ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Monday, April 28, 2008

Kruschinski will never learn

Again Kru is desparate and has searched the world over and he picked an article from 2005 and cherrypicked what to take from this article. We at IHRT feel it should be read in full.

To paraphrase the article, nobody really knows anything about the pnumoperitoneium vs lift laparoscopy.

Kru where is all your 15 years of research? Not a paper ( cept the bogus one) out of you. You have a completely different agenda dontcha Kru.

Lame try.
Oh so was naming the abdolift when you really should have said lapralift.
Touche' fatboy


If you are the owner of this copyright and object to its use please contact us and we will remove it.

Much Remains to Be Learned
Steve Eubanks, MD

Approximately 15 years of experience and tens of thousands of cases have led to a
strong knowledge base for advanced laparoscopy. Additionally, decades of gynecologic
laparoscopy led to a large experience with patients who underwent diagnostic or
relatively straightforward therapeutic procedures. Our experience with and understanding
of the effects of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum are far from nascent. Nonetheless, a
report in this issue of the Journal provides evidence that although pneumoperitoneum
appears to be well-tolerated by most patients, significant sequelae and complications can
occur in ways not previously recognized.
The deleterious effects of pneumoperitoneum that have been clearly documented
include decreased venous return to the right heart, a hypercoagulable state, increased
systemic vascular resistance, and compression of capillaries potentially leading to reduced
flow in areas such as the renal cortex and surface of the liver.1,2 Attempts to attenuate
some of these effects have used substances such as a nitric oxide-releasing substance.
Some surgeons use routine anticoagulation following splenectomy. Other simple measures
have included working with a lower than normal (normal defined as 15 mm Hg)
intraperitoneal pressure and keeping operative times to a minimum.

Gasless laparoscopy received significant attention in the early 1990s but failed to
receive widespread acceptance.

The lack of popularity of gasless laparoscopy was partially the result of the fact that the working space created by gasless retraction devices was inferior to that created by pneumoperitoneum. A greater factor in the reluctance to adopt gasless techniques was the belief by most surgeons that there were few clinically significant deleterious effects of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum.
Many of these negative effects were known but rarely observed by individual surgeons. This situation is somewhat analogous to the time during which deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis was less common, and many surgeons would claim hundreds or thousands of cases
performed without witnessing a DVT or pulmonary embolus in any patient. Careful follow
up, objective studies, and published results provided the surgical community with a more
thorough understanding of the magnitude of the problem. This understanding subsequently
led to widespread use of prophylactic measures for patients at risk for DVT.

Ikeda et al present in this issue of Annals of Surgery an article entitled “High
Incidence of Thrombosis of the Portal Venous System After Laparoscopic Splenectomy:
A Prospective Study With Contrast-Enhanced CT.”3 The widely known and previously
published reports of complications of laparoscopic splenectomy rarely mention portal
venous thrombosis. There exist scattered reports of this problem, including the publication
by Winslowe et al reporting portal venous thrombosis after splenectomy in a retrospective
study that included some patients who had undergone laparoscopic splenectomy.4 Other
case reports and small series have mentioned this complication. None report thrombosis

From the Hugh E. Stephenson Department of Surgery, W. Alton Jones Distinguished Professorship in Surgery, Columbia, Missouri.
Reprints: Steve Eubanks, MD, Hugh E. Stephenson Department of Surgery, W. Alton Jones Distinguished Professorship in Surgery, One Hospital Drive, Room
M580-HSC, Columbia, MO 65212. E-mail:
Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0003-4932/05/24102-0217
DOI: 10.1097/01.sla.0000152108.66049.87
© 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 217
rates that approach the magnitude described in this issue of
the journal. However, most prior reports failed to routinely
screen postsplenectomy patients radiographically.

