Monday, May 01, 2006
Not everybody gets the special treatment in GErmany
Everybody else seems to have gotten the special treatment in Germany, except me.
I flew to Germany with a companion. Nobody met us at the airport, so after waiting about 45 minutes, we called Dr. K.'s office and somebody was sent to get us. Also nobody took me back to the airport. By that time, my companion had left because another pt and her friend had moved in with me, and it was too crowded. In the morning of the day prior to the day I was supposedto leave, I was informed that I had to move to a hotel, because another pt was moving into the apt with two of her family members.Ok, so I moved to the hotel, no problem, except that I had to find my own way to the airport by myself, so I took a cab and it cost $50 which I had to pay myself and was never reimbursed.
Also, something really weird happened while I was in the Emma Clinic, in the evening after surgery. I had already been gotten out of bed once by the nurse, and the nurse did not tell me not to get out of bed again, so a couple hours later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, then I got back into bed. A couple hours later, Dr. K came rushing into my room, loudly accusing me of doing "aerobic exercises". He told me to get out of bed and he ripped off my dressing, muttering in German. Then he saw that my companion was sitting back in the corner, and he suddenly turned to pleasant and said everything was OK.After he left, I asked my companion, "what was that all about", and neither one of us could figure it out.
Recently there was a discussion on endogyn about no gloves in the examining room.
I did not think about it much at the time, but now to hear that another of his pts had a blood borne infection, Hepatitus, is REALLY SCARY.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dr. Kruschinaki LURED me to Germany by his words
Why I do not recommend Dr. Daniel Kruschinski
I am a former patient of Dr. Daniel Kruschinski and I want to tell my story so that other people will be aware, and can make a more informed decision than I did. I have written directly to Dr. K. several times, and the only response I have gotten from him is "Sorry we could not help you", or "Come back for another surgery, to give the nerves another chance to grow back together.
"Damaged nerves do not "Grow back together". Does he really believe that they do?I did NOT have adhesiolysis, I did not have the abdolift, I did not have spray gel, because they were not indicated for my problem. I had a scar revision by Dr. Krushinski , and as a result of that procedure done by him, I am so much worse, and in constant horrible nerve pain, which has not responded to any treatment.
My life is ruined, and it is only going to get worse.
Why would I go to Germany for such a thing as a scar revision?
Why would I seek out a scar revision from an adhesion specialist?
The answer is that I was desperate and frantic.
Prior to going to Germany, I had severe neuropathy from a prior surgery, and I was told that my scar was adhesed by a physical therapist, several massage therapists, a plastic surgeon, and a neurologist. They all told me that further surgery would just make it worse. So I tried a TENS unit, many different medications for neuropathy, and a nerve block, all to no avail. I found the IAS on the internet and participated on that for several months, to learn about adhesions. I thought that pelvic adhesions, abdominal adhesions, and scar adhesions must have something in common. I heard about people who were going to Germany to get cured of adhesions and who were then pain-free. I called several of those people and believed them when they told me that they were fine, and that they were pain-free. They all encouraged me to go there.
I wrote directly to Dr. Kruschinski and his exact words to me were:"Your problem will be resolved when I take down your incision, remove the adhesed area, and re-suture you and the scar will not be adhesed again." He did not say, "We will see what we can do," He definitely said, "YOUR PROBLEM WILL BE RESOLVED WHEN I DO such and such........." He also told me that he was a plastic surgeon, but I do not think he is. He had another Dr. with him to do the surgery, and she was a plastic surgeon, and thus of course I had to pay double the surgical fee. He seemed so confident, when all other doctors etc I had gone to said they could not help me, so I used my entire savings to make the trip to Germany, and I had the surgery, and I had to stay 17 days and I was in terrible pain the entire time. My scar was all the way around my body, and I kept asking for pain medication, but all I got was the liquid drops that people in Germany take for headaches. I definitely did not go bike riding or sightseeing, but I did force myself to walk 1-2 hours a day.
I had tremendous swelling and bruising, which I expected, and I thought that when it went away, the pain would go away also, but it never did.
A very strange happening!!!
A very strange thing happened on the day of my surgery. I was back in my room, hours after the surgery. A nurse came in and told me to get out of bed and she walked with me down the hall and watched as I got back into bed. I had no problems getting in and out of bed. A while later, I got out of bed by myself to use the bathroom, which was just a few steps from the bed, and then got right back into the bed. Shortly after that, Dr. K. came rushing into my room, and loudly accused me of doing AEROBICS, demanded that I get out of bed, raise my arms above my head, and he then ripped off my dressing. He was muttering something in German. I never figured out what he was so upset about. I asked him what the problem was but he did not reply.
