinem
So, 13/06/2010 - 18:24Hallo Nela,

dass mit seinem Familienleben hat er mir auch nicht erzählt, habe ich in der Klinik nur "aufgeschnappt"!

Er hat mit mir gar kein privates Wort gewechselt, alles hatte mit mir zu tun, also dem Patient.


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Hallo Schnecke83, bist du
So, 13/06/2010 - 18:38Hallo Schnecke83,

bist du von Dr. Kruschinski wegen Enometriose operiert worden?



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Hallo Daniela, ja, ich habe
So, 13/06/2010 - 19:03Hallo Daniela,

ja, ich habe Endo Grad 3 mit starken Verwachsungen und eine Neigung zur Zystenbildung an den Eierstöcken.

Meine war schon wieder 8 cm groß :-(

Zwischen Darm und der Gebärmutter habe ich noch Endo, die hat er aber vorerst belassen, da er ein Stück Darm hätte entfernen müssen und dann bekommt man einen künstlichen Darmausgang für 3 Monate, damit die zwei Darmenden zusammen wachsen können.

Ach ja, immer diese OP`s, wie gut, dass man nicht weiß wie oft man noch so in seinem Leben deswegen unters Messer muss..


If you need friends bad enough to hang with the likes of Dr Daniel Kruschisnki and Karen Steward than we pray God keep you safe through your ordeal. Wouldnt facebook be a safer bet?