ARD, CAPPS, Adhesions and Adhesion Related Disorder , Internal Scar Tissue, Hope for those who suffer from Adhesions

Monday, June 11, 2007

Daniel Kruschinski Needs a Grandstand and an Audience

Herr Kruschincki, we offer you this forum, where your words will stand and cannot be taken up and down as your needs fit.

This forum is open now to all and you sure will have an audience Kru.

We welcome you to finish what you started in a patient forum for victims of endometriosis!

Are you agreed that you can intelectually make monkeys of two middle aged women who you claim are crazy, who you claim IS IHRT??????

Here is you chance to make you point.

Dr Kruschinki Erfahrung
Mo, 28/05/2007 - 19:02

ich suche Erfahrungsaustausch mit Patientinnen die wie ich von Dr. Kruschinski operiert worden sind. Ich habe Probleme und hoffe so Unterstützung zu bekommen.

Dr. Kruschinski hat mich damals in Rotthalmünster operiert. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich Schmerzen die immer extremer wurden bis ich es nicht mehr aushalten konnte. Mein Mann hat mich zu meiner Gyn gebracht. Die hat mir gesagt, dass mein Unterleib voll mit Verwachsungen sei. Ich war geschockt weil doch mit dem von ihm verwendeten Gel gerade dass verhindert werden sollte. Sie hat mich dann in die Unklinik zur weiteren Untersuchung geschickt da sie sehr besorgt war und ich furchtbare Schmerzen habe. Dort musste ich erfahren, dass ich kein Einzelfall bin. Ich habe versucht Herrn Dr. Kruschinski telefonisch zu erreichen. Er war total ausfallend geworden als ich Ihn nach meinen OP Unterlagen gefragt habe. Ich habe obwohl ich mit den Tränen kämpfen musste regelrecht um meiner Unterlagen gebettelt aber es hat nichts genützt, es war nur ekelhaft. Weil ich völlig fertig mit den Nerven war und nur noch geheult habe ist mein Mann für mich nach Rotthalmünster in die Klinik gefahren und hat versucht dort meine OP Unterlagen zu bekommen. Aber auch hier war nichts zu finden, außerdem musste ich erfahren, dass man Dr. Kruschinski dort regelrecht rausgeworfen hat und leider war dies wohl nicht die einzige Klinik. Ich habe auf der endogyn Webseite gelesen, dass er angeblich Opfer einer Verschwörung ist, aber der Chefarzt der Gynäkologie hier in Rotthalmünster hat ganz andere Sachen gesagt. Ich habe mittlerweile auch eine Leidensgenossin aus der Region gefunden der es auch nicht groß anders gegangen ist. Es ist alles so schlimm, und ich muß demnächst operiert werden, sobald die Entzündung einigermaßen weg ist. Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht? Habe hier auf dem Bord gelesen dass es auch andere Frauen gibt die Probleme mit Dr Kruschinski haben. Alle liebe Lara

Neuen Kommentar schreiben

Was bringt Dir das?
Mi, 30/05/2007 - 11:01
Hallo Lara,

ich kann verstehen, dass Du nach dieser Art von Behandlung enttäuscht bist. Du könntest mal bei der Endometriose-Vereinigung (unter Links) nachfragen und Deine schlechten Erfahrungen mit ihm kundtun. Dort werden Erfahrungsberichte gesammelt und ausgewertet.

Aber mir stellt sich die Frage, was hast Du davon, wenn Du andere Betroffene findest, die von ihm behandelt wurden. Wichtig ist jetzt, dass Du einen erfahrerenen Gyn und Operateur findest, der Dich bestmöglich behandelt.

Aber auch das ist nicht einfach, denn schnell stellt man sich als solcher dar. Spezialist ist nicht gleich Spezialist, wenngleich sie im Netz alle gleich erscheinen.

Hat man bei Dir denn bei der letzten OP Endometriose diagnostiziert? Wenn ja, und die Verwachsungen - da kann ich nur Prof. Ulrich aus dem Martin-Luther-Krankenhaus in Berlin empfehlen. Ein hervorragender EM-Spezialist und Operateur (ist übrigens ein Keckstein-Zögling)! Wenn Du in wirklich gute Hände willst, ist kein Weg zu weit.

Übrigens, auf die OP-Unterlagen und die Befunde hast Du ein Anrecht. Mach ggfs. bis zur Klinikleitung darauf aufmerksam.

LG Uli


Dr. Kruschinski gleiches Problem
Do, 31/05/2007 - 21:56
Liebe Lara, ich finde Dich total tapfer. Mir ist das gleiche vor längerer Zeit passiert als Herr Dr. Kruschinski noch in Attendorn war. Es gab damals fast die gleichen Probleme. Bitte kontaktiere mich für weitere Fragen direkt. Ich bin von Herrn Dr. Kruschinski schon einmal "als nicht normal " im www bezeichnet worden und habe sehr darunter gelitten.