The rest of the story is that the procedure I had done by him was a total disaster. He made the skin so tight I cannot eat or breathe normally. It is perhaps just a coincidence, but the side of my body that he operated on is much tighter and hurts much more than the side that the other Dr, the plastic surgeon, did. Just beware anyone who is reading this.
Remember the saying "if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true.
"I do feel that Dr. Kruschinaki LURED me to Germany by his words "Your problem Will be resolved"
Personally I think he just wanted my money. I was a fool to believe him.
Nobody from IHRT requested that I write this message. It was my own decision. There is a lot more that I could say, but I have confined my comments to my personal experience and not the experiences of others. They can speak for themselves.
Thank you IHRT for the opportunity to post this on your BLOG.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Breaking News!!! Endogyn Closes!!
Dr. Daniel Kruschinski has been dismissed from Emma Clinic and is forbidden to do any more surgeries there.
Endogyn Web Site ( English) remains dormant, like a ship settled on the bottom of the sea it shall remain that way forever more.
* All surgeries scheduled for Endogyn have been cancelled!* 2007 ISGE meeting hosted by “Kru” cancelled!
* All “new” surgery sites “Kru” claimed to be opening, cancelled!
* “Kru” cannot perform surgery in other countries as he stated he would!
*"Kru" had been dismissed from 5 prior medical centers before renting his office and medical space from Emma Klinik!
***All "research papers by "Kru" & "Shirli Homberg" (his wife) regarding CO2 causing adhesion formation have been proven to be without basis! (They have all been conveniently removed from the Endogyn web site too!)
“Kru” tells his "German" patients that he will perform surgeries at another location in Germany, IHRT says, “Keep Him in Germany” as when they condone this kind of surgeon there, keep him there, however, IHRT cautions any US patient who might be considering following this surgeon (like a cult) for future surgeries, my God, think!
DO NOT trust any of “Kru’s” prior patients who make claims of being well, those who made these claims, all of a sudden are NOT as well as they had portrayed themselves to be, male patients included!
IF any patient to Endogyn was “cured” in a first trip there, is was due to them having a very minimal case of adhesions and of course the “Confluent Spraygel!"
"Kru's crew has fallen with him, they have been silenced too!
Karen Steward once said that, "The TRUTH will prevail in the end," and it did! IHRT agrees 100%
Helen Dynda is silenced and alone, had by "Kru!" So much for her and "Kru's"patient/Dr. relationship! "Knowledge IS Power" but only if you use it wisely, Helen! Carolyn, Connie, Sally and Lisa, have all been had by "Kru" too, and if they only knew the whole story, they would know how he talked about them, as he talked about us! Regarding “Kru’s” claims of performing a “gasless” procedure – in EVERY surgical procedure he ever did, even with the “Abdolift," he used CO2 to insufflate the abdomen of his patient!!! Check your op reports. There is no other way to "screw" the Abdolift into the abdomen unless it was already insulflated, if it were not so, organs would be easily punctured by it!
One final disclosure from the IHRT team...not once did we ever miss-represent anything we posted regarding Kruschisnki, never once did we embelish any issues, and not once did we ever not tell the truth! Our agenda did not change since it started in 2003, and it was never to promote any particular surgeon, but rather, to challenge others to seek the truth of Kruschinski and his "crew" and to be educated enough to know that the truth was never written or spoken from them!
This whole episode is a sad one, we rather many people were well from thier experiences in Endogyn, but it is not that way, and though justice is yet to be served on this man, and it will be, for now, and perhaps in the future, the lives of others have been spared because of both sides presenting thier issues, but with only one side being able to show the truth!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Kruschinski Posts while Drunk!
IHRT shares a post that "Kru" wrote to his Endogyn web site yesterday, however, once he sobered up SOME, he quickly removed it.
But he wasn't as quick as he thought, as when drunk, ones senses are slow, and knowing that "Kru" would want his words about Endogyn and his fellow surgeons saved, IHRT saved it for him.
Here is a rather "puffy" looking Kruschinski and the post he removed from Endogyn!
"BD and DR and others: I must laugh ... "
Most advanced
Gender: Male???
