ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey Interpol, These folks all in Mexico City ?

October 1st to 4th
For more information please click this link.

Of The International Society For
Gynecologic Endoscopy

Mauricio Abrao (Brazil)
Arnold Advincula (USA)
Stefano Bettocchi (Italy)
Joao Brito (Brazil)
Ellis Downes (UK)
Michael East (New Zeland)
Leroy Charles (USA)
Ray Garry (UK)
Victor Gomel (Canada)
Charles Koh (USA)
Daniel Krushinski (Germany)
Franklin Loffer (USA)
Peter Maher (Australia)
Liselotte Mettler (Germany)
Robert O´Shea (Australia)
Marco Pelosi (USA)
Carlos Petta (Brazil)
Sergio Podgaec (Brazil)
Alexandra Pelogia (Brazil)
Harry Reich (USA)
Tamer Seckin (USA)
Alexandre Silva (Brazil)
Duncan Turner (USA)
Rafael Valle (USA)
Bruno Van Herendael (Belgium)
Hugo Verhoeven (Germany)


Dr.Daniel Kruschinski is NOT there nor is he going to be there, however, METTLER is now taking over the area of “ Robotics in Surgery" and using one of the videos Kruschinski did on the “Abdolift" (robotic) gyn surgery! LOL!

Liselotte Mettler is taking the control and credit of this type of surgery now…

No more Kru, more room for Mettler!

Hey, what are friends for??

Y'all deserve each other!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mitenberger drumped by Kru?

Famous last words!!

Once I was swimming in money;
it was falling from the sky
Now I am treading water and can't figure out why!
Living in crime, filth and stink, I think I'm gonna sink!
Living with my Mistress's mother;
With no one else left in my life
I love her like no other!
She may not be right in her mind;
But for someone like me,
It is easy to take advantage of her kind!

If things are going so well for Dr. King Kru, why isn't his #1 patient/advocate in Germany scheduling a surgery with him, after all, she tried to harvest enough ARD patients to Kru, and yet, when her adhesions symptoms return, no mention of a surgery for her with KING Kru!
HMMMMM? Things just get curiouser and curiouser in "Silly Stop" Germany!

Could it be that Kru is not doing surgeries anywhere, rather he is spending his time drinking and facing court?

Yes he is Milltenbuerger, this is the answer to IHRT's question here.On the other hand, you could probably get his "Gyn" exams via his "Tele Consulting" Endogyn infrastructure. Oh wait!!
He didn't offer that either!What’s wrong with this picture? The great King Kru NOT promoting his surgeries in his LTD "business" that is located in, where is it located these days? Another good question for Kruschinski out of IHRT!
Will we see an answer from the King Kru? IHRT prediction is NOT!
IHRT asks Kru, " So what was all this crap you made public claims after EVERY surgery that your patient was 100% adhesion free due to your concept and the gasless procedure!"
YES, Kru, those were your claims, over and over again!
The answer to this IHRT question is that YOU ARE A LIAR! Enough said!
(The sorry thing is that so many of your patients found that out after dishing out thousands in cash to you!)

Hello Dr. Kruschinski,
in the meantime I know that growing together patients a) have an increased histamine payment (causes inflammations) b) a increased Fibrinbildung have I meet ever more people, also in my personal surrounding field, which are more or less affected by growing together. If one addresses the topic times, then humans talk: " oh, there know I also someone, our neighbour auch" or " with us in the village a young woman with small children runs around, whom cannot move nearly any longer, it has Verwachsungen" … that can be done ever more frequently in such a way. All are however an opinion: One cannot do anything! Most, which I ask, have 4-6 OPs behind itself and after each OI it became worse, so that they refuse itself strictly being able to be operated ever again. Few were already repeated with you.
Can one do not before a OI and afterwards conservatively a something with antibiotics, Cortison, immune system structure? I trust me also not more to a OI, because the pain after movements is more badly ever. And there is i.e. again and again the same places, those, which were solved already several times. Sometimes I believe that the body " itself; denkt": " There always which had increased, belonged so, there must also again which hin". Apart from it, the health insurance companies refuse further stubbornly a OI with you to financiers. They rather pay a large cut operation in a university hospital and state, we should rather to an intestine surgeon go, than to a gynaecologist.
Many greetings SchaPu