Bin heute bei Dr. Korell in Behandlung.Er ist super nett und hat auch mit Herrn Dr. Kruschinski so seine Erfahrungen gemacht. Ich gehe gar nicht mehr auf Dr. Kruschinski's Webseite, da ich das alles nicht mehr lesen kann. Ich habe mich viel zu lange an falsche Hofnungen geklammert, und es sind auch immer die selben Frauen die so wahnsinnig von ihm begeistert sind. Zu erst ist er aus Attendorn weg weil angeblich alles mir Blut verschmiert war. Dann bedankt er sich plötzlich für die tolle Zusammenarbeit und seinen Cafe latte. Den Rest kannst du Dir bestimmt denken.

Meine Gyn hat sich das auch einmal angeschaut, und sie fand das fast wie eine Sekte. Naja aber jammern hilft nichts. Ich finde uli69 hat recht habe auch schon vieles von Berlin als Kompetenzzentrum gehört, und auch mein Doc ist im regen Austausch. Uniklinik scheinen anscheinden besser vernetzt zu sein und sind daher wohl aktueller.

Kopf hoch an alle und nicht unterkriegen lassen. Mondkind


Dr. Kruschinski Erfahrung
Fr, 01/06/2007 - 17:38
Hallo Lara,

ich kenne das Problem nur zu gut. Ich habe mich von ihm auch wegen Verwachsungen operieren lassen, auch mit Gel und auch ohne Erfolg, über den weit überdurchschnittlichen Rechnungsbetrag mag ich erst garnix schreiben, aber in der Verzweiflung klammert frau sich halt eben an alles. Die mir von Ihm nach hartnäckigen Nachharken überlassenen OP Berichte sind nach Auskunft meiner GYN nicht das Papier wert auf dem sie stehen. Ich habe nochmal bei Ihm nachgefragt, und er war alles andere als freundlich. Ich will hier nicht näher darauf eingehen,sonst würde ich bestimt gegen die Board Regen verstoßen. Nur soviel, seine Reaktion war unprofessionell und verletzend und leider habe auch ich mittlerweile von meinem neuen Chirurgen gehört (ich bin sehr zufrieden und er ist hier auch auf dem Forum positiv bewertet worden), daß Herr Dr. Kruschinki bloß als Schutzbehauptung sagt Opfer eine Verschwörung zu sein um nicht erklären zu müssen warum er schon wieder die Klinik wechseln mußte . Ich selbst bin in Graz operiert worden und man ist heilfroh hier, daß Dr. Kruschinski weg ist. Gott sei dank war der Chefarzt so lieb mich an seinen Kollegen nach Villach zu überweisen. Ich bin jetzt endlich schmerzfrei und sehe einen Lichtblick in meinem Leben. Wünsch euch und natürlich Lara viel Kraft und Mut. VG Laura


Ihre Aussagen
Fr, 08/06/2007 - 15:38
Sehr geehrte Patientin oder namenlose Person,

leider kann ich ich Ihr Gesicht oder Namen zu diesem Beitrag nicht einordnen, aber mich hat NIEMAND angerufen, der die Unterlagen haben wollte.

UND, wenn Sie wirklich von mir operiert worden wären, hätten Sie ja einen OP-Bericht und Bilder, die wir immer den Patienten mitgeben.

Falls Sie wirklich von uns operiert wurden, tut uns sehr leid, wenn wir die 100 % nicht erreichen konnten, aber das ist manchmal schwer (in ca. 15 %), wenn vorher bis zu 20 Operationen wegen Verwachsungen oder Endometriose vorhergegangen sind.

Was auch immer Sie an Unterlagen brauchen, ein Anruf genügt: 0171 / 6204621.

Angeblichen Kommentaren von anderen Ärzten glaube ich nicht, das würde ich eines Arztes für unwürdig halten, die von Ihnen genannten Kommentare abzugeben, die von Ihnen genannten Kommentare abzugeben. Deshalb glaube ich Ihre Aussagen primär nicht, bis sie mir von besagten Ärzten oder Personen selber vorgetragen werden, dann kann ich diese deutlich und belegt widerlegen, denn sowas wäre nichts als nur ein dummes Geschwätz. Ausserdem wären solche Kommentare ärztlich unethisch, so dass ich perse, diese nicht glaube.

Ein ganz wichtiger Aspekt ist die Aufklärung, die Sie, wenn Sie Patientin wären, auch unterschrieben haben. In dieser steht deutlich, dass ein Erfolg nicht garantiert werden kann, oder das auch bestimmte Komplikationen auftreten können.

Extrem schaden solche Kommentare nicht nur Ihnen, sondern allen Patienten mit solch chronischen Krankheiten wie Verwachsungen und Endometriose, da bald KEIN Arzt mehr aus Angst vor negativer Propaganda, diese Patienten operiert, denn einen 100 % Erfolg kann kein Arzt garantieren.