Location: Hidden
Registered: Jul 2003
Status: Offline
Posts: 289
Posted Sunday, July 16, 2006 @ 04:40 PM
"BD and DR, LOL ....
"Do you think, intelligent human believe all that crap that you produce ??? Be sure, you cant destroy me anymore. If you didn't manage it 2003, now it's too late, there are too many patients as an evidence in opposite to your lies.You blow-up some info you get from people I know as the informants, into a pack of lies and imaginations.
What is so special to move facilities ? If patients want, I can still perform their surgeries at the Emma... no problem at all. It's true that we closed the office in Seligenstadt... but why not ? I can do whatever I want.Open new facilities, close old ones and you are not the ones to condemn what and how I do... you are simply laities and will never have anything else to do than to try to ruin poor ones.
Let me tell you that. As you (and those who are behind you) are trying hard to ruin me for 3 years now; i still will pop-up somewhere as you do with your websites and so we both will continue our game, I as an excellent surgeon but you as ordinary liars and those doctors behind you will very soon loose all their patients, believe me.
I still perform surgery and will continue to do that, regardless how infame you and the doctors behind you will continue to discredit me. I just got contracts with UK insurances, so let's see and watch the future.
I learned survivor techniques from my jewish father who survived Ausschwitz ... Watch and see...
What you produce about me and my personal life, doesn't matter. All what you post are lies and scare tactics to lure patients. Do you want to lure patients to a facility that did not more than 10 adhesiolysis by one surgeon ??? All the international surgeons you claim in your postings NEVER did surgery in that facility, except of one from US. No one of this doctors performs a second look (in order not to see the mess he left behind...)
You have no facility to send patients to, as the results of your specialist surgeons are nothing better than a diagnostic laparoscopy. Show us at least ONE patient who got well after surgery there. There should be at least one, if you say so and this one will for sure be able to speak for herself and recommend the facility and the surgeons.
I have so many images and evidence of so many patients who had surgery with most of the specialists you have on your list and could show the failures they have...and you have only yourself, where in your 3rd look in US there were no adhesions for sure, I have the video of this surgery too.
Do I look as someone who hides himself and nearly dies ???
"IHRT comments to "Kru's" post:
Kruschinski states, "Lies" and "Scare" tanctics!"
*What lies? IHRT validates everything they print! And now Karen Steward is validating it with us!
*Is someone scared, if so, what are they scared of?
*Where are "we" luring patients too, "Kru?" And why would we do that?
*What Dr.'s are behind us? (You mention this often, but you never say who it is?)
* "OUR" specialist surgeons??" Who are they?*Who said you was "dying?" Are you trying to tell us something here? (Cirrhosis perhaps?)
*Of the"3000" patients you claim to have had, how many ARE validating your 99% successful outcomes? 5 Perhaps?
* Does this new patient from the USA at Passau count as your "validation?" (We all know she will not be well in a few months, but YOU would count her as a success today knowing it takes a while for your surgery to prove itself unsuccessfu, and, sadly it will be unsuccessful too!)
*What facility do we, IHRT, send patients to?
*What surgeons leave a mess?
*What other surgeons do ONLY a diagnostic lap, and compared to whom and what other surgery? Yours?*Why would "YOU" think any other surgeon would exploit patients in a public way as you do?
*Who had a 3rd look procedure? And where?
* Is Emma Klinik now your 11th facility you closed?
* And, Rotthalmünster ,Mallorca, Offenbach, Austria, & the Uk will follow at whim? That will ONLY be 16 facilities you open and close because YOU can, are we correct here, "Kru?"
*Does your UK insurance know the truth about you and your "results" with the Abdolift? Probably not, but they will!(Though this insurance is bogus, it can't hurt to contact the UK Medical Board with our concerns about "Kru" and why not, as long as it can't hurt "Kru" anymore, then no reason not to notify them, everyone, everywhere, about "Kru!" Right, "Kru?")
* YOU have patients for "evidence?" 5 people who post all the time and not all of them are well, that's evidence? (And keep in mind that one of them IS informing IHRT of everything in Endogyn all the time!)
* Are you saying that "we" ruined you at some hospitals and that is why your "popping" up at other facilities?How can you be "ruined" if you can operate at any of the facilities mentioned by us at any time you wish too? The truth is that you CAN'T! Just watch and see!