The authors pose several hypotheses for the markedly
higher rate of thrombosis in the laparoscopic patients compared
with open splenectomy patients. These hypotheses
remain to be proven. Furthermore, the operative groups are
not matched regarding diagnoses, which can clearly impact
the rate of postoperative thrombosis. Approximately one third
of the patients in this study experienced clinically significant
thrombosis. Although the absolute number of patients reported
with clinically significant complications is small, the
potential implications are disturbing. This study demonstrates
the need for further evaluation of the specific topic of
postsplenectomy portal venous thrombosis in laparoscopic
patients and prompts us to ask, “What other similar problems
would be detected if all patients were screened postoperatively?”
Would routine computed tomography scans or Doppler
flow studies following laparoscopic nephrectomy reveal a
disturbing incidence of subclinical thrombus formation in the
inferior vena cava? Furthermore, at what point do we subject
patients to the risks associated with anticoagulation for problems
previously unrecognized that are rarely clinically significant?
Our understanding of the impact of pneumoperitoneum
on human physiology requires further investigation. We
should ask if the responses previously investigated are true
for all populations. Are the observed immune responses in
young adults applicable to the elderly or pediatric populations?
We already possess the knowledge that the elimination
of excess carbon dioxide occurs at different rates in the
mother and fetus. However, the clinical significance of this
phenomenon is undetermined. Likewise, does a laparoscopicassociated
hypercoagulable state occur equally in all patient
groups regardless of age or underlying diseases or conditions?
The study by Ikeda et al needs to be confirmed in a
larger cohort before the surgical community commits to
sweeping changes in the perioperative anticoagulation protocols
for laparoscopic patients. Because this study points out
the incomplete nature of our understanding of the potential
sequelae of pneumoperitoneum, its value reaches far beyond
the specific topic reported. One would hope that studies such
as this would inspire clinicians and investigators to pursue a
deeper understanding of an approach that affects several
hundred thousand patients each year. We truly have much yet
to learn.
1. Larsen JF, Svendsen FM, Pedersen V. Randomized clinical trial of the
effect of pneumoperitoneum on cardiac function and haemodynamics
during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Br J Surg. 2004;91:848–854.
2. Mertens zur Borg IR, Lim A, Verbrugge SJ, et al. Effects of intraabdominal
pressure elevation and positioning on hemodynamic responses during
carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic donor nephrectomy:
a prospective controlled clinical study. Surg Endosc. 2004;18:919 –923.
3. Ikeda M, Sekimoto M, Takiguchi S, et al. High incidence of thrombosis
of the portal venous system after laparoscopic splenectomy: a prospective
study with contrast-enhanced CT scan. Ann Surg. 2004;241.
4. Winslowe ER, Brunt LM, Drebin JA, et al. Portal vein thrombosis after
splenectomy. Am J Surg. 2002;184:631– 636.

Richard E. Schlanger, M.D susposed adhesion specialist Medical Malpractice

With the same "patient advocate" system Kruschinski has just way more underground...through Bombobeach.

The same place they used their own special mixture of ground up seprafilm and god knows what, to prevent adhesions.
By the endless sufferering we see on the pages of Bombobeach he is certainly no adhesion specialist and a pretty rotten wound healing specialist to boot.

Hopefully we can soon say goodbye to another doc who preys on the despaarate and suffering victims of adheson related disorder and capps.

Civil Case Inquiry
Case Type: MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, Assigned To: JUDGE CLARK B. WEAVER SR ... Richard E. Schlanger, M.D., et al.; filed by Hans Scherner, attorney for - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Endogyn, a conspiracy of secrets

Endogyn can never shed it's burden of secrets.....perhaps that common thread subliminally influenced the name of Karen Stewrads book:
Doctors: Bound by Secrecy? Victims: Bound by Pain.
Especially if the doctors are Doctor Kruschinski, Doctor Mettler, Dr. Geoshen and Dr. Riech!

Endogyn advocates are ready to let you send cash to a doctor who by law can do no surgeries!

Out of hundreds of former patients to Endogyn in its many various locations and guises a few tenacious whackos still will go out of their way....perhaps get rather pushy and pestering and oh, lets not forget browbeating.......parroting phoney science about the hypoxic and deliterious effects of carbon dioxide as a cause of causing adhesion ect. ect.
Hundreds did not get well are are permantly maimed by thier cash visit to Endogyn. I know, I am one of them. A victim bound by pain!

Science a layman could not possibly understand. Right Karen? Sandy, Cheryl, ect..........................

Yup, doctor bound by secrecy alright.

Always verify and validate, ask for operatives, ask away ! No question should be off limit to these advocates. Patient advocate are waiting to scam you for their own personal needs and Kruschinskis financial needs too.

And for goodness sake contact the German medcial board for a few bucks and check out Kruschinskis practice statis (smirk) and save yourself all the pain, money and secrecy!