Falls Sie oder mondkind Fragen oder Anliegen haben, bitte gerne unter der o.g. Nummer anrufen, Klärung ist meistens besser, also sich NAMENLOS den Frust von der Seele schreiben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Fr, 08/06/2007 - 15:46
ich hoffe nur, Sie sind nicht dieselbe, die vor einigen Tagen auf dem EndoGyn Message Board dies gepostet hatte:


Geschlecht: weiblich
Herkunft: Hessen
Registriert: Feb 2006
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 4

Posted Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007 @ 18:37:50

Hallo Herr Dr. Kruschinski,
sehr schön die neue Website von der Klinik in Braunschweig.
Auch finde ich es toll, dass nun endlich auch Sie Ihren Platz auf der Website erhalten haben. Somit wird diesen Hetzschreiberinnen der Wind aus den Segeln genommen und vor allem den potentiellen ausländischen Patientinnen/Patienten bewiesen, dass es Sie wirklich gibt und dass Sie an dieser Klinik tätig sind.
Wir in Deutschland wissen das ja, ebenso wie wir Ihre ausgezeichnete Arbeit zu schätzen wissen, aber für die "Neuen" ist Ihr Auftritt auf der Website sicherlich eine weitere Hilfestellung zur Entscheidungsfindung bezüglich einer Operation bei Ihnen.
Ich kann nur sagen, ich bin froh dass es Sie gibt und ich danke Ihnen von Herzen, dass es mir heute so gut geht... am 09. Mai wird es 1 Jahr!
Weiterhin alles Gute für Sie, persönliches Wohlergehen und ebenfalls viel Erfolg in der Klinik bei Fulda!
Mondkind mondkind

Geschlecht: weiblich
Herkunft: Hessen
Registriert: Feb 2006
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 4

Posted Montag, 7. Mai 2007 @ 19:43:11

Hallo Juke,
ja da hast Du wohl recht - aber es geht halt leider nicht überall so wie in meinem Job, wo man von vorneherein das Recht auf seiner Seite hat. Nur dass man gegen diese Rufschädigung nicht massiver vorgehen kann, ist schwer zu verstehen.
Aber wie Grazyna schon richtig schreibt - vielleicht bestraft man diese Herrschaften am besten, in dem man nicht mehr diese Seite besucht. Leider sollen auch deutsche Personen involviert sein. Ich kann mir so etwas garnicht vorstellen, ehrlich, wenn ich nur denke wie selbstlos er sich auch immer für Kassenpatienten (wie ich eine bin z. B.) einsetzt und uns alle gleich behandelt, egal wieviel Geld er dafür "kassieren" könnte.
Ich bin 2 mal vom Doc operiert worden -wusste vor dem ersten Mal, dass es eine zweite OP gibt (1. Beseitigung Endometriose u kleinere Verwachsungen 2. "Nachsäubern Endometriose, Hysterektomie) und ich würde mich jederzeit wieder in seine Hände begeben. Bin von Südhessen aus nach Rotthalmünster mit dem Zug, war nicht unbedingt ein Zuckerschlecken, aber absolut machbar und ich würde noch weiter fahren, wenn es sein muss.
Hatte eine Endo-OP davor in einem hiesigen Krankenhaus, da waren die Ärzte komplett hilflos als sie aufmachten, haben die Herde in mehreren Stunden - zum Schluss mit 2 Oberärzten und dem Chefarzt - verkokelt (und unten drunter ist alles fleißig weitergewachsen).... Nach dieser OP bin ich nach 6 Wochen wieder arbeiten gegangen, konnte weder stehen noch sitzen und es war wirklich schlimm.
Nach der ersten OP beim Doc wollt ich nach 3 Wochen schon wieder los .
Wollen wir hoffen, dass Herr Dr. Kruschinski seinen Enthusiasmus nicht verliert und auch gegen diese bösen Strömungen weitermacht.
Wir alle - für die er immer da war und ist - wir sind doch das beste Beispiel dafür, dass seine Methode erfolgreich und wesentlich schonender als die hergebrachte ist.

Liebe Brigitta: grüß mir das Schwabenländle, wenn Du noch in Bad Waldsee bist - meine Heimatstadt ist grad mal 20 km weiter "Richtung Bodensee".

Viele Grüße und allen eine gute Zeit

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Sa, 09/06/2007 - 17:54
Also wenn das wirklich von MONDKIND ist ... dann ist das ein Armutszeugnis..

Ich würde mal sagen... " DUMM gelaufen " wie kann man hier so ne Lippe riskieren und anderswo die selbe Person in den Himmel heben...

Also ich kenn den Doc nicht, aber ich würde mir IMMER meine eigene Meinung bilden.

Jeder empfindet einen Doc anders... dem einen ist er super sympatisch dem anderen total .... !!!