Miltenberger Master
Geschlecht: weiblich Herkunft: Registriert: Mär 2005 Status: Offline Beiträge: 542

Posted Mittwoch, 10. September 2008 @ 07:03:11
Hallo Herr Dr. Kruschinski,
inzwischen weiß ich, dass Verwachsungspatienten a) eine vermehrte Histaminausschüttung haben (verursacht Entzündungen) b) eine erhöhte Fibrinbildung haben
Ich treffe immer mehr Leute, auch in meinem persönlichen Umfeld, die mehr oder weniger von Verwachsungen betroffen sind. Wenn man das Thema mal anspricht, dann reden die Menschen: "ach, da kenn ich auch jemanden, unsere Nachbarin hat das auch" oder "bei uns im Dorf läuft eine junge Frau mit kleinen Kindern herum, die sich fast nicht mehr bewegen kann, sie hat Verwachsungen"... so geht das immer öfter. Alle sind aber einer Meinung: Man kann nichts tun! Die meisten, die ich frage, haben 4-6 OPs hinter sich und nach jeder OP ist es schlimmer geworden, so dass sie sich strikt weigern, sich je nochmal operieren zu lassen. Ein paar waren auch schon mehrfach bei Ihnen.
Kann man denn nicht schon vor einer OP und danach konservativ etwas tun mit Antibiotika, Cortison, Immunsystemaufbau? Ich selbst traue mich auch nicht mehr zu einer OP, denn die Schmerzen nach Bewegungen sind schlimmer denn je. Und immer wieder sind es die selben Stellen, nämlich die, die schon mehrfach gelöst wurden. Manchmal glaube ich, dass der Körper sich "denkt": "Da war schon immer was angewachsen, das gehört so, da muss auch wieder was hin". Davon abgesehen, weigern sich die Krankenkassen weiterhin stur eine OP bei Ihnen zu finanzieren. Sie zahlen lieber eine große Schnittoperation in einer Uniklinik und behaupten, wir sollten lieber zu einem Darmchirurgen gehen, als zu einem Gynäkologen.
Viele Grüße SchaPu

"NEW" Endogyn Logo
"Tele-consulting" Endogyn Ltd.
Doc. Kru - PhdSmut
Posted Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 @ 06:46:23
those are nevertheless again and again the same topics: there is nothing that can prevent growing together to 100%. Also patients, who are with us and it were and went through before an odyssey cannot expect that it reaches better 100%. In this forum write only those, which did not become better and completely rarely times, which became better those; that is stop in forums like that. We introduced and successfully used the multi-stage principle with the Verwchsungslösung. The numbers still are: 85% become better with the first OI (+2nd look) 15% have further complaints, half of it make a 3rd look, whereby again with half actually growing together are here present. 50% of these patients do not become better or free and after the 3rd look and 50%. Altogether is it like that about 4% do not become better, no matter how many OP' s it will have (reasons: beside growing together variously). Fact is the fact that with patients, who have substantial growing together, which Mehrstufen Adhäsiolyse substantial successes has, even if 3-6 times must be operated. The smaller the Wundfläche, the fewer growing together returns and the less Wundfläche and the fewer infections and the fewer spray gels (there also infections supported) is used. One are to be still said: I am not miracle-sound, I try only with the patients, who are mostly alone left, to find solutions while other surgeons do not offer times which. It cannot be anything 100%, because the situations are individual and not transferable with each/everyone. And cannot succeed with everyone. It does to me also suffering, if some cashes do not pay, but can I nothing, I has itself for a long time anxious however the cashes have their Vorschriften" , behind which the coworkers place themselves. At the end the Pat bathes it. out, because they land somewhere, where a belly cut happens and then history goes from the front loosely. Sometimes naturally we give antibiotics, vitamins and cortisone, but the only one, which helps reliably, is there antibiotic, because it prevents infections and so that clearly fewer growing together, while lowers vitamins or the gasless elevator Laparoskopie the oxygen of dependent radicals and thus adhesion formation reduced. Now to your case: They had a bearing mother distance as last OI had with a growing together solution; there no spray gel came to the employment, because of risk of infection. Thus it is completely sure that you have growing together. If one had clean-looked with you after three months, or still, I am convinced that many of the complaints would disappear by growing together.
Many greetings
doc_kru Master

