Translation of King Kru's above post....
Hi Jan, I am so glad that someone still remembers me and finally posted on this message board. With your post, we are getting about 1.5 hits a month now on Endogyn! So that is still unchanged in the past 4 years.
No person should be afraid of posting here anything they want to post, anyway, it is only you and a couple others who still post silly stuff, so do not worry about that! This also has not changed any in 4 years.
The Internet trolls have done now for 4 years anything they could to destroy, but simply failed.
And anyway, most of the patients are intelligent enough to look behind such smear campaigns and attacks and still are coming. Well, there really isn't any place for them to come to anymore, so that has changed only a little in 4 years.
The" Endogyn" infrastructure has changed in 4 years, as there is non at this time, but I do not count THAT as a change. Michi is no longer with Endogyn, but she does own it, so Endogyn is not really mine, but THAT is not really changed, it was just a secret 4 years ago.
Anyway, there are no longer any Dr.'s at Endogyn, as there is no building for them anymore, Endogyn is only a web site now, so THAT changed, but only a small change!
There are no patients anymore either, but those numbers were all false anyway so THAT has not really "changed" in 4 years.
We either don't announce everything and everyone for same reasons you mentioned above, actually, there really isn't any "WE" anymore when speaking of Endogyn, I just say "WE" to make it appear that there is more then just me sitting at this computer, so THAT might have changed a little in 4 years.
I carry on performing lift-laparoscopic adhesiolysis with the Abdo-Lift and SprayGel and training and teaching at congresses, however, this isn't really happening as I am bankrupt and living with my Mistress's mother, and she is paying my way now, the truth is that I am looking for a job, oh yeah, and I left the "Abdolift" in Braunscheiwg, and Mettler can't get me any more "Spraygel" now that she was forced to "retire!" The fact of the "Spraygel" issue is that I haven't used any since early 2006! I just said that I did, you know, one lie leads to another type of thing! Oh, I almost forgot, one small change did occur within the past 4 years, the "Abdolift" is not being made anymore, he he, I almost forgot THAT!
You won't see my name appear on any Congress, as I prefer to keep that information quiet, ( bill collectors you know!) But LOTS of calls to teach lift- laps, lots of them! Really! Most Congress's I am refusing now, just to darn busy, plus no car, no money, no passport, little things like THAT!!
Endogyn isn't listed as an "Institute" anymore, but THAT didn't really change in 4 years either as it was never really an "Institute" anyway! I was just joking when I had THAT on the web site! Gotcha good, didn't I folks! It was just a joke!
Speaking of the "Endogyn" web site, well, it IS missing a lot of stuff, that's for sure, but most of it was not really factual anyway, so I don't count THAT as a real change in 4 years! "Honorcode" pulled out of the wen site, something about not being "Honest" enough for them, go figure, they were too fussy for me anyway! I was going to drop them anyway so that doesn't count as a "change" the past 4 years!
Sure, I left Shirli and my two little sons for my Mistress, nurse Michi, but then, she was never a real nurse anyway, but she was my Mistress, honest, so THAT did change in the past 4 years, but that wasn't due to the trolls, that was due to my lies, criminal activity, tax evasion and from beating Shirli, and a few little things like that, not the trolls!!
OH, I almost forgot about my sons "Gucci and Simon" from my marriage to Ann, they lost their house due to my bankruptcy, but THAT wasn't due to the trolls either, only the "conspiracy!"
Now that "Gucci" is over 18 yrs of age, he can also be charged with his very own tax evasion, and, yes, I am proud of him for that! A "chip" off the old block that boy is! He lost his "DJ Job, but both he and Simon do a mighty mean, "Beer Pong!" when they get to drinking! Gotta love 'em! Boys, your 'ol mans proud of you! "GO BEER PONG!" Also, "Gucci" is a writer, and I couldn't be prouder of that..here is one of his "favorite" song lyrics that he added to, I've attached it below for your reading pleasure! Makes me want to cry whenever I read it, guess I am getting sensitive in my old age, or rather, when I am drunk!
So, mainly nothing changed in my life, folks, nope, the trolls just didn't make an impact, LOL! LOL! Oh, wait a minute, there was ONE change within the past 4 years, the facility: The Klinik am Zuckerberg in Braunschweig provides patients with any facility that is necessary for speedy recovery like a huge garden (with a golf course) and a beautiful restaurant with a terrace. So, "we" got THAT going for "US! "
Fans, friends, cons and Dubon buddies, please send money to me, you can get to me by email only! ( I ain't got no phone, got me a "rented" fax number, no address, but hey, if I gave THAT information got out, the bill collectors would be all over me like a Dubon! Tee Hee!!!)
My life is good, going strong, in fact, I came across a picture of me when I was just a kid, cutest darn thing too!
I can't help but see the resemblance to my boy, "Gucci!"
I still go out to eat in the finest of places, all over the world!
Do I feel lucky, you might wonder, yes I do! I feel like I am keeping afloat in my life,
I am staying on a straight course with my lift -laps, my life, my legacy, feeling pretty confident the road will take me places! In fact, I've always felt that way!

I have love in my life, and as we all know, ya gotta have love if your gonna make it through life!
"Cuchee Coo, you bad boy, you!"
Thanks Peter, you may be "way down under" but I know your there!!
Please enjoy my son "Gucci's" love of his music...and remember, he wrote some of these very lyrics himself! I'm gonna cry now, must be drunk again, but hey, I was always drunk anyway, 24/7, why change now, right?
Gucci's favourite song from an underground band Nickelback - Never Again Lyrics
He's drunk again, it's time to fight
She must have done something wrong tonight
The living room becomes a boxing ring
It's time to run when you see him
Clenching his hands
She's just a woman
Never AgainI hear her scream, from down the hall
Amazing she can even talk at all
She cries to me,Go back to bed
I'm terrified that she'll wind up
Dead in his hands,
She's just a woman
Never Again
Been there before,but not like this
Seen it before,but not like this
Never before have I everSeen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again
Just tell the nurse,you slipped and fell
It starts to sting as it starts to swell
She looks at you, she wants the truth
It's right out therein the waiting room
With those hands
Lookin just as sweet as he can
Never Again
Seen it before,but not like this
Been there before,but not like this
Never before have I ever Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again
Father's a name you haven't earned yet
You're just a child with a temper
Haven't you heard"Don't hit a lady"?
Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure
He's drunk again,it's time to fight
Same old shit,just on a different night
She grabs the gun,she's had enough
Tonight she'll find out how fucking Tough is this man
Pulls the trigger just as fast as she can
Never Again
Seen it before,but not like this
Been there before,but not like this
Never before have I ever Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again
Never Again
Kommentare: Es sind noch keine Kommentare vorhanden.What a delightful ditty!
Kind regards