*Are you saying that because your "Polish Jewish" father survived Ausschwitz, that we should watch YOUR survivor techiques? If your Jewish father survived Ausschwitz, why did he relocate to Munich, Germany when just 16 years ago there was so much unrest in both East and West Germany, that many persons of German decent were unhappy living there! East Germany was communism under Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger - a member of the Nazi party from 1933 to 1945, and YOUR father relocated his family there!! This doesn't makes sense at all! The majority of Holocaust survivors made Israel their home, and for many years, the Polish Jews were subject to terrible anti-semitic treatment that continued IN Poland and Germany post WWII!
This is a bold face lie, and your using the Holocust as a means to draw pity and attention to yourself! Your poor, poor father to have a son like you!You ARE despicable and though there is not a shameful ounce in your body for what you say and do to others, I will say that this "claim" on your fathers name, and the name of the Holocust, is unforgivable, but then, you wouldn't care about that anyway!
*(Kru's CV in Endogyn: Dr. Kruschinski was born in 1958 in Poland. In 1969his family relocated to Munich, Germany.)There are so many incomplete statements in your post, Kru," that is is evident you were drinking. Please clarify them if you will, as what do you have to lose, nothing, as you say! Until IHRT hears from you regarding this post in Endogyn ( though now removed) here is our opinion of it:
*IHRT thanks "Kru" for validating that Endogyn no longer located in, "anywhere" actually. (It is in a laptop where ever Kru and Michi are. Real proffesional, Kru!)"Kru's" words: "It's true that we closed the office in Seligenstadt"
* IHRT says , " It is NEVER to late to do anything!"
* IHRT says, " We WILL be watching for you to do surgery at "Emma!" ( And in the UK, Schärding-Austria, Offenbach, Rotthalmünster, Eilenriedeklinik Hannover, Klinik am Zuckerberg Braunschweigm, Mallorca / Spain... your a busy man to find time to booze on a boat!)
* IHRT asks if you carry your "Abdolift" when you travel to all of these hospitals, or are they all buying one of thier own?
* IHRT asks if these hospital also offer "CO2" laporoscopic procedures? If so, how will you tolerate that? Do you intend to change that infrastructure to ALL "gas-less" surgeries?
Lets also look at these other posts by "Kru" that simply do not make sense either!(Posting while drinking makes for some sloppy, ignorant press!)
"Kru" Posted these on: Sunday, June 25, 2006 @ 11:39 AM"
After having reviewed the adhesiolysis procedures from hundreds of patients from all over the world, some changes in the concept of our adhesiolysis will be incorporated.
"IHRT asks "Kru" LOL!
*Who did this survey, Kru?
*When was it done?
*How was it accomplished?
*Where YOUR prior patients included in this survey?
*Where are the results posted?
Kru states..."Mallorca / Spain is on a good way and the hospital there will start in October 2006" LOL!
IHRT says...Yeah, right!
Watch how THIS transpires, folks! It won't!
Kru states..."In Rotthalmünster there is a cooperation with the Ayursan Clinic (at the same department) that offers a new concept for Ayurveda medicine. Especially for adhesions patients there is a typical Ayurveda treatment that can be included in your stay for adhesiolysis.
"IHRT points out... Post surgical patients and people with any wounds CANNOT go into spa's for fear of infections from other people and from chemicals in the spas! Hello !!
Kru states..."Also new ist the fact that we keep patients for all the period of 12-14 days in the hospital (not only 2 days like before) while the partner stays in another room at the hospital. If there are more than one person accompanying, apartments can be booked near the hospital.
"IHRT points out that as long as the costs stay the same for all these days, and NO costs to the traveling partner, it is a real bargain! So, 3 surgeries from a variety of countries every few months, well, that should rake in the loot to "Kru's" new facilities!! LOL! LOL!
Kru states...
Posted Thursday, July 6, 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Kru:"Were these patients treated at the new location at Passau or in Seligenstadt?
"Kru responds, " only in Passau...
"IHRT asks why that is, as he said that he can go wherever he pleases to perform surgery??
IHRT proudly presents "My Manic Dramas" a melodramatic theatrical take on Kruschinski's many "Drama's!" "Doc. Kru" plays himself as a whoe begone poor me "drama queen!"
("Why does everyone hurt me," moans Kru, as he throws himself across the fainting couch in perfect garbo fashion!)
As the curtain goes up on the first scene,
Kruschinski is seen sitting on the "Titanic " sipping his drink and thinking,"

This is the life, my future is all ahead of me any way I want it!"
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