Also immer erstmal jedem ne Chance geben. UND ALLE ÄRZTE SIND N U R MENSCHEN KEINE GÖTTER!!

gruß Lilli


Thank you Lara Uli and Moonchild
Sa, 09/06/2007 - 20:41
Meet your fellow victims of Dr. Kruschinski. There are 100's of us.

Translation available!


Sa, 09/06/2007 - 20:52
Dr.Kruschinski Goon Sqaud on the move again trying to hush former patients

Dear Lara, Uli and Moonchild,
From all of us at IHRT we applaud your courage to speak the truth of your experiences with Dr. Kruschinski.
Stand strong Dear Ones as you are not alone, you have 100's of brothers and sisters who stand with you and share your experience.
From North and South America and throughout Europe.
Fear not as we pray this menace to very desparate, vulnerable people will soon end.
Many have faced a similar backlash as this. Stand tall with the pillar of truth to help you stand.
If you require assistance we at IHRT may be able to help you as we have members in Germany.
Please visit .We are here for victims of Kruschinski and his evil mad experimental surgeries.

We wish you all the best.

In deepest gratitude,
IHRT - Adhesions International Human Rights Team

Lara tells the truth of her experience on a PATIENTS message board. Others agree with her. Why would they lie?
In IHRTs expose' on Dr. Lisolette Mettler we found you and felt it important to share your message as Dr. Mettler harvested from your group of patients directly to Dr. Krurschinski. The highest breech of medical ethics possible.

Unfortunately this tips off Kruschinski that former disgruntled patients are again speaking about their failed surgeries and unethical and illegal behavior they witnessed.

In English:Babelfish
Fr, 01/06/2007 - 17:38 hello Lara, I know the problem only too well. I could be operated from him also because of growing together, also with gel and also without success, over which I may write far above average invoice amount only garnix, but in the despair woman clasps itself stop evenly to everything. Me by it after persistent Nachharken left the OI of reports they are not worth the paper after information of my GYN on that. I inquired again with him, and he was everything but friendly. I do not want to deal here more in greater detail with it, otherwise I was offended bestimt against the board rain. Only as much, its reaction was unprofessionell and hurting and unfortunately also I meanwhile of my new surgeon heard (I am much content and he also on the forum was positively evaluated here) that Dr. Kruschinki says victim a conspiracy only as protection statement to be around not to explain not to have why he already again the hospital to change had. I was operated in Graz and one am welfare-gladly here that Dr. Kruschinski away is. God is owing to was a chefarzt so dear me at its colleagues after Villach to be transferred. I am now finally pain-free and see a light view in my life. Wish you and naturally Lara much strength and courage VG Laura

Here comes big bad Kruschinski to mock and taunt and cast doubt upon a FORMER PATIENT OF HIS.
Note Kruschiski's paranoia!
Gee, Dr. Mettler thanks again for your contribution to medicine and the end to human suffering! Bah! You created this monster!

To write announcing or registering around comments Their statements doc_Kru Fr, 08/06/2007 - 15:38 very honored female patient or nameless person, unfortunately I cannot arrange I your face or name to this contribution, but NOBODY called me, which wanted to have the documents. AND, if you had been really operated by me, you would have a AU report and pictures, which we always give to the patient. If you were really operated by us, much wrong does to us, if we could not reach the 100 %, but that is sometimes heavy (in approx.. 15 %), if up to 20 operations because of growing together or Endometrioses preceded before. Whatever you need at documents, a call is sufficient: 0171/6204621. I do not believe alleged comments of other physicians, which unworthy I would consider a physician to deliver the comments specified by you the comments specified by you to deliver. Therefore I do not believe your statements primarily, until they are spoken me by mentioned physicians or persons themselves, then can I these clearly and occupy to disprove, because sows nothing would be as only a stupid twaddle. In addition such comments would be medically unethisch, so that I did not believe perse, this. A completely important aspect is the clearing-up, which you, if you were female patient, signed also. In this it stands clearly that a success cannot be guaranteed, or which also certain complications can occur. Extremely such comments do not only harm you, but no physician can guarantee all patient with such chronic diseases such as growing together and Endometriose, since soon NO MORE physician operates these patients from fear of negative propaganda, because a success to 100 %. If you or moon child have questions or requests, ask gladly under o.g. Number call, clarifying are mostly better, thus NAMELESS the grind of the soul are written. Yours sincerely -- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski EndoGyn®

Yup, an authority figure (smirk) telling his former patient she's not real.
IS he trying to flush her identity out so he can go at her 1 vs.1???.

Ya I know the guy and this is his DOCUMENTED motus operandi.I was once desparte and had endometriosis IV and growing together. I paid my cash from United States.
Look below, another posting right away just to try to put the pressure on a bit more!
Yes we know it's outrageous, we can't believe it either but at least he can't erase these messages as it is not his forum. He really does believe he is a super genius in his methods, weather surgical or psy - ops . So here Kru takes messages from HIS patients on HIS message board, where all kinds of wacky stuff happens. He believes it is a good idea to pit patient's against patient's. Great theory Kruschinski LOL. Makes you wonder about his surgical theories huh?