Please stop the madness!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

READ ALL ABOUT IT: US Patient from Oregon Is Returning To EndogynStuttgart





IHRT will follow this patients progress as she comunicates to secure her surgery with Dr. med Kruschinski and his team at Stuttgart!

!!!! PLEASE !!!!! PLEASE !!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!

Show your support of Cheryl by posting to her via the Endogyn message board: Message Board & Karen Stewards or

Karen Steward always looks forward to hearing from patients needing to get to Endogyn! SHE is your source to be sure!

**** EndoGynApolloStuttgart ****
**** EndoGynApolloStuttgart ****
**** EndoGynApolloStuttgart ****
shosho46 Advanced
Gender: Female
Location: Oregon
Registered: Feb 2005
Status: Offline
Posts: 55

Posted Friday, April 11, 2008 @ 11:37 PM
I have emailed with Dr. K. he emailed the costs, and how things go at the new place. The nicest thing is that we already have our Passports. It feels really good to hear from others that have gone through the same type of pain and problems, and knows how exciting it is to have Dr. K. perform the surgeries, and feel so AWESOME afterwards! I am just mean't to go back. We absolutely loved Germany. It is nice to hear that you are doing wonderfully from your 1st, and 2nd look surgeries and that you have your life back.
Take care, Cheryl D.
(Assistance from Helen Dynda For US Patients To Get To Endogyn)

~Debt collectors come collect your money here!
~Tax collectors-be aware of Kru's money making schemes at these Kliniks!
~Disgrunted patients-contact these kliniks to recoup your money!
~Anyone idiot enough to but this new scam- contact Stuttgart personally!
~Operations are only offered IF there is enough patients-whatever THAT means!
(Interesting how these three German Kliniks take income over patients needs!)

Have cash-will do surgery! Discounts!!

(Operations are ONLY offered if enough patients are present, expect cancellations or help harvest more patients so you are assured to get your operation!)

PLEASE CONTACT DR. med Kruschnski NOW:
Agapedia gGmbH
Breitscheidstraße 8
70174 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711.26 26 26 0
Fax: +49 711.26 26 23 3

County Court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Court Registry: HRB 20049
Managing Directors:Stefan Barth, Marika Barth


Tollfree Phone consulting Germany,
Every Thursday between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm

(except holiday times)

Teleconsuting NOW!
CALL Dr. med D.M. Kruschinski
CALL Dr. med T. Krubeck

+49800 / E N D O G Y N (+49800 / 3 6 3 6 4 9 6)

Dr. DM Kruschinski
"While in the last years EndoGyn lift-laparoscopic adhesiolysis was performed mainly on women, in the year 2007 male patients seeking adhesiolysis at EndoGyn increased to about 30 % ! Last Monday, we had 1 male and 2 female patients, next Monday there will be 2 male and 1 female patients. By some of the male patients I was asked to built a site for male patients as some man might get confused in going to a endoscopic gynecology center... We take this in consideration. Kind regards"--------------------Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, © by EndoGyn Ltd.

Limited Time for US Patients to get DISCOUNTED RATES!
"For short time only 55EUROS for investigation aka operation NOW!

Send operative reports to Dr. med Daniel M. Kruschinski curtsey of these contacts.:
Apollo Klinik Stuttgart
HohenzollernstraBe 7-9
70178 Stuttgart
Telefon:0711/60 17 10 10
Telefax:0711/60 17 10 39

Posted Friday, 29 February 2008 @ 12:09:28
Thus and now it becomes seriously, if we liked to einplannen one OI day in Stuttgart, needs we female patients, who want to be operated. Anviesiert is at the end of March to in the middle of April, a female patient has we surely. First of all or BKK's private-insured for the Myomoperation or bearing nut/mother distance.
Please to me announce Dr. med Kruschinski: ------------------- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, elevator © by EndoGyn Ltd..
Willkommen in der,Klinik am Zuckerberg at BraunschweigEndoGyn® Stuttgart at Apollo KlinikEndoGyn® Hannover at Eilenriedeklinik
Herr Dr. med Kru IGynäkologie Endogyn Stuttgart ApolloHerr Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski
Alexandra Beyer - Administrator
Apollo Klinik Stuttgart