Posted Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 @ 06:46:23
Geschlecht: männlich Herkunft: Registriert: Okt 2003 Status: Offline Beiträge: 677

Posted Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 @ 06:46:23 Hallo, das sind doch immer wieder die gleichen Themen: es gibt nichts, was Verwachsungen zu 100 % verhindern kann. Auch Patienten, die bei uns sind und waren und vorher eine Odyssee durchgemacht haben, können nicht erwarten, dass es zu 100 % besser wird. In diesem Forum schreiben nur die, die nicht besser wurden und ganz selten mal, die die besser wurden; das ist halt in Foren so. Wir haben das Mehrstufen-Prinzip bei der Verwchsungslösung eingeführt und erfolgreich angewendet. Die Zahlen sind nach wie vor: 85 % werden bei der ersten OP (+2nd look) besser 15% haben weiterhin Beschwerden, die Hälfte davon macht eine 3rd look, wobei hier wieder bei der Hälfte tatsächlich Verwachsungen vorhanden sind. 50 % dieser Patienten werden nach dem 3rd look besser oder beschwerdefrei und 50 % nicht. Insgesamt ist es so, dass etwa 4 % nicht besser werden, egal wie viele OP's sie haben werden (Gründe: neben Verwachsungen vielfältig). Tatsache ist, dass bei Patienten, die massive Verwachsungen haben, die Mehrstufen-Adhäsiolyse erhebliche Erfolge hat, auch wenn 3-6 mal operiert werden muss. Je kleiner die Wundfläche, desto weniger Verwachsungen kommen zurück und desto weniger Wundfläche und desto weniger Infektionen und desto weniger Spraygel (da auch Infektionen unterstützt) gebraucht wird. Eins ist noch zu sagen: ich bin kein Wunderheiler, ich versuche nur mit den Patienten, die meistens alleine gelassen werden, Lösungen zu finden, während andere Chirurgen nicht mal welche anbieten. Es kann nichts 100 % sein, denn die Situationen sind bei jeder / jedem individuell und nicht übertragbar. Und es kann nicht bei jedem gelingen. Es tut mir auch leid, wenn manche Kassen nicht zahlen, dafür kann ich nichts, ich habe mich lange bemüht aber die Kassen haben ihre Vorschriften", hinter die sich die Mitarbeiter stellen. Am Ende baden es die Pat. aus, denn sie landen irgendwo, wo ein Bauchschnitt passiert und dann geht die Geschichte von vorne los. Natürlich geben wir Antibiotika, Vitamine und manchmal Kortison, aber das einzige, was sicher hilft, ist da Antibiotikum, weil es Infektionen verhindert und damit deutlich weniger Verwachsungen, während Vitamine oder die gaslose Lift-Laparoskopie die Sauerstoff abhängigen Radikale senkt und somit Adhäsionsbildung reduziert. Nun zu Ihrem Fall: Sie hatten als letzte OP eine Gebärmutterentfernung gehabt mit einer Verwachsungslösung; da kam kein Spraygel zum Einsatz, wegen Infektionsgefahr. Also ist es ganz sicher, dass Sie Verwachsungen haben. Wenn man bei Ihnen nach drei Monaten reingeschaut hätte, oder auch jetzt, bin ich überzeugt, dass viele der Beschwerden durch Verwachsungen verschwinden würden. Viele Grüße
--------------------Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski,,,,,, © by EndoGyn Ltd.
, , , , , , , , ,,,,,,

Saturday, September 06, 2008

September is Adhesion Related Disorder Awareness Month.