To write announcing or registering around comments moon child doc_kru Fr, 08/06/2007 - 15:46 I hope only, you are not the same, which had gepostet some days ago on the EndoGyn Message board this: moon child starter Sex: womanlike origin: Hessen registers: February 2006 status: Off-line of contributions: 4 Posted Thursday, 3 May 2007 @ 18:37:50 Hello Dr. Kruschinski, very beautifully the new Website of the hospital in Braunschweig. Also I find it mad that now finally also you received your place on the Website. Thus these rush writer inside the wind from the sails is taken and proven above all to the potential foreign female patient/patient that there are really you and that you at this hospital are active. We in Germany know that, just as we appreciate your excellent work, but for the "new ones" your appearance surely is on the Website a further assistance for decision making concerning an operation with you. I can only say, I am gladly that it you give and I thank you from hearts that am I today so well... on 09 May becomes it 1 year! Further all property for it, personal well-being being issued and likewise much success in the hospital with Fulda! Moon child moon child starter Sex: womanlike origin: Hessen registers: February 2006 status: Off-line of contributions: 4 Posted Monday, 7 May 2007 @ 19:43:11 , there you are right hello Juke probably - however stop is unfortunately not everywhere as in my job, where one has from the beginning the right on its side. Only that one cannot proceed against this call damage more substantially, is difficult to understand. But writes already correctly like Grazyna - perhaps one punishes these rule best, in that one no more this side visited. Unfortunately also German persons are to be involved. I cannot introduce myself such a thing, honestly, if I only think as selbstlos he itself also always for cash patients (like I one am z. B.) and everything uses us equivalent treated, all the same how much money it for it "take" could. I was operated 2 times by the Doc knew before the first time that there is a second OI (1st removal Endometriose u smaller growing together 2. "Nachsaeubern Endometriose, Hysterektomie) and I would go at any time again into its hands. Are from south Hessen after Rotthalmuenster with the course, was not necessarily a sugar licking, but absolutely feasiblly and I would continue to drive still, if it must be. If a Endo OI had before it in a local hospital, there was the physicians completely helplessly as it opened, the herd in several hours - in the end with 2 upper physicians and the chefarzt - verkokelt (and down more drunter everything further-grew industriously).... After this OI I am after 6 weeks again work gone, could neither stand nor sit and it was really bad. After the first OI with the Doc want I after 3 weeks already again loosely. We want to hope that Dr. Kruschinski does not lose his enthusiasm and also against these bad currents continues. We all - for which it was always there and it is - we are nevertheless the best example for the fact that its method is successful and substantially more careful as the brought. Loves
Brigitta: greet me the Schwabenlaendle, if you are still in bath forest lake - my hometown is degree times 20 km of far "direction Bodensee". Many greetings and all a good time moon child
Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski EndoGyn® -- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski EndoGyn® To write announcing or registering around comments Moon child Lilli SA, 09/06/2007 - 12:42 thus if of MOON CHILD is real... then is that an evidence of incapacity. I was run times to say... "STUPID" as can one here so ne lip risk and the same person elsewhere into the sky lift... Alos I do not know the Doc, but I would always form my own opinion. Everyone feels a Doc differently... the one is it super sympatisch the other one totally....!!! Thus give always first times each ne chance. AND ALL PHYSICIANS ARE NOT N U R HUMANS GODS!! greeting Lilli

Funny, there is no person named Lilli or Lilly or even close in Kru's patient contact list
Please do visit Kru's German message board......where the patient misery continues!

Miltenberger Master
Geschlecht: weiblich Herkunft: Registriert: Mär 2005 Status: Offline Beiträge: 427

Posted Freitag, 8. Juni 2007 @ 14:28:26 Hallo Herr Dr. Kruschinski ,
grundsätzlich würde ich gerne bei der Gründung eines Vereines helfen. Wenn sich genug Leute finden, kann die Arbeit für den/die Einzelne/n ja aufgeteilt werden. Da müsste man sich irgendwo mit den entsprechenden Leuten mal treffen??
war zur Reha in Bad Waldsee. Im Internet zu findetn unter Rehazentrum Bad Waldsee. Dort gibt es 3 sehr gute Kliniken, die gerade renoviert und auf den neuesten Stand (Zimmertechnisch) gebracht werden. Mit Verwachsungen und Endometriose haben die Ärzte und Therapeuten Routine und man fühlt sich gut aufgehoben. Die Gegend dort ist sehr schön - nahe am Bodensee - nahe am Allgäu und ein wunderschöner See, mitten im Städtchen. Adressen: Gesundheitszentrum Waldsee-Therme, Badstr. 16, 88339 Bad Waldsee, Tel. Kasse 07524/94-1221, E-Mail: anmeldung-wt(at)
Verwaltung: Städt. Kurbetriebe Bad Waldsee; Maximilianstr. 13, 88339 Bad Waldsee, Tel. Bettenbelegung 07524/94-1105 oder 94-1106; E-Mail: info(at)
Seit 1. April kann man sich für eine Reha oder Kur die Kliniken aussuchen - wie praktisch.
Viele Grüße