Herr Dr. med Kru II
Neuropathische Schmerzen
Pain Therapy
Dr. med. T. Krubeck
Facharzt für Anaesthesie, Schmerztherapie

Posted Friday, 25 January 2008 @ 09:49:02
Again: operations now also in Stuttgart will be possible. In addition next week kommte more. Immediately the costs of 55 euro of the investigation are void with legally insured female patients and patients. Many greetings ------------------- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski

"Extra ~ Extra"
US Patients prepare to go to EndogynStuttgart - Germany

IHRT adds: Unfortunately all the information is in German, however if you do not know German contact Dr. med Kruschinski's team and they will assist you in English:
Alexandra Beyer
Dr. med T. Krubeck

EndoGyn® Stuttgart at Apollo Klinik
Anfahrts/Wegbeschreibung Zum Ausdrucken wählen Sie das Format, dass Sie benötigen und drucken es dann aus. Bitte beachten, dass duch Verschieben der ganzen Karte nach rechts (Pfeile links oben) die Karte auf ein DIN A4 Blatt passt. Sie können sich dort auch die Route berechnen lassen u.v.a.m.

Next Endogyn Infrastructure Coming Soon:
!!!!!!!!! Klinik EndogynGuatemala !!!!!!!!!


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All who carry the EndogynHONcode logo in their web site must respect and pledges to honor the 8 principles * of the :
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Abdolift,, Dr Kruschinski, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski SprayGel, Experimental Surgery, fatboy, fraud, harvesting, Klinik am Zuckerberg, MisogCrime, dangerous, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, Experimental Surgery, fraud, harvesting, surgery ynist, slander,,,,,, EndogynJelliyBauchpinselmaschine,, © by EndoGyn Ltd. Dr Kruschinski, Dr. Liselotte Mettler, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, drunk, Experimental Surgery, fraud, harvesting, idiot, Liebe Grüße Dr.Lilo, Misogynist, scar tissue, Spray Gel, SprayGel, surgery,Abdolift, Catholic, Con Man, Crime, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, drunk, Endogyn, Experimental Surgery, Misogynist, Nazi, Shirli Homburg ,DanielKruschinski,Kruschinski,Braunschweig,EndoGyn®StuttgartatApolloKlinik,EndoGyn®Hannover,Eilenriedeklinik,KarenSteward,DoctorsSecrecyPain, Endometriosis, Lupus,Chrohns,IBS,Spasticcolon,Depression,Colitis, Con Man, creep, Crime, dangerous, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, drunk, Endogyn, Experimental Surgery, fraud, Misogynist, Shirli Homburg Kruschinski, wife beater.,,,,, EndogynJelliyBauchpinselmaschine,, © by EndoGyn Ltd. Dr Kruschinski, Dr. Liselotte Mettler, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, drunk, Experimental Surgery, fraud, harvesting, idiot, Liebe Grüße Dr.Lilo, Misogynist, scar tissue, Spray Gel, SprayGel, surgery,Abdolift, Catholic, Con Man, Crime, Dr.Daniel Kruschnski, drunk, Endogyn, Experimental Surgery, Misogynist, Nazi, Shirli Homburg Shirli Homburg Kruschinski,Braunschweig,EndoGyn®StuttgartatApolloKlinik,EndoGyn®Hannover at Eilenriedeklinik, Dr. Roy Homburg, Hiltz-Scerbo, Leiza A, Karen Steward, Melissa Steward, karensteward.typepad, Texas,Gasless laparoscopic adhesiolysis, adhesiolysis

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Breaking SprayGel News

All information on Dr. Kruschinski and Lisa Gravin have been eradicated from the Confluent Spraygel website.

Took em a bit to catch on.

Excuses, Excuses

Forgive me for not partaking in a very long time

shosho46 Advanced
Gender: Female Location: Oregon Registered: Feb 2005 Status: Offline Posts: 53 Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have written. Things have been so rough. I quit my job last June 2007. I qualified for disability in Dec. 2007. I am back in adhesion HELL and I hate it! FYI...It has nothing to do with Dr. K, and his abilities as a surgeon. After getting hurt at the grocery store, then last Feb. 2007, I had my gallbladder removed. We believe Cheryl was impailed through the gallbladder by an especially wobbly shopping cart. Just tragic, right after her surgery with many "unfortunate" things seem to happen to folks right after thier surgery with Kru. Boy does this spiel sound familiar......