What are Adhesions?
An ADHESION is a type of scar that forms an abnormal connection between two parts of the body. Adhesions can cause severe clinical problems. For example, adhesions involving the female reproductive organs (ovaries, Fallopian tubes) can and do cause infertility, dyspareunia (painful intercourse) and debilitating pelvic pain. Adhesions involving the bowel can cause bowel obstruction or blockage. Adhesions may form elsewhere such as around the heart, spine and in the hand where they lead to other problems.
Adhesions occur in response to injury of various kinds. For example, non-surgical insults such as endometriosis, infection, chemotherapy, radiation and cancer may damage tissue and initiate ADHESIONS. By far the most common kind of ADHESION is the one that forms after surgery. ADHESIONS typically occur at the site of a surgical procedure although they may also occur elsewhere.

Please visit these site for advocacy news and general education.
International Adhesion Society
Education helps prevent Adhesions!

Kru is screwed!

This pic sums up Dr. Kruschinski's current state of affairs. IHRT could not be prouder.
Find out about ARD before you have any surgery!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

ARD Awareness: Adhesion Barriers

Find out about ARD Before you have any surgery!

Adhesion Barrier News

SprayGel is not approved for sale in the United States.
SprayGel is currently under clinical investigations in the U.S.

After much controversy about its capabilities, Tyco, the new owners of Confluent have re-instituted clinical trials for SprayGel in the U.S.A.

If you are interested in becoming part of the study contact Dr. Alan Johns in Fort Worth, TX.

Baylor All Saints Location:
1325 Pennsylvania, Suite 350
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Richland Hills Location:
3700 Rufe Snow
Fort Worth, Texas 76180
817-803-6625 Email:

Also Genzyme is requiting for its new product SepraSpray.

Adhesion Prevention

Genzyme has developed a suite of biomaterials used to help improve the outcome of certain types of surgeries. Its Sepra™ line of hyaluronic acid-based products has been clinically shown to reduce the incidence of adhesions following general abdominal and gynecologic surgical procedures. With world-class research and development capabilities, and nearly two decades of experience working with biomaterials, Genzyme is expanding its presence in adhesion prevention through the development of laparascopically applied formulations. Adhesion Prevention publications more >.

In Europe.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Awareness Project: Another lesson in awareness.

Dear sir,
You are requested to read the attached real story, Which may bring into light about the working nature and mugging of the corporate hospitals in india.. It is shame to the strong governments. To eradicate this mugging and control the shameful medical practices a strong new Act is required. So kindly consider to do a strong Act, in future this type of malpractice should not take place in India.


Maruteru – Mobile

tsprasad. From: t.s.prasad ()To:
Date: Friday, 29 August, 2008 10:30:51 PMSubject: [auce79-83] treatment tragedy in Chennai hospital!!!!