In English:Babelfish
Miltenberger master Sex: womanlike origin: Registered: Maer 2005 status: Off-line of contributions: 427 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted Friday, 8 June 2007 @ 14:28:26 , in principle I would help hello Dr. Kruschinski gladly with the establishment of an association. If enough people are, the work for that/those can be divided Einzelne/n. There would one have to meet somewhere with the appropriate people times?? forest lake was to the Reha in bath. In the InterNet too findetn under Rehazentrum bath forest lake. There there are 3 very good hospitals, which are reconditioned straight and brought up to date (room technical). With growing together and Endometriose the physicians and therapist have routine and one feel waived well. The area there is very beautifully - close at the Bodensee - close at the Allgaeu and a beautiful lake, in the middle in the small town. Addresses: Health center forest sea-hot spring, Badstr. 16, 88339 bath forest lake, Tel. cash 07524/94 1221, E-Mail: registration wt(at)waldsee Administration: Staedt. Cure enterprises bath forest lake; Maximilianstr. 13, 88339 bath forest lake, Tel. bed allocation 07524/94 1105 or 94-1106; E-Mail: info(at)waldsee Since 1 April one can select oneself for a Reha or a cure the hospitals - as practical. Many greetings SchaPu


Jetzt ist einiges klar...
So, 10/06/2007 - 07:01
Jetzt ist auch mir einiges klar, es sond offenbar einige deutsche Patientinnen, die zusammenarbeiten mit diesen ihrt idioten, die versuchen seit 2003, EndoGyn kaputt zu machen, wahrscheinlich eingeleitet von US Ärzten (die eine ist die Patientenadvokatin eines US doctors), damit wir nicht so viele Patienten aus den USA haben.

Diese kranken Individuuen versuchen die deutschen Patiienten zu beeinflussen mit dem Schwachsinn, den sie da produzieren. Es sind zwei verrückte Frauen, die frustriert ihr Leben opfern, um EndoGyn und mich zu zerstören. Fragen wir die mal nach der LISTE der angeblich 100 Geschädigten ???

Das, was da auf deren Seiten steht, zu glauben, muss man einen IQ von 65 haben.

Ist auch unerheblich. Vielleicht gibt es hier einen Moderator, der sich mal diese Postings anschaut und auf die Board regeln ÜBERPRÜFT !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Die Postings der kranken Menschen wurde schon mal verbannt
So, 10/06/2007 - 09:48
Diese kranken Leute haben schon mal versucht, ein deusches Message Board zu infiltrieren und sind dort verbannt worden. Einige unserer Patienten "über dem Teich" haben da natürlich auch gegen den Schwachsinn geschrieben (siehe weiter unten).

Viele Grüße

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



4.) July 07, 2006... Karen Steward to the ..... RE: Dr Kruschinski No title (about Dr. Kruschinski) Hi,
My name is Karen Steward. I live in the USA, state of Texas. I notice that the evil women, Beverly Doucette and Dawn Rose have now entered this website in hopes to cause further harm to Dr. Daniel Kruschinski. Since 2003, these 2 women have been hell bent to stop American sufferers from seeking the expertise of Dr. Kruschinski. They advocate for an American, that pretty well tells the entire story, but, I will explain this scheme a little more:

At one time Beverly backed Dr. Kruschinski, but as the American doctor continued to lose American patients to Dr. Kruschinski, Beverly soon began to plot to ruin Dr. Kruschinski. ....and she continues her effort today, as you can see! Furthermore, Dawn Rose was shouting her joy at having regained her life after surgery with Dr. Kruschinski. I still have her letter in which she encouraged me to take my daughter to Dr. Kruschinski!! She said in that letter, "I left my cane and diapers behind and I am now well!!!"....Dawn joined ranks with Beverly (as she is a woman of no self-worth and one who seeks ATTENTION!) when the decision was made to ruin this "German" doctor that was gaining too much recognition!

I encourage you to DELETE their postings from your site, not giving ear to their evil, and not allowing an audience for such worthless human beings!! It is not only harm to Dr. Kruschinski, but also causes great harm to ARD sufferers, as Beverly and Dawn create chaos with their evil words, deceit, hate and lies. If they had such a TRUE complaint, they could take a lawyer and sue Dr. Kruschinski!! But, no, these women "cheap shot" at him via Internet sites!! He is not the only one they "attack," as they have slandered my name for three years now...(because I told so many about Dr. Kruschinski!!)

In fact, they slander anyone who posts on Dr. Kruschinski's message board....and there are MANY of us who post there!! We have all been targets of their wickedness. They think if they slander us, posting our full names on their sites, we will be intimidated and STOP sharing our stories of hope!!

