ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Halloween at Endogyn "LTD"

IHRT Presents

" Halloween at Endogyn "LTD"
Fact or Fiction? DNA connects a mad scientist of today to one from the past!

In the movies, scientists are quite often "mad," and have been so since the silent movies.The things they do, however, have been fairly consistent. They tend to be smarter than the “normal” human being, and wittier, often of a boastful nature. A surprising number can play Bach's Toccata and Fugue from memory. They will persevere despite repeated failures. These are usually on human subjects whose remnants, living or dead, are stored in commodious basements. Often unreliable technical equipment, anatomical parts and/or lab assistants plague these scientists.

What is it that we love about the mad scientists in our movies and history? Is it because their probing of the unknown piques our curiosity? Is it their seeming superiority to the common herd? Or is it that they -- at least for a while -- get away with more than we can?

They do so in many realms of knowledge. Some of them are practical, and quest for better things for the human race. Others are decidedly less practical. One of their most prominent technologies has been advanced medicine. Filmic mad scientists of the 1930s and 1940s led the vanguard in such efforts as keeping organs alive outside the body, cryogenics, new methods of surgery, robotic parts for humans, and new serums. Others harnessed electricity for all sorts of uses, but mostly to bring dead flesh back to life (always a useful ability), or to power advanced robots and death rays. It is the potential for cutting-edge science that makes fictions about the subject relevant.
These “mad scientists” are enthusiastic about their work, perhaps even carried away with it. They will let no one get in their way, especially those who call them insane, and start -- but do not finish -- going for the authorities. Generally their creations, be they mechanical or living, go out of control. Until the climax, that is, when they turn on their creator(s) and soon destroys them. This is usually due to “fate” or "God," which restores the status quo against the blaspheming mad scientist. And it is this last motif that connects the various aspects of the subject together: the "god-like" man who rejects the accepted ways and pursues the unknown, running into trouble as a result.
Few really believe in vampires, monsters and witches, but these enduring characters of Halloween have a basis in real life that is often more interesting than the fantasy.Think of Halloween and your mind conjures images of ghosts, vampires, witches and monsters.

Our modern versions of them have largely been crafted by popular literature and, more influentially, the movies. But like many fantastic characters of myth and lore, they have a basis in reality.
Sometimes the true stories of these creatures that haunt our imaginations are just as weird and amazing as their fictional incarnations.

IHRT's story today is almost 99% truth, with the 1% being our reference of the "DNA," so we ask you, the reader, to try to put yourself in the "surgical gowns" of these most vulnerable, desperate patients who were harvested to a "psycho-surgeon" who drew them into a "factitious world" created in his mind!
IHRT Presents for Your Halloween Entertainment.......
“The REAL Monster of Halloween”

