ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Will we ever understand the shocking issues surrounding Endogyn?
Probably not, but IHRT gives it a try!

Behind the con artist's mask:
Why con artists scam - it's not just the greed

Con artists scam because it gives them infinite pleasure to "put one over" on anyone who stands still long enough. The compulsion to scam is so strong that a con artist will produce a scam even if he/she gains no money out of it. Con artists even scam each other!

An unusually sick group, Quoting a studies by Richard Blum (), Chuck Whitlock points out that most con artists are:

... impulsive, amoral, uncontrolled and detached from normal
The essential feature of Antisocial Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others ...
This pattern has also been referred to as psychopathy, sociopathy, or dissocial personality disorder...

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others."
Chuck Whitlock, © 1997, macmillan, New York, NY, pages 20, 21; Richard H. Blum, Deceivers and Deceived: Observations on Confidence Men and Their Victims, Informants and Their Quarry, Political and Industrial Spies and Ordinary Citizens, (Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1972), pp 49-50.

Alright, let's put that in more mundane terms.
Adrenaline rush
The con artist is compulsive, exactly like a compulsive gambler or compulsive liar. (Sidebar: although the con artist is a sharp-witted liar, his gambling skills are such that he usually loses his ill-gotten gains within hours of the take).
The con artist is irresistibly drawn to scam. It gives the con an adrenaline rush when you are so enthralled with his made-up persona that you quite literally shove your money into his hands. The scam itself is an ego trip. While the con is stroking you with praises galore, you are praising the con artist by believing everything you are told. Oh joy in the morning!

Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn Karl Storz


Anonymous said...

I still do not understand why the Emma Klinik allowed him to use their facilities , perhaps they did not know that he had been barred from surgery at five other locations in Germany?
Maybe they were part of the con? Or they were conned themselves?

Anonymous said...

The more IHRT posts about the actions of Dr. K, the more it makes sense, while at the same time, the more it is confusing. Because a few people got relief from adhesions, so many others were willing to take the chance.
I am remembering more and more about my time there - Dr. K's frequent self-praise, his proclaiming himself to be the "best" adhesion surgeon in the entire WORLD. How arrogant!
He was "very charming and nice" to many pts, but not all. I have talked with prior pts. from the contact list who found him to be aloof and rude and not at all "nice".
As for me, he started out nice, but quickly turned to aloof when I asked too many questions.
And one more thing, while I was there, another American pt. there brought her husband with her. Her husband had back pain, spinal stenosis. Kru tried to talk them into having them stay there and her husband having surgery in Germany, by one of his colleagues.
Wisely, they decided not to do that.
Of course, he would have taken a "Cut" for the referral to the back surgeon.
It was just so strange, all of it.

Anonymous said...

The more IHRT reveals, the sicker I am getting.
We were all so vulnerable and so desperate and so stupid.
Those few people who got relief do not understand. They are thrilled that they have re-claimed life. They have no understanding of how the rest of us feel, to have spent all that money, only to be no better, and in many cases, much worse.

Anonymous said...

I have been following this story. What did he do to get himself kicked out of all those surgical facilities?

Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to say that it was for medical malpractice issues, it was not. It was due to "Kru" not paying his rent there! "Kru" contracted with the Emma Klinik to use the operation suite, as he did with the Endogyn office and with the apartments, and the furnishings in all three of them!
Though "Kru" caused more human pain and suffering of patients to Endogyn then he helped, it appears that Emma Klinik chief of staff looked the other way!
However, when issues of MONEY came up, she took notice! Compassionate Klinik, No?
Whe push came to shove, and the Emma Klinik realized it was going to take the fall along with "Kru" they let him go, as did TEN prior medical facilities he had been at prior to Emma Klinik!
Trust my words, more will come out on the "Fall of Kru AND Emma Klinik!"

Anonymous said...

It seems allot of Doctors and hospitals were conned. Don't feel stupid.
I am mad at well, germany....this would never have hapened in the usa!