THEY ARE WRONG!!! I will never stop shouting my praises for Dr. Kruschinski!!! Dr. Kruschinski has helped so many people who suffer from adhesions!! Beverly and Dawn KNOW that he is the doctor that is TRULY helping adhesion sufferers; thus they are furious as the focus is not on the doctor they support, but rather on a German doctor!!! This illness is horriffic and terribly painful for the unfortunate victims and there is no place in this illness for such evil competition for surgeon's!!

To Dr. Krushchinski's credit, he has graciously tried to ignore these idiots, and has tried to continue on in his business, yet they continue to sink their fangs into every area of his life.....there is not an ounce of good in these women. Their main purpose in life is to harrass and inflict pain upon honorable people!

My daughter suffered a life of excruiaiting pain for fourteen years, spending most days in bed--often vomiting and writhing in pain! I was LOSING MY MIND trying to find a doctor to help her.....I took her to many, many US doctors, yet none offered her more than an antidepressant!! Because of our trip to Dr. Kruschinski, she now has a life again!!! Our family continues to be in awe at the complete miracle that ONE special doctor made in our daughter!!! She even has a new baby boy---something she thought would NEVER happen! (And I am now a grandma!!)

Can you see why I am so happy and why I have told sooooo many people about Dr. Kruschinski?? She is my child and my very heart!!!

Today I still cry at the ability of such a man as Dr. Daniel Kruschinski to be able to help my beautiful daughter when all other doctors sent us away for her to continue to live a life of hell!!! And I have been so excited to help other women get to Dr. Kruschinski.

If you have any doubts of what I write, please read the personal stories at and look at the patient contact list on EndoGyn!!! It keeps growing and growing.... .. You may also write my, as she will be ELATED to tell you how happy she is to finally be free of pain!!

Good day to you all....Karen

5.) July 14, 2006... Karen Steward to the ..... RE: To save your Klinik RE: To save your Klinik Dear Sir!! The woman, Beverly Doucette, hopes to deceive you! I am posting the woman's very own words, as nothing is more CREDIBLE than the woman who reveals her true intent for today by words that she wrote yesterday!! (Or as in this case, words she wrote 3 years ago!)

Unfortunately for Beverly Doucette, she left a trail of postings and emails behind her that explains her current mission to ruin Dr. Daniel Kruschinski!!) I hope after you read this posting, written by Beverly herself!, you will block this woman and her co-hort, Dawn Rose, from having an evil voice on your site, as they not only harm Dr. Kruschinski, but they harm ARD sufferers who already are suffering enough--without such added confusion and mental tormet!

If anyone cares to read the posting that Beverly made on the IAS adhesion message board in 2003, you will read firsthand how this woman was "scrambling" to explain WHY she had cheered on the wonderful success that was happening for adhesion sufferers in Germany!! (The posting she made is not the complete posting, as it is too long to be accepted here, however, I have copied and pasted the most imporant portions of her text.)

Evidently some American doctors were not so fond in learning that American patients were heading to Germany by the droves!! And Beverly Doucette, who claims she is an ARD advocate, and an AMERICAN, nontheless, was in part responsible for this "pack up and go to Kruschinski" .....

Beverly's postings (like the one below) failed to stop the flow of Americans to Dr. Kruschinski, as adhesion sufferers are not IDIOTS!! They KNOW there is no US doctor who can help them!! Further, no doctor is performing the type of gasless surgery that Dr. Kruschinski is!!! And many, many Americans were returning from Germany, WELL!!!!

When her posting efforts failed to stop sufferers from going to Germany, Beverly then resorted to a smear campaign..........She has since followed Dr. Kruschinski where ever he goes (which explains her posting on your site), and she has created several vicious and evil websites which target Dr. Kruschinski.

Beverly's message was posted on the IAS in March of 2003. The very first paragraph holds the key (I believe) for the outlandish attack that has been made, and continues by Bev and her IHRT team (which actually only consists of Beverly and Dawn Rose!), upon Dr. Kruschinski! Clarification of Surgeries in Germany (Part 1)... by Beverly Doucette... March 29, 2003 03:47 PM

From: Bev (
Sat Mar 29 15:47:29 2003 Dear Adhesion Sufferers; There appears to be a misconception as to how and why the trips to Germany for adhesiolysis procedures got started and evolved as they have here on this board. A few of us who have been with the IAS since it’s inception know these reasons and they were not at all due to lack of unskilled surgeons here in the USA or German surgeons being better then USA surgeons! The last thing I want portrayed on this board is that there are “No high quality skilled surgeons in the USA” who can perform a quality adhesiolysis procedure as there most certainly are! Though few and far between in MY OPINION, but that is my point, the surgeon’s people are utilizing in Germany offer the highest quality adhesiolysis procedure available in the world today, again, in MY OPINION! Why is it that MY OPINION makes any difference in these issues? Well, it is because I played a great part in paving the way for all others to secure adhesiolysis procedures in Germany! That simple.