(I have written back and forth to Dr. K and told him some of this) My surgeon was so excited after my surgery he was literally bouncing down the halls of the hospital. How do ya know if you were asleep?When I came to, he told me that my surgery in Germany was quite a success and that the surgeon ( Dr. K) really knew what he was doing. HELLO!! we all knew that!! Dr. Strauss (surgeon) still had to remove a few adhesions here and there, but I know that they were caused by my injuries at the grocery store.

Since my surgery because of being given gas again, and because my surgeon cut away a few adhesions ( no barrier was used) they are BACK. They just control my life again and I so hate it. It is just not an option for me to go back at this time. However when I find a way, Dr. K will be the first to know. It is all so difficult. I live on percocet, methadone, and morpheine. I don't even remember the last time that I slept all night. I am pretty limited with what I can do, but at the same time I don't just sit here on my rear end all day long either. I do alot of things that I should not do, then I pay for it dearly. What is so bad is when you are on so many pain meds and they don't even touch the pain. I curl up with my heating pad and just want to scream actually die is really the word I want to use. I look back to 3 years ago, I was getting ready for my trip and surgeries, and meeting Dr. K. It was the first time that I ever had a surgery and I was not afraid. I was relatively calm through it all. My Family Dr. sent me a note about getting this book to read. It is "They Can't Find Anything Wrong" by David D. Clarke. Then he went on to write that he feels that my chronic abdominal pain is related to the emotional factors in my life. Boy does he need to be set straight. This has really upset me. Karen, I am sure that you are reading this . I cannot find any info on your book, I know that I want to purchase a few of them, and one for him. I just feel very crushed! When I had my surgeries 3 years ago, it was so awesome to stand up straight, go for a walk and not double over. Not rip and tear before, during and after bowel movements. To not feel that sharp knife stabbing me constantly. I will be finding a new doctor. My Gastro wants me to go up to OHSU in Portland to the pain clinic for a "Celiac Plexis Block". I am really not in any hurry, nor do I feel that it will help. I know what is wrong even though they no longer believe in me. There is just nothing like being kicked in the guts over and over even by doctors. I am very Blessed, I have wonderful family support, and they also know what it is, They all see me trying to deal every day watching me live with this. I do have a full load, both of my sons are moved back home, my husband is also disabled, my youngest son has FAI Femoralacetabular impingement syndrome, and will be having hip surgery at 21. My oldest is divorced, and also shares Gastroparesis with me and he is Bi Polar he is 25. But, who does NOT have problems? Everyone does. Ok, I have whined enough. Thanks so much for listening again. I do have people call me periodically about going to Dr. K. for surgery. There were a few from Oregon too. I really wanted to meet someone that shares the same illness. One person I emailed back to, I must have scared the Bejeebers out of her about maybe meeting her for coffee and talking in person. I never heard back again from her hmmm... If anyone has any new ideas email me, or possibly if there may be meds that I do not know about that might help more than what I am taking. God Bless all of you, I promise to be better about keeping in touch. Karen congrats to Melissa on new precious baby girl, and to you and the family. It is so nice to hear that she is doing well. I did have a very dear friend tell me that I am going through all of this yet again for a reason, I just need to be patient until God lets me know what it is. Thanks, Cheryl D.

But Cheryl, no lawsuit, life ruined in a supermarket!

It's just hard to believe you did not sue this ever so negligent supermarket.
Sounds like a settled out of court case if ever i heard 1.

Why didn't you go back to Kruschinski with yer big bag o money?

EndoGyn Apollo Stuttgart is open and it would help others ( you're all so altruistic) as Kruschinski needs a certain amount of patients before he will perform any surgeries.

You should really talk to Sandy...........

Enter patient advocate Sandy Sampson.
She is doing super awesome sez she, after a surgery with Kru and whatever Krew he could muster up at the time.
Posted Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 09:04 PM Dear Cherly, I am sorry about your new adhesions. I hope you find a way to get back to Dr. Kruschinski. Believe me, if I was wealthy I'd send you the money. I wish we could get Dr. K to come here to do the surgeries and have our insurances pay it but that is just a dream. May God give you courage and strength for you and your family. sincerely Sandy
Did you know Sandy and her husband brought a highly trained German Shuntzhund when she went for her surgery and now I believe Sandy breeds and trains them.