This is a true sad incident happened to one of our INDIAN Family in this great country. Read this in his own words....... . This is really an eye opening article about the state of affairs in our so called CORPORATE HOSPITALS. Its unfortunate that this had to come to light as the stake of someone's life. But I hope this is a true indicator and makes us act with caution from here on. This is not a philosophical statement on one's life after death, this is about my wife who died in a hospital in Chennai. Whatever I have seen only in movies so far, is experienced by me.* We were living in the UK for few years; our family includes me, my wife (Padma), and our 7 yr old son and 8months old daughter. My wife had a symptom ofventral hernia (slightly bulged abdomen), we had consulted General Physician and Surgeon in the UK and advice was that she needed a surgery to have a mesh to fix the problem with a few weeks rest. We were also told that this is not an emergency and it can be done anytime though earlier is good. In fact the surgeon whom we consulted in UK talked about an example of a lady having this done for 30 years of the ymptom. My wife did not have any specific pain or something except a small discomfort of bulgy abdomen (like a 2 months pregnant lady) and she was in her normal routine of taking care of our children, taking our son to school, household work, etc. We were planning for Christmas vacation in India Dec 2007, we thought we will consult some 'good' doctors over in India and take a decision of when we will do the surgery if required and possibly felt doing in India is good because of family support. We have got a reference of Dr J S Rajkumar of Lifeline hospital and we booked an appointment to meet him. We landed in Chennai on 14th Dec 2007 for a three weeks vacation, met Dr Rajkumar at his city hospital (Rigid hospital) in Chet put on 15th Dec 2007 (Sat) at about 730pm. We have explained him the background, shown him all the comments of UK surgeon, medical reports related to my wife pregnancy, deliveries, etc (she had delivered both our children normally). After few minutes of assessment Dr Rajkumar told us this hernia requires laparoscopic surgery and we can do this next day itself. We were little concerned initially of getting this surgery done the very next day (particularly we were still not out of jet lag and she was feeding our baby) and got convinced with the 'salesy' words given by the Doctors. To quote a comment from the Doctor *"she will run in two days time and can lifttwo suitcases and you can return to UK as per your plan on 3rd Jan 2008"*). Also Dr Rajkumar told us that he will be on travel for 3days from 17th Dec and moreover he was teaching Post Graduates on 16th Dec about laparoscopic surgery and let us get itdone on 16th Dec. Then my wife was put into all sorts of equipments in the hospital (in the name of assessment); blood, urine, ECG, MRI and so on and the tests Re-conducted till about 11pm on 15th Dec. In fact they have opened the labs after losing hours and got the test done and handed over the test results to us. They had someproblem in the ECG and we were told that ECG can be done on the next day at Lifeline hospital. We were asked to report to Rigid hospital at 5am in the morning. Think of it, we went our residence around midnight and my wife had rush on some food to keep compliance on the fasting 8 hrs prior to surgery. After preparing for the hospital visit that night and a couple of hours sleep (3 hrs or so) we reached Rigid hospital on 16th morning at 5am or so and from there we were transported by an 'ambulance' to Lifeline hospital in Perungudi (outskirts of Chennai). We reached the hospital at 630am, paid some initial advance for the surgery and we were given a room. Padma went through some more basic checks like height, weight, etc. Padma was taken to the operation theatre at about 10am in the morning on 16th Dec. After the laparoscopic procedure she was moved to post operative ward at about 12 noon and Ihave met her in the afternoon to say a small hello when she gainedconsciousness . Dr Rajkumar met us on 16th Dec afternoon and he in fact *congratulated* me for successful surgery and said he has used proceed mesh (costly one) and advised his staff to move Padma to normal ward in the evening as she had to feed her baby. But, Padma was moved to normal ward only on 17th Dec morning, she was on IV fluids as per normal post operative procedure. Padma started to develop some fluids in her abdomen which duty doctors / surgeons have 'rightly' observed. She was put in some series of tests on 17 th, 18th, 19th and 20th – tests include multiple ultra sound, multiple CT scans, pricked her abdomen and taken fluids, she had a long tube through her nose overnight to collect fluid for tests, etc. We were told the fluid is normal after surgery and it will be alright after she passes stool, etc. In the meanwhile