Castle Frankenstein –Darmstadt Bavaria Germany

The castle is perched atop a bluff of rock, a Gothic array of towers and pinnacles looming over the Rhine valley and once home to a troop of medieval knights. The hilly Oldenwald, which lies to the south of Darmstadt, is an area of little villages, rustic farms and Gothic churches.
The hilltops are crowned with thick forest while the valleys are framed with flower-studded meadows. The drive to Castle Frankenstein from Darmstadt station, takes 20 minutes.
First, you will cross the pancake-flat Rhine valley with its patchwork of asparagus and potato fields, then the road suddenly swings upwards and you are hurtle around a series of tight, vertiginous bends towards your destination. A 'Welcome to Castle Frankenstein,' sign greets you when your stomach-churning drive finally ends. The year, 2004!
You feel anxious as you near the huge doors that will take you into unknown areas of the castle, and as you enter, you see the first of two medieval towers built in the 16th century by Sir George Frankenstein. The towers are dimly lit by the fires of torches placed high in sconces set deep into the stone walls, walls that seem to reach forever skyward. As you continue to walk down the dusky, damp halls through the towers you realize that the foreboding halls of this impregnable fortress guarding the Rhine are consuming you and you start to think that you might never see the outside world again. Your fear heightens your every sense as you search shadowy crevices and gaze into the darkness with more anxiety then eager curiosity.
You smell terrible smells, hear terrible sounds, everything is so confusing, moving to fast to be real, your feeling weak, scared, and with each step you seem to be taken back in time; then you see it, a door, and it is opening, someone is coming toward you, it’s a man, a, a Dr. and he is dressed in period clothing from the 18th century!
This can’t be! All of a sudden your mind is filled with the thoughts of the experiments of the mad scientist, Italian physician Luigi Aldini, who in 1760 had injected a current of electricity into the head of a newly executed murderer, causing an array of horrible spasms, one of which opened the corpse's left eye! As this oddly dressed Dr. comes toward you, he is smiling as though you were a long lost relative. You do not recognize him, yet there IS something familiar about that smile, but what is? Your heart is racing with fear, your head swims and then…..your world goes black!
You wake in a sweat to find yourself strapped on a cold hard table in one of the castle's inner chambers, the same room in which a boy was born of refugee parents from Poland in 1673. In later life that boy turned man, would sign himself von Frankenstein in recognition of his birthplace. He was never a nobleman, and never was blood relation of the Frankenstein family.
The dates, the years, the similarities of then and now are all merged into one blur in your mind as you are wheeled into a modern operating room in a foreign country. Eyes that look like yours are everywhere, eyes behind masks, eyes everywhere looking at you, then voices, lots of words but in a language you don’t understand. The Dr., that smile, it is one and the same, how can that be in this modern age, but you will get no answer to that question, as once again your world goes black, and the experiments begin!
(3) Johann Konrad Dippel (1673-1734)

The REAL Frankenstein Monster! Our story starts out with the birth of an 18th century mad scientist who was born in 1673 in Germany at - believe it or not - Castle Frankenstein!

Dipple, a man of great pride, felt no limitations to his intellect and was interested in pursuing the great mysteries of life. When he registered at the University of Giessen (sixty miles north of the real Castle Frankenstein near Darmstadt, Germany), he registered as "Franckensteina." Some three years later he completed his dissertation. As it was a skeptical work -- whose title De Nihilo meant "On Nothing" -- it outraged many of his superiors. Dipple flaunted that he was smarter than the “normal” human being, and wittier, and was often of a boastful nature, and with an attitude that gave one the impression he could care less what others thought of him!

Educated as a physician, Dippel set up a laboratory at Castle Frankenstein where he would be free to conduct his bizarre experiments. There's no record of whether or not he had a hunchbacked assistant named Igor, but Dippel (who often went by the name Konrad Frankensteina) spent a lot of his time with his hobby of alchemy - a popular pursuit of the day. Alchemy(1) is a kind pseudoscientific experimentation with the elements - crazy chemistry - whose ultimate challenge was to be able to turn lead into gold. Dippel was also fascinated by the possibility of immortality through scientific means.
Though a brilliant scientist, Dipple got caught up in the dark world of alchemy and body snatching. He really did use the parts of butchered animals and exhumed human corpses in his vain attempt to "engender life in the dead," in his own words. He claimed to have the secret of the “philosopher's stone,”(2) as well as the ability to create life.
Unlike his literary and cinematic "decedents," Dippel did not rig up the body parts to elaborate lightning-powered gizmos and spark generators. Rather he boiled everything - skin, muscle, bone, blood, hair and organs - in large vats. When the surrounding community got wind of what Dippel was up to, maybe they didn't storm his castle with torches, shovels and rakes, but they did kick him out of town.

Dipple returned to Guessen hoping for a fellowship there, but meeting with a cold reception there, he went to Wittenberg, where his fortunes proved no better. At Strasburg, his views made it impossible for him to establish any connection with that university, but he did do some lecturing on astronomy and palmistry, preaching frequently in a spirit that soon led him to be dismissed. Dipple had developed a lifestyle that ultimately forced him back to his native place, a fugative from his collectors!

Finding a new faith, Dipple entered into it with a fierce pace that led him to fame. In less then two years he 14 controversial writings on the theme of morals verses dogma, among other subjects, and like everything else he ever did, he went to extremes, which subjected him to persecution from the clergy and even from the mob, by whom his life was threatened.By 1704 Dipple had moved to Berlin and devoted his researches to alchemy and deluded at one time that he had solved the problem of transmutation! He was driven out of Berlin and fled to Kostrits, thence moved on to Holland, where he lived for some time near Amsterdam.