I'd listen to Sandy, she's so worldly, shes been a marine, a longshoreman and travelling art scholar and she has friends in high places. Here is her painting "The Scream".

Sandy want you to see Kru:
Posted Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 11:01 PM It's easier for that surgeon who didn't know how to do the surgery to blame the product and make spraygel the scapegoat but the patients best bet would be to go to Dr. Kruschinski and ENDOGYN, sandy
Adhesiolysis via gasless Lift-Laparoscopy with SprayGel AdhesionsDate: 17.01.2007
She is a patient advocate for Dr. Daniel Kruschinski. Unfortunatly she accidently gave an improper phone number but IHRT has the correct details so that you can talk to her about her experience. She's In with the In crowd, has her finger on the pulse.
Please contact Sandra Sampson for a scientific evaluation of your choices regarding your Adhesion Related Disorder.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


With Friends Like Karen Steward......Who need enemies????

IHRT could not agree more with the insightfull writings of Aron Silberstein, in his blog,

"One observation of importance to us is the inappropriateness of a scholar demeaning himself by public exhibition of his vulnerabilities, brought on by his addictions. To use the Internet in the fashion as you have done to portray yourself as a professional has only served to allow others to enable your weaknesses to become public fodder. The people who call themselves your friends and respond to your words written when your under an evil influence only mock you and urge you to say more words as one who has to much drink. These women show a lack of self-respect and intellect with words seeming of lewd intent. These women have done nothing more then dishonor your person and family name. They also entice you to write in the Internet because they too live dishonorable lives and use words that also show them to fight addictions!"

We believe your spot on and here is a prime example of one of Kruschinski friends.....telling lies to promote him and of course the absolute swooning that oozes forth like a scene from the movie Fatal Attraction....

We can't belive these public actions ourselves but have a good laugh speculating.

PERHAPS ~ The "Love" saga of a frustrated Texas housewife ~

Perhaps it is love, or perhaps it is infatuation?
Perhaps it is a "fantasy," which is safer then an "affair?
Perhaps the "lusting" of a frustrated Texas housewife over someone she can't have?

Perhaps a sick obsession with your daughters Ob/Gyn?

Perhaps words written under the influence of "Gin?"
Whatever it is causing this "swooning" over a strange, fat, balding, criminal, alcoholic, carousing, con-man surgeon in Germany, it is obvious that Karen Steward of Texas is head over heels about him based on all her foolish, star struck posts, in IHRT's opinion! All the little "cutesy icons" one can see in this IHRT blog are readily found in all her posts about Daniel Kruschinski of the now defunct Endogyn. (Endogyn-which was nothing more then a web-site filled with fraud and deceit, along with fast pitched bogus money making schemes against desperate vulnerable patient.)

"Ahhhhhh, my kutchy koo Kru!"
How I love to run my fingers through your...ah, uhm, oh never mind, let's just get drunk!"

The behaviors exhibited by this mother and grandmother, not to mention wife, indicates that she needs to grown up and stop embarrassing her family, and herself, with such "high school" antics. (It does seem to be the "norm" for mothers in Texas to act this way though as they all seem to want to be "teenagers" forever!)
When an old lady like Karen writes "love" letters" to her daughters Ob/Gyn for 5 years and in such public venues, it doesn't take to much to realize she has some serious issues and might need a psych evaluation! (If not be committed!)
Image what thier "private = PM" communications must read like, as Kruschinski tells her in HIS posts in Endogyn!
"Posted Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 10:14 AM
" I will write you a PM. Regards to you, Melissa, and all your family."
Dr. Kruschinski
If IHRT were to guess which reason listed above was the cause of her
"swooning" over Kru, it would definitely be the " frustrated" housewife! Why? Well, it's all in the book she wrote about Kruschinski!
NO! Not the part about her running all over town at night like some nut bag, arms flailing in the air and crying because she was having one of her fits of anger at life, but the parts where she is hating her husband and giving him the "eye" because he could do no right by her or the family! (In her book, she also hates everyone else in her town, mocks them too, and gives the evil "judgmental" eye while looking them "up & down! Typical "Texas Soccar" Mom!)
The parts in the book where she mocks her husband, yup, she mocks her husband and says so many nasty things about him in her book that it is no wonder why she sees Kruschinski as "special" and latched onto him like a parasite!
Even Kru can't seem to get rid of her, and he has tried! IHRT thought that Kruschinski went into hiding from the tax & debt collectors, but it was to hide from Karen!
Is it a wonder why Kruschinski doesn't post on his own web site anymore..he's afraid of what Karen will pop up with and trust IHRT on this one, folks, Kru has enough going against him without someone like Karen Steward obsessing over him and posting her foolishness all over the Internet!!
Her poor family, OMG! (IHRT has heard that her husband is a "weeny" and she rules his roost, so she is needing a MAN! Yup, a real rustic, ramble rousing old west type drinkin MAN! With a German accent, a wife and mistress and lots of kids who are involved in porn, THAT'S a man for Karen to blab about all right.)