Dr Rajkumar returned from his travel and seen Padma on 19thon 20th Dec evening along with other surgeons. He made an assessment and he told me that he might want to do one more laparoscopic surgery to find out what is the fluid about. He wanted to do a surgery on 20th Dec evening itself, but he could not proceed as the hospital has given solid food that afternoon – hence anesthesia could not be given. (*lack of co-ordination among departments, time lost here, may be she could have survived if they have did the surgery on 20th itself)* On 20th Dec night, fluid started oozing from Padma's abdomen stitches, after the duty Doctor's assessment she was shifted to ICU. We really did not know what complication she developed in the ICU. On 21st Dec (Friday) morning around 830am I was called in to the ICU to convey that they are going to perform a surgery and I had to sign "*high risk consent",* they were telling this in front of my wife *(just think of a patient hearing this before the surgery). *I was just shocked at that and had no options to sign whatever they wanted. I said "all the best" *(my last conversation with mywife)* to my wife and she was taken to Operation Theatre. While I was discussing with the Doctors at ICU, the cashier in the hospital kept on calling me on mymobile. When I met the cashier he asked for Rs.60,000 to be paid immediately and I told him take Rs.40,000 and will give you the balance later in the day. Bang a reply came, "*you have to pay the money to for me to give clearance for surgery*". When I expressed my unhappiness about the comment, he insisted for me to sign a piece of paper saying that I will give the money later in the day. *(What money minded, in-human attitude!)*
We had no news from the hospital on their own about the surgery, I had enquired the staff nurse and visited my wife in the ICU and learnt that she had a diagnostic laparotomy (open surgery) and there was hole in the intestine which was fixed.
We have meet Dr Rajkumar at about 3:30pm on 21st Dec and understood that there was a *duodenum rupture* and he has fixed it, at the same time he removed the mesh which was fixed on 16th Dec. She was also paralyzed and put on ventilator as she was waking up. He explained it was between life threatening and beauty so they addressed the duodenum rupture problem. What we were puzzled were, how did the rupture happen? for that explanation given were - it could be due to ulcer. My wife had no evidence of ulcer in the past. Explanation given was 40%+ cases of ulcer is silent and there will be no symptom *(I lack medical knowledge to appreciate this)* - it could be due to post operative stress (*so many test post operation without any explanation of what we were doing could have created the stress on Padma is my argument)* On the same night (21st Dec) at about 930pm, I was called in to the ICU and Doctors conveyed that my wife condition is critical – her pulse is high, BP is low and they were attending to her. I insisted on talking to Dr Rajkumar immediately, but they refused to connect me to him at first and finally managed to speak to him. Dr Rajkumar came in around midnight and explained that the lungs are getting affected (shown X-ray of white patches on the lower portion of lungs) and she was the most serious patient in the whole hospital that time and they were trying their best. He also said, it will need another 12-24 hours of observation before they can say anything.
We were completely panicked and just waiting outside the ICU and praying for Padma's recovery. We had to argue with the security outside the ICU to gain access to the Doctors to know her situation (*no courtesy from the security personnel, who just don't understand the situation)* At about 4:30am in the morning, my friend gained access the Doctors in the ICU and came out with the low face to tell me that Padma's condition is worsened. Again I tried to reach Dr Rajkumar and the hospital says they don't have his contact number (*just can't understand how they can behave like this). *Finally after some hue and cry Dr Rajkumar came on line to tell me that he is not God and don't think his visit can do any thing different. I cried, begged him to come over to give some ideas to his team to recover Padma. He came over at around 6am and said they are trying everything possible, etc; but her end came quickly. * The end came to our beloved Padma at 6:30am on 22nd Dec, throwing the entire family to rude shock and a life time sorrow. Our "LIVES AFTER DEATH" of Padma has changed for ever.* I can now think of so many questions retrospectively; 1. Why did the surgeon perform the surgery the very next day of consultancy, that too for a non-emergency one like this? (Padma had just traveled many miles, she was not even out of jet lag.) Was it for money? Was it for them to get one more sample for their post grads training?