In 1711 he practiced medicine in Leyden, and wrote a number of papers on theology and in 1714 had his papers published. In this same year he relocated to Altona, in Sleswick-Holstein where an imprudent incursion into politics aroused the hatred of high officials, and in 1719 he was condemned to perpetual imprisonment. Though the full sentence was never carried out, Dipple did live for 7 years in semi-confinement on the island of Bornholm. Released in 1726, he went to Sweden where he became the physician to King Frederick I. Once again he aroused the clergy there and was banished from the country.Returning to Germany, he took up residence in Liebenberg, near Goslar, andContinued his studies in alchemy. Though he abstained entirely from theological controversy, the clergy compelled him to flee, and he found refuge with the Count of Wittgenstein-Berleburg. His last years were largely taken up by violent controversy with Zinzendorf over the nature of the Atomement.

Once again, fleeing persecution, Dipple returned to “Frankenstein Castle” in Bavaria, Germany where rumors circulated that he was again collecting body parts to assist in the making of a formula that Dipple claimed would allow him to live to the age of 135. On the morning of April 24th, 1734, Dipple’s body was found in his laboratory by one of his friends. It is believed that he died by drinking his own potion.
After a tumultuous and lonely life, Johann Konrad Dippel became another legend in the history of Frankenstein, though he would never be recognized for his scientific abilities, instead he became known as "Dipple the Alchemist".

They say that all the spirits of those who were experimented on during Dipple’s time haunt the “Frankenstein Castle” yet today, but the haunting does not stop there. A “ NEW” kind of “haunting” out of the “Frankenstein Castle” reveled itself over 233 years later in the birth of another boy born to parents of Polish decent.............................

A direct descendent of the late Johann Konrad Dippel, this boys life will bear an astonishing similarities to that of his infamous relative!!
Madness At The Edge Of Science
IHRT reveals the: True life experiments of "Dr. Dipple Kruschinski" aka "Dr. Daniel Kruschinski"

Patient on Kruschinski's "Abdolift!" (Seen below!)

The "adhesion" caused by "Das Hook" during Kruschinski's experiments!

This adhesion attached itself to other organs, leaving those who were placed on the hook with terribly excruciating, life long pain and misery!

Kruschinski was aware of this, yet he abused the "Abdolift" by using it over and over again on his victims, performing up to three surgeries on them within a two week period!

In his own words, IHRT quotes, "These people suffer anyway, so I may as well experiement on them in hopes of finding my legacy!"

Daniel Kruczinsky, alias Kruschinski, alias Druschinsky was born in 1958 in Poland.

In 1969 "Kru" as he becomes known as, moved with his family to Munich Germany after his father was released from the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. His upbringing was tumultuous and lonely as he strives to live up to his father’s expectations, unrealistic expectations that no human being could ever really live up to. Daniel’s boyhood days would be filled with a cold harshness that could only have come out of someone who spent years in a concentration camp, and years where every human emotion was drained from the very core of the prisoner’s body.
With his life missing the essentials necessary for a child to grow strong in self esteem and character, Daniel soon found himself empty of both and not feeling any self worth or value to anyone, he became soon became void of emotions as well.

Early in his youth he started to “create” identities that he thought would give him the recognition and love he always craved, but never received growing up. Though he had a mother, it was the love, attention and respect from his father that he craved throughout his childhood, thus his mother became a non-entity in his life, and continues to be that yet today. Daniel not only created multiple identities, he perfected lies about himself to the point that he became what is known today as a, “pathological liar” in which the liar actually starts to believe their own lies, not being able to tell truth from fiction.

As he moved out into the world, Daniel Kruschinski changed the Polish spelling of his name hoping that he would be better accepted by his peers, and possibly out of feelings that he was not worthy to carry that name having failed receiving respect and love from his father.