When Karen Steward pops up anywhere, she always opens the door for some good laughs, and some interesting observations, and 99.9% these observations are NOT in her best interest, and with "friends" like Karen Steward, is it a wonder Kruschinski was found out and taken out so easily?

One observation associated with this post is that Karen elected NOT to post it in Endogyn, rather, she "tucked" it away in her private non visible blog! This is probably due to one of two reason, if not for both reasons, which are as follows:
" Her posts are not wanted in Endogyn," and/or " She knows that a post like this in Endogyn has no means of support for her words as Kru is a nothing in a nothing web site and cannot offer anyone anything anymore!" Simple deductions!
~~~~ (NOW you will see Karen's post here show up in Endogyn!)~~~~

Karen's post
Five Years....Thanks to Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, Germany

April 2008 will mark five years since Melissa was freed from her once debilitating and painful condition of adhesion related disorder. Melissa and our entire family continues to rejoice at the miraculous turnaround that was made in her life due to one special surgeon, Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, of Germany. Dr. Kruschinski is the surgeon who knows the illness of adhesions inside out. His success against this illness is unparalleled...thus, he is viciously attacked via the Internet by those who wish to destroy this brilliant surgeon and his many victories over this dreadful illness. (IHRT accepts the honor of being party to the accusations of "attacks" against Kruschinski as IHRT has most definitely been frying him in the pan for 5 years, AND we are happy to announce that it is our intention to"flip him over now and fry the hell out of him until his stench is burnt to a crisp!")

How many doctors (surgeons) encourage those who are sick to contact his former patients?
(IHRT agrees that, "ONLY Kruschinski would do such a cheap thing like that on the Internet. However, in his case it is called, "unprofessional exploitation" of the ill and is simply one of his many cheap frauds in his web site.)
No doubt, Dr. Kruschinski has raised the bar of excellence when it comes to "treating" a patient. See: Patient List (IHRT points out that this patient list is misleading as many of the patients had to make numerous trips to Endogyn for more operations, but that is not listed here! Karen doesn't mention that little fact, does she?)

Thanks Dr. Kruschinski. You gave us a gift that we had prayed for for years on end. May your life be richly blessed and may you continue on to help those who are in pain.
(IHRT reminds Karen that Kruschinski is NOT practicing anywhere to offer patients anything. In fact, the Abdolift, gas-less technique and anything else surrounding Kruschinki is just not happening anywhere! Endogyn is an empty web site with no medical associations in which one might contact him for anything! It is easy to validate IHRT's claim here as anyone can try to get a gas-less surgery with Kruschinski, it will not happen as he is finished! Endogyn is just an empty web site, thus all of the information in Karen's book about Kruschinski is obsolete, with one exception and that is that it still appears that she hates her husband! Heck, her daughter isn't even well!)
So much for Karen Steward's ramblings as a heart sick lover scorned by her daughters Ob/Gyn..IHRT does suggest that Karen go to Germany, get her Ob/Gyn exam from Kru in his back alley tele-consulting service and get over him!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,,,, EndogynJelliyBauchpinselmaschine,, © by EndoGyn Ltd. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , ,Braunschweig,EndoGyn®StuttgartatApolloKlinik,EndoGyn®Hannover,Eilenriedeklinik,KarenSteward,DoctorsSecrecyPain, Endometriosis, Lupus,Chrohns,IBS,Spasticcolon,Depression,Colitis