2. Did the Doctors made proper assessment on Padma's fitness for surgery, frankly did they even had time to go through the reports, after the tests till 11pm on the previous night for next day 8am surgery (particularly whenthe reports were with us till 730am on the day of surgery).
3. Patient communication and counselling. Isn't it important to communicate to patient and their relatives on the development of patient condition (fluid collection started from the next day of laparoscopic)
4. Did the absence of Dr Rajkumar for three days post the first surgery is one of the reason for this disaster? Were the other Doctors not able to diagnose or take a decision? Were they waiting for Dr Rajkumar return? 5. What is the real reason for duodenum perforation? My wife never had any history of ulcer to the best of my knowledge. Why did the hospital take so much of time to react (5 days after surgery) when such a crucial thing like preforation ICU has happened. 6. Was there any issue in the initial laparoscopic procedure which has caused the perforation? 7. Careless attitude by hospital staff? – my wife sex was recorded as "Male" initially and corrected after I told them. The staff was not even apologetic for this, he rather asked me "why didn't you inform". Can't he make out with the name Padma. *Think of it, if he has changed the blood group from A+ to B+; that is it!!* 8. Will anyone with basic common sense ask for high risk signature in front of the patient? I was asked to sign just minutes before surgery in front of my wife. 9. Is the hospital money minded?: They were demanding money on gun point almost. a. Prior to the first surgery the cashier said please give Rs.30000/- more for him to give clearance for surgery b. When my wife going for second surgery I was told by the cashier again, please give Rs.60000/- for clearance for surgery c. The hospital charged more than what was told for initial laparoscopic, without even communicating to me increase in charges
d. The final "bill" was just on letter head, without mention of currency, invoice number, etc. I had to insist on a proper invoice later. e. I was given to understand that they even made arguments on ambulance charges to send my wife dead body back home.!! *(making money on the dead body also)* 10. Why the hospital did not made me to talk to my wife when she gained consciousness after the second surgery? If not anything else, I could have held her hand. Even a criminal gets an opportunity to communicate his/her last wishes. Am I or my wife worse than? 11. *FALSE reports* - After all these hospital sends me false reports (on Jan 11, 2008 – three weeks after my wife's death) : a. They had mentioned she had LSCS (caesarean section) and large scar due to LSCS. When my wife delivered both the babies normally, how does one record as caesarean and *how there will be scar when there was no caesarean?*
b. The hernia was mentioned "incisional hernia" – when there was no incision on her body how the hernia is categorised as incisional? It was actually ventral hernia. Don't think one can replace any term with any term just like that!
c. Most importantly, the surgery was performed on 16th Dec 2007, the report said 17th dec 2007 12. *MISSING REPORTS - *From the hospital records Doctors notes were missing for 16th and 17th Dec. The first report is available for 17th Dec at 8:36pm. How come there are no Doctors' notes for *about 36 hours after the surgery?*Isn' t it fishy? Did something went wrong on the first laparoscopic procedure? Our entire family is still mourning and trying to reconcile the fact that our Padma is no more. My 7 year old son is aware that is Mom is not there, does he understand? My 1 year old daughter is too young to know what has happened. What will her questions be in future?
My sincere advice to all is
a) Do not get carried away by advertisement / TV shows / big buildings b) Please do not rush c) Do your own due diligence, particularly when things are not an emergency d) Try and understand the medical terms, do research prior e) Please ask questions, at every stage. f) Don't say "I can spend anything" g) Know patient rights * I am still not convinced that Padma has died after a 'simple' laparoscopic surgery? I am deeply upset of what has happened to Padma and for what is happening to us. What I could have done (or not done) which would have prevented this. What is that we cando to prevent this in future for others!!!************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ******Please join me in making awareness to others. While India is trying to woo many international Customers in the name of 'medical tourism'; first let the authorities make regulation on the health care system and take care of Indian people first. Our medical system must understand the differences between MEDICINE – TREATMENT and HEALTHCARE. What we get most of the time is medicine for the symptom while we need healthcare.!13F578534B68D612!722.entry