He began his medical studies at Düsseldorf University in October 1979, and finished in November 1985. For the dissertation entitled "Selective histochemical zinc presentation in testis of the Wistar rat", carried out at the Anatomical Institute of Düsseldorf University under Prof. H.G. Goslar, he was awarded his doctorate in September 1986 with the mark "Summa cum laude". As his dissertation was a skeptical piece of work, many of his superiors were not surprised as throughout his time at the university, Daniel was seen as being rather, freaky.” Kruschinski flaunted that he was smarter than the “normal” human being, and wittier, and was often of a boastful nature, and with an attitude that gave one the impression he could care less what others thought of him!

In what seemed to be a hasty change of mind from a future in the area of research, Kruschinski turned his education to the area of gynecology and obstetrics at the gynecology clinic of the Franzkiskus-Hospital in Bielefeld under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. J.D. Schnell and continued at the gynecology clinic of Minden Hospital under Prof. Dr. med. H. Wagner. Educated as a physician now, Kruschinski set up practices in private centers where he would be free to conduct his bizarre experiments. There's no record of whether or not he had a hunchbacked assistant named Igor, but “Doc. Kru” (who often went by that name on his Internet message boards) did have an assistant who he said was a nurse, but in reality, she was only his mistress, never having been trained as a nurse, yet working side by side with him in his operating room during these experimental procedures!

From 1990 to 1995, Dr. Kruschinski worked at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Obstetrics of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz under Prof. Dr. med. P.G. Knapstein. Here he established the center for minimally invasive surgery and was in charge of consulting hours for plastic surgery of the breast. After this, Dr. Kruschinski was attending physician at the University Gynecology Clinic at the Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer under Prof. Dr. med. A. Jensen. And then in February 1998 he established a surgical office in Alzey, focusing mainly on minimally invasive surgery. Following consultation here, he treated his patients in the Kirchheimbolanden Hospital. Finally, on admission as faculty member to the faculty of medicine of the private Witten / Herdecke University he was made head of the Institute for Endoscopic Gynecology. Little did he know that he would continue to “run” from Klinik to Klinik, and move between some of the same cities that his relative, Johann Konrad Dippel had done for so many years, and for the same reasons as his ancestor had!

To name a FEW: Schärding-Austria, Offenbach, Eilenriedeklinik Hannover, Klinik am Zuckerberg Braunschweigm, Emma Klinik, Seligenstadt, Passua, Rotthalmünster, Bavaria, Bochum-Langendreer, Mainz, Bielefeld, Witten Germany!

Dr. Kruschinski went on to create a world that he was certain would evolve into his wildest dreams, one of fame, fortune and world domination! He created, “EndoGyn® - Institute for Endoscopic Gynecology, LTD” and that move would lead him into the dark world of human experiments, extremes in surgeries, obsessions with surgical techniques, surgical instruments and procedures, pushing things to the limits and beyond. Not seeming to care who got hurt by his extremes, he continued to harvest patients to his operating rooms with lies, deceit, and “charisma!” Though he really hated women, it was them that he targeted, knowing his "experiments" on them would leave him with little to no guilt!

His whole life would be filled with short -lived relationships! His peers would continue to find him, “freaky” and “odd” to be around. He started to drink heavy, remaining in his offices day and night! He would write controversial paper’s, which only served to anger those in the scientific world of research, as he wrote them without any proof of validating research associated with them. Time and again, his scientific writings would be proven false in content!

As in keeping with the times, Dr. Kruschinski used the Internet as a means to make himself known, and unfortunately, to make his fortune! For a brief time it seemed as though he would accomplish his dream of becoming a famous International surgeon, a “savior” of sorts. He would even publicly compare himself to “Einstein,” and to “God!” “Doctors from EndoGyn® LTD are now performing surgery in many locations and hospitals. The idea of franchising endoscopic surgery is getting reality” he would say over and over again, seeming only to be fooling him-self!

Dr. Kruschinski made lots of money from performing operations on people from all over the world, people who had to pay him cash if they wanted HIS special 100% proven surgery that he promised would cure them! And pay they did, for a while that is!Soon these patients were NOT getting well, and many of them were returning to his operating room time and again, and paying cash each time! Some of these patients were almost cut in half in operations were he called himself a “reconstructive surgeon,” yet not ever having had that training! Others were placed on a “hook” that suspended them into the air like beef hanging in the slaughterhouse! Time and again he overused this “hook” apparatus, causing severe damage to those he used it on, and left many of them in horrible, non-reversible pain and disabling symptoms!

