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Friday, October 20, 2006

NEW ENDOGYN Facility -Passauer Rotthalmuenster

(No person by the name "Inelisa" had a surgery at Rotthalmuenster, nor did "Kru" do any surgeries there either!)
Another "Kru" game..."Figure Out Who Posted THIS one!? LOL! LOL!

"So, who does gasless operations for panel patients, and possibly in the northern region of Germany these days? Hmmmm, let IHRT think on that, hmmmm!" "OH, IHRT got it!! NO ONE DOES!" LOL! LOL! LOL!

Posted Freitag, 20. Oktober 2006 @ 17:15:59
Geschlecht: Keine Angabe
Registriert: Apr 2006
Status: Online
Beiträge: 3

Hallo zusammen, ich brauche eine Info für eine Frau: sie muß sich auch mit dem Thema Gebärmutterentfrenung beschäftigen, hat noch dazu ne zyste am Eierstock und wird jetzt von ihrem Gynäkologen nur in Richtung OP Per Bauchschnitt beraten. Sie hat gehört, daß es die OP Methode gaslose Laparaskopie gibt, möchte sich nach Möglichkeit auch so operieren lassen, wenns geht. Ich weiß nicht, wo hier oben in Schleswig Holstein nach dieser Methode operiert wird, selbst habe ich mich in Rotthalmünster operieren lassen. Sie ist Kassenpatientin, für sie kommt eine Privatfinanzierung der OP, bzw die weite Reise und Kosten etc nicht in Frage.
Gibts da eine Information für sie ? wer operiert hier auf Kassenbasis gaslos, bzw wer kann empfohlen werden ??
Ich habe vor meiner OP so gelitten unter Angst und Sorge und bin jetzt so zufrieden mit allem und würde ihr so gern etwas entsprechendes sagen. Kann mir jemand Infos geben ?? Ich finde, Frau muß zusammenhalten
liebe Grüße an alle Inelisa


Hi everybody,
I need information for a woman: she has to deal with the topic ovary removal and has a cyst too. Her Gynaecologist tries to convince her to have an abdominal laparotomy. She has learned that there is the method of gasless laparoscopy, and would like to have the operation done without gas. I don’t know if this method is available in Schleswig-Holstein. I was operated in Rotthalmuenster.
She has a panel patient and she can not afford the additional costs for travelling and the private facility etc. Is there any information for her available? Who does gasless operations for panel patients and who can be recommended?
I myself had so much fear and sorrows before the operation and now I am so satisfied. I would like to tell her something similar. Is there anybody who can give me some information?
Women should stick together.

All the best Inelisa.

Excellent question!
"Kru" is NOT at AYURVEDA am Krankenhaus Rotthalmünster anymore. "Kru" has not been there for almost two months now, however, his personal items remain there as "Kru" never returned to pick them up after he was "removed" from his "duties" there!

Why not try the Klinik am Zuckerberg Braunschweig? "Kru" eluded that he had recently performed surgery on International and German patients there!
Dr. med. Michael J. Hutter, Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik am Zuckerberg
Hospital at the sugar mountain

Sugar mountain way 2
38124 Braunschweig
Telephone: 0531/26 33-0Fax: 0531/26 33-100

Or perhaps, you might try to secure surgery at the "NEW" Endogyn facility? The "infrastructure" has much to be desired, and IHRT thinks that you will be surprised at the "NEW" manager! No, not "Gucci," he is the owner of Endogyn website, not the manager of the "NEW" Endogyn facility in Passauer, Rotthalmuenster!!

NEW Endogyn facility!

Passauer Straße 22, 94095 Rotthalmuenster,
Also located on the first floor in this building is an insurance company, which one might need if they ever get into the "Endogyn" apartment upstairs!

Michaela Katzer - Endogyn Manager
OR-Theatre Management at all locations
- born in Berlin 22.06.1972
- 1991 - 1993 Nursing certificate, Berlin
- Employment on urological and surgical departments
- from 1997 Registered OR
-Nurse in general surgery, gynecology, first insight to laparoscopic surgery - from 2001 at EndoGyn® with specialisation on gasless laparoscopies
- with the function of the first assistance at endoscopic surgeries
- Experience in assisting at live surgeries, in India, Mexiko, Spain
- since 2002 OR-Management at EndoGyn® with the function: Coordination of OR personell, Organisation and coordination of OR planing, Coordination of Devices, Instruments,
- Planing of new EndoGyn® - centers

Telefonnummer 08533 91 86 57

Please note that there is NOT anything listed publically allowing one to "ring" the "Endogyn" staff, and this could hinder making an appointment for surgery at Endogyn Passau, with that being said, IHRT wanted to help you, so here is "Kru's" phone number! (Michi IS in there, but in hiding!)

(Photos taken on October 18, 2006)

Coming soon!

Watch IHRT for the details and the "list" of "Endogyns Most Wanted!!

This is no joke, but a REAL contest with REAL once IHRT exposes those on the most "wanted" list, grab your cameras and start hunting, if you see any of the "Endogyn" staff, SHOOT!


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