ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"KRU" Surfaces at Krankenhaus Rotthalmünster

Dr. Ludwig Kronpass,

Gefahr und Warnungen gegen Herrn. Kollegen Kruschinki alias Daniel Kruschinski
(Danger and warnings against Mr. Kollegen Kruschinki alias Daniel Kruschinski)

Dr. Kronpass;
Sie lächeln jetzt, aber bald verlieren Sie Ihr Lächeln, wie "Kru" Ihren gesamten Service und Personal mit Lügen, Betrug, Verletzung zu den Patienten, Geld und Geschlecht scandels ansteckt, wie er bei Emma Klinik tat!
(You are smiling now, but soon you will lose your smile, as "Kru" will infect your entire facility and staff with lies, deceit, injury to patients, money and sex scandels as he did at Emma Klinik!)

Ich kann nicht glauben, daß ein Krankenhaus, das solche hervorragende Leistung ausdrückten und Mitleid für Patienten, die Ihr, solch einer Person erlauben würde, nicht nur Ihr Krankenhaus anzustecken, aber der Personal!
(I cannot believe that a hospital that express's such excellence and compassion for patients as your facility does, would allow such a person to infect not only your hospital, but the staff!)

"Kru", wie zu er es vorzieht gesprochen zu werden, hat seinen Aufenthalt bei prio 10 medizinischem facilitiesm erschöpft und jetzt Ihr Service seins Chirurgie dort tun läßt? Hat Ihren Service keine scruples oder Intelligenz dort? Hat Ihr Service keine Hintergrundüberprüfungen auf diesen Verbrecher ausgeübt? Patienten passen von diesem Krankenhaus auf, sind sie nachlässig und unverantwortlich!
("Kru" as he prefers to be addressed, has exhausted his stay at 10 prior medical facilities and now your facility is allowing him to do surgery there? Has your facility no scruples or intelligence? Has your facility NOT pursued any background checks on this criminal?)

Patients beware of this hospital, they are negligent and irresponsible!

Diese Informationen und viel mehr Informationen hinsichtlich sind dieses Krankenhauses und "Kru aka Kollegen Kruschinski,", einen falschen Namen verwendend, sind allgemeine Informationen an der Web site, die nachstehend aufgeführt wird, und geben das Umgeben sie bleiben allgemein heraus, bis "Kru aka Kollegen Kruschinski" vom Personal am AyurSan Krankenhaus Rotthalmünster entfernt ist!
(This information, and much more information concerning this hospital and "Kru aka Kollegen Kruschinski," will be public information at the web site listed below, and issues surrounding it will remain public until "Kru aka Kollegen Kruschinski" is removed from the staff at AyurSan hospital Rotthalmünster!

Sie können mich von der Eintragung auf Ihrem Aufstellungsort verriegeln, aber die Welt ruhig weiß von jeder Tätigkeit mit "Kru" an Ihrem facility..and, das es allgemein ist.
(You can lock me from posting on your site, but the world will still know of every action with "Kru" at your facility..and it will be public.
SurgeryU #6

Sie antworten bitte!
(You reply please!)
More on Hospital Rotthalmünster at our sister site:
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn Karl Storz
Krankenhaus Rotthalmünster

Coming soon to IHRT..
Is Michaela Katzer really a nurse?
Look over her German CV on the Endogyn web site REAL close and see if YOUR opinion matches the facts of this matter when they are revealed here on IHRT!
Dr. Kruschinski, Endogyn, Abdolift, Emma-Klinik Seligenstadt, Gasless laparoscopy, Adhesion Surgery at Endogyn Karl Storz


Anonymous said...

Kollegen Kruschinski?????????

Anonymous said...

Over these past three years Kruschinski has used a number of different names. In some cases, he used his "recognized" name
(recognized in an infamous way that is) and in the same article, he used an alias!
Typical of a con artist!
The most important issue to me is that Kru has been picked up by this Klinik, who I am certain is aware of his most criminal past, in fact, I am 100% aware that they know it!

Anonymous said...

I think that this it is resonable to assume that this new hospital that accepted Daniel as a surgeon there, is just another link on his chain of broken promises and lies!
Pray for the patients who go there for a surgery, either by Daniel, or anyone who uses that Abdolift there!

We KNOW how that things brings the patients back time and again for repeat surgeries, a good way for this hospital to make money!

Anonymous said...

Like a bad penney Daniel and Michi keep turning up.
Time to perpetuate the scam and leave a wake of ruined lifes in a new place.
With the help of their brow beating middlemen, Karen,Carolyn, connie, Lieza with a z and lisa with an s........
I feel confident saying they all have their own agenda not yours as a motivating factor. All these women are not well ( Karen's Daughter too) and will sell you down the river for their need to be in the realm of penny ante con man Dr Daniel Kruschinski.
Goodness gracious, they can make a movie, "Say Anything II".
As long as others are duped into spending money on surgery with the Butcher of Seligenstadt..they get to say they are going to thier doctor in europe. Well aren't they too cool for school.
It is only a matter of time before the jig is up as Kru's arrogance will bring his untimate demise.
I will go over to be present at the
trial.......gonna snap me some photos!