“Doc. Kru” even gave discounts to some if they would keep the secret that he did not make them well, let alone cure them! And some patients did this so they could come back and let him try again to heal them, only to find themselves once again on the “hook!” It soon it became apparent to him that he could no longer “scam” patients over the Internet, and he lost money, causing him to fall into bankruptcy, losing his hospital affiliations time and again, and soon he found himself a fugitive from his collectors! What he did seem to accomplish through his use of the Internet was the cult like followers who, no matter if he had injured them in a surgery, insulted them in a public manner by calling them drug addicts and alcoholics, they continue to praise him! They praise him even after he confessed that he did in fact perform experiments on his patients and then boldly published a paper on it!

Dr. Kruschinski was so void of ethics and morals, that he would deny his Jewish birth when it benefited him, then used it when it benefited him, and at times, he even professed to be a Catholic in order to be “accepted” into a community of Christians at a Klinik he was hoping to infiltrate!

Though Dr. Daniel Kruschniski has lost everything that would associate him to being a Dr., and fleeing from one area of Germany to the other, at ties calling upon patients and colleges to let him sleep in their homes, he lives on, surfacing now and then on the Internet! It is apparent that “Doc. Kru” has reverted back to the original opinion of himself, which is an empty shell of a human being, he uses posts on the Internet as if he is gasping for a breath, as it will only come in the words of praise from those who are as dysfunctional as he is, yet, this IS all that is left of his life.
At some point his Internet Web site will shut down, moneys due it not forthcoming and Endogyn will be gone as it only exists in a computer and as “Doc Kru” said in his own words, “I am Endogyn, and Endogyn is me. Where it is, I am, and so be it!”

As he desperately posts his last words, there will be no way to send them across the Internet, he will breath his last breath before he slides into the murky, darkness of his ways. Because of his upbringing, he saw himself as a failure, an empty shell, a “nothing” and in this, he was finally right!

Kru will drown from an emotion he wasn’t even aware that he had. No, it is not guilt of what he did to others, as he is void of that emotion, but from his own inability to be able to be someone he created, and even in that, he failed!

Though unlike his ancestor, Johann Konrad Dippel, Daniel Kruschinski “lives,” but he lives as a “nothing.” Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, like his ancestor, Johann Konrad Dippel, after a tumultuous and lonely life, became another legend in the history of Frankenstein, he too would never be recognized for his scientific abilities, instead he has became known as "Kruschinsky the Phsycho-Surgeon" who experimented on his unsuspecting patients from 2001-2007 and admitted it to the world!

Is this nightmare over, you might ask, will the "psycho-freak surgeon" cease to exist? Will he surface again?

IHRT tells you the truth, "We do not know!" We do know for a fact that people with a profile such as Daniel Kruschinski has, when put down they seem to resurface again and again and again, re-establishing themselves in different ways, but always conning people!

Some thoughts for your Halloween contemplation....

Do YOU know where in the world will Kru surface next?

Will YOU become one of his victims?

Do YOU know who is performing YOUR surgery?"

Have a "Happy Halloween!"

(1) “Alchemy” hovered between worlds. It emerged in a time-between-times, after a Dark Age had brightened but before a Renaissance had dawned. It came from Arab and Greek sources, but it flourished in theWest. It lay between faith and philosophy; it still dreamed of heaven, but it focused on the Earth.(2) The “Philosopher's Stone,” in Latin lapis philosophorum, is a mythical substance that supposedly could turn inexpensive metals into gold and/or create an elixir that would make humans younger, thus delaying death. (3) Johann Konrad Dippel "Frankenstein Family Album",

Friday, October 19, 2007

At last....Kru tells the truth!!!

Kruschinski finally tells some truth, but remains "whinny!"


Posted Tuesday, 16 October 2007 @ 05:39:07
Since the Message board is abused by EndoGyn, it will be in the next version like that that the information for all is transferred to Web contents, further information to become allenzu order stand, which message board limited to the active Posting however to "members". At present is it so that none (also I not) dares, here which to posts, in order not to become "torn" on the same day on the USA side of the habichten and Kranichen not truely? On the last Aktivitaeteten we will then also report. Many greetings ------------------- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, elevator © by EndoGyn Ltd..

"Poor me!"


Posted Thursday, 18 October 2007 @ 07:23:59 one saw straight, what made the "amerikansche picture newspaper" with a simple Posting over a info. DVD. It is simply only for laughter, which concerns this side. ------------------- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, elevator © by EndoGyn Ltd..

IHRT is pretty sure that Kru is referring to us when he states "one who saw straight!" Yeah, IHRT did see "straight through HIS bullcrap" that is!

Oh, Poor Kru, had his feeling hurt, no sense of humor, Kru? Did you really think you could pawn off a crappy obsolete DVD made in English and being sold to Germans? IHRT doesn't think so!

Kru, you underestimate other peoples intelligent and you are not putting anything over anyone anymore! People see you for what you really are...nothing!

You might think your so far ahead of anyone else in this world, Kru, however, what IHRT knows about you is that "you are so far BEHIND that you think your ahead!

Have you forgotten the many desperate, suffering people YOU have hurt? How many dysfunctional people you continue to dangle a carrot in front of so that your ego is stroked by there non-sense responses to your posts in a "dead" 'ol web site that reeks of being even less of an "LTD" then it is?

Cry, moan, stamp your feet, clutch your fists, make threats, yell, get drunk, be dirty, and smell bad, as this is who you really are, so why not make it public on your "message" board. have at it!

Oh, one more thing, Kru, did you forget that you already posted that you would not be accepting any more messages in format currently used? You did post that some time ago, however, like everything else you saw, it never came to pass!

The REAL truth of the Endogyn web site is that it is defunct, done, fallen, empty, except for a few, a VERY few hangers on who post to each other, virtually ignoring any posts by Kru we see here with a post done by him!
Who is listening anyway? IHRT IS that's who!

Want to see what a REAL loser looks like...look at Kru responses to HIS posts in HIS web site! LOL! LOL! LOL!
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A new DVD Created: 10-16-2007 Doc_Kru 1 12:16 PM by sybylsmom

Watch out Kru, the truth is you ARE being watched all the time and everywhere!

You will never again get away with any of your criminal, crazy crap, without being exposed and as you know, "whinny Dan the man-less," IHRT DOES keep it's word!

Anyone interested in a "foreclosure" distribution of assets? Coming soon to "King Kru!"

So much for leaving his sons a "legacy!"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

NEW ENDOGYN DVD FOR SALE! Get yours now....

WINNER of the "Scam of the Week" once again goes to this "secret" liar.........can you guess who this "liar" is?

IHRT hints:

1.) He loves "harry guys," is bald with a puffy face, is penny-less, is jobless, is totally clueless, is family-less, is home-less, is woman-less (though he is womanly in his actions, a Dubon's dream), is "smelly" and he has multipe personalities, is perverted, destroys everything he touches, he lies and whines everytime he opens his mouth, or posts in his web site, he is a drunk and among many other things, he remains the laughing stock of all who know the real person behind the facade!

2.) This liar has won the "Biggest Liar" competition every year since 1999!

3.) This liar lives in a "factitious" world created in his mind, and lives in cars, and lives with his patients, and anyone he can live with, actually!

4.) This liar has become "nocternal" due to the immense publicity he has garnished with his bizzare web site and behaviors in court, hospitals and everywhere else he shows up at!

By now IHRT thinks that you have a pretty good idea who this most infamouse, disreputable, tarnished liar, scammer and cheat is, but please allow IHRT the pleasure of diclosing his identity in a most deserving fashion fit for him!
DRUM ROLL PLEASE..........................................


Is the dishonorable, disreputable & dispicable
"Dr." Daniel MariAnn Kruschinski."

Starring, "Me, myself and I"

Without hair, with hair, with puffy face, an "In his dream" picture of a real Dr. and with hair

And with the "Kruschinski" scam sneer.....

I bought that DVD and Karen's book, and I don't even understand English, dah!


"I bought you our buddy Kru's DVD, want to watch it with me? I won't let you go until you say yes!!" "Is it sassy like he is???"


Hey buddy, thanks for buying my DVD, really appreciate the money! And it is as real as our "German" fauna that your wife found when she was here in Germany!

Didn't I sell you fools, folks, a "German Shepherd" too???

Can I sell you a “SchIII German Shepherd?” It looks a little different in this picture here, but thats from the "poodle"cut, once it grows out you got yourself a good looking sheep, ah, I mean shepherd!....


The most recent SCAM out of Endogyn!

"Dr." Kruschinski has come up with a procedure that will eliminate the "dangerous" affects of gas in the human body!
Bye-bye to all those "Beer farts," & "Farting around the campfire," & "Pull my finger farts" , and just "good 'ol farting in general," and to think Kru started out in the scientific world experimenting with "Rats Testicles!"
He has come a long way!
IHRT is of the opinion that the world is better for Kru straying from the study of "testicles" to the study of " farts," as we are certain there would definately be far less people in the world had he not!

Now, for your viewing entertainment,
"Teaching the technique » DVD with procedures"

Kru offers the following invitation to persons looking at this disc in the Endogyn web site,
"a click increases the size of the image for printing Print this page"
Like anyone would want to waste printer ink on this shabby looking advertisement that is not only obsolete, he can't do the procedure anywhere!!
Give us a break, Kru, no one is THAT gullable, except for "Dandy Sandy, Jerky Jan, THE Helen Dynda, Karen Steward and of course, Milltenberger!

Why can't this NEW DVD look as good as the DVD in this other scam advertisement on your Endogyn web site? (By the way folks, none of these "classes" were ever done due to a "conspiracy" that knocked Kru out of all medical facilities in Europe, as Kru claims!)


POSTS FROM EMDOGYN MESSAGE BOARDS TODAY.....on the "English" message board your only given the option to email Kru to order your DVD! No price, no mailing information, no nothing!
Now, go to the "German" message board and WOW, looky, looky what information you get there!
You German folks email Kru to order your copy of his DVD AND then he explains that you need to send the following in order to receive it:
1.) a self addressed,
2.) paid shipping container to him,
3.) along with the fee for the DVD, (no price listed though as he certainly doesn't want any banks or tax collectors to know about this scam, thus he is keeping is quite)
4.) AND after all of this trouble and exspense, the DVD IS NOT EVEN IN GERMAN!
However, you will get a set of the world famous "Ginsu Knives" for an additional $29.99 if you order NOW!
WOW, Kru, your a genious as THAT will bring in the orders, cha-ching!

Lets take a look at this "Brain Fart" of Kruschinski's as it was obviously thought up during a drunken stupor, which is what he is in most of the time anyway, so that cannot be helped! Maybe Kru should use this procedure on himself as he might have have less "gass" on the brain, (or perhaps he suffer from "fermentation" of the brain!)
English board post today.....
A new DVD Created: 10-16-2007
Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 01:16 AM
a new DVD with many lift-laparoscopic procedures is available on request

German board posts today.....
Neue DVD
Posted Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007 @ 06:14:52
eine neue DVD mit vielen lift-laparoskopischen Prozeduren ist erhältlich.
Posted Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007 @ 14:05:21
am besten Sie, schicken mir einen Brief mit an Sie addresiertem wattierten DIN A5 Rückumschlag, der mit ausreichend Porto (2 CD-Hüllen) versehen ist. Danke
--------------------Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, © by EndoGyn Ltd.
Posted Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007 @ 14:43:31
Zur Info: die DVD's sind in englisch. MFG
-------------------Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, © by EndoGyn Ltd.

Kru's operation room staff BEFORE a gass-less surgical procedures (above)
Kru's operating staff AFTER a gass-less surgica procedures (below)
No more straining to let the big one..

The streets will be safer with no more dangerous "fire-farts" to worry about!


"I don't think so!"


And the best news of all is......

~~~~~~~No more "Fart Tax!"~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh yeah, right Kru!"