It was then that Dr. Reich and I started to work together to focus on accomplishing that task together. Dr. Reich putting me in touch with the top surgeons in many country’s, in touch with Confluent Research Company, and ultimately Dr. Kruschinski! I traveled to Frankfurt where I spent two days and many hours in surgery with Dr. Reich, Dr. Kruschinksi and representatives of Confluent as well as surgeons from throughout the world. We all watched the introduction of the Abslift and application of the Confluent Spraygel. I met with the Emma Clinic staff where we set up a similar protocol in which they too would receive and treat the International ARD and Ob/Gyn patients. I met with Dr. Reich and Dr. Kruschinski where we discussed a holistic approach to the needs of the ARD patient, one of which is a timely response to email communications and follow-up intervention of the patient no matter the country they came from, both areas have been exceptionally adhered to and effective no less! Dr. Reich then graciously offered to perform his adhesiolysis procedure in Frankfurt for those who might wish to have it.

There exists a number of excellent endoscopic surgeons in this world, and at least one in each country with exception to third world countries, and I have either personally met or communicated with many of them thanks to Dr. Reich, but at this time not all of them can accommodate the long tedious adhesiolysis procedures that they might be inundated with on a global level! There are many hoops to jump through in setting a facility of this magnitude up and functioning!

Dr. Reich has kept his word and one day we will see in reality clinics not only here in the USA, but in many countries, that will serve all the needs of the victims of ARD! It will happen because of the compassion and skill of people like Dr. Harry Reich, Dr. David Wiseman, Dr. Tom Lyons, Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, Dr. Alan Johns & Dr. Korell, among others! And of course me! Now add to that an effective adhesion barrier and the approval of a second look procedure for all adhesiolysis procedures and you will have the highest quality adhesiolysis procedure available in the world at that time, for now we do have Dr. Reich, Dr.Korell and Dr. Kruschinski if anyone so chooses that route. Though each offers a different approach and adhesiolysis procedure in Germany, they all use Confluent Spraygel and offer a second look procedure, and a nice tour of a beautiful country as well!!

So you see, my friends, it is not a competition of which country has the best surgeons, as surgery alone is not the answer to our medical/surgical issues at all, it is simply the reality of what can offer the best chance of improvements for the symptoms a victim of ARD suffers!

THIS is the “what and why” of the story’s your hearing as victims of ARD get as well as they might ever get from surgical intervention… simple, in my opinion that is!


Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



So, 10/06/2007 - 12:53
This should answer your questions regarding Herr Kruschinski Herr Kruschinski, this is no battle ground but a support group for women with Endometriosis.I do not believe your presence here is appropriate or wanted.Sir this is no place the threaten.The operative reports say it all. I was very sick w stage 4 endo and adhesions.Herr Kruschisnki said I NEVER had endometriosis, but an emergency surgery where I had so much long term endo and so many adhesions. He lied on my opertive reports.No wonder you could not get yours!Operative report of Endometriosis patient before, during and after surgery in Emma Klinik at the Hands of Dr. Kruschinski.

Another experience of an endometriosis patient at the Hands of Dr. Kruschinski Please do no fear this school boy bully.


So, 10/06/2007 - 15:17
So those are only two of more than 100 women ?

Where are the other 98 ?

You can spread your lies everywhere, but the people here are more intelligent, than on the other boards. But you were banned at least from 3 boards that I know. Will see how long it will take for you to be banned from here.

UND hier sehen Sie, was der Chirurg schreibt über diese Patientin:

To whom it may concern: I am writing to set the record straight regarding Daniel Kruschinski of
Seligenstadt, Germany and his "problem" with Dawn Rose, from Boston, Mass.
Presently, many Americans seek surgery in many specialties in Europe because of the medications and techniques that are not available at home. In the USA, it often takes many years for FDA and peer approval. Dr. Kruschinski did adhesion surgery on Dawn Rose using a very effective
anti-adhesion Spraygel that is not available in the US. After hearing that this
woman was still having problems from some US consumer advocates, I did a
laparoscopy on her in November 2003 to find out for myself and hopefully help her.
She had no adhesions at all! I explained to Dawn that I believed Daniel
Kruschinski had done excellent surgery on her, and I felt that she then realized it to be true. A videotape of this complete surgery is available. I suspect that Dawn Rose's letters to the justice ministry regarding Dr.
Daniel Kruschinski have little to do with his surgical skill or care of this
woman. Adhesion patients often have false expectations and will blame their surgeon for all future ills. I presently support Dr. Kruschinski's work at EndoGyn, and would like to
get more involved with it in the future. We are friends and are working
together on international projects in the field of endoscopic gynecology. Dr.
Kruschinski is a reliable partner and physician and an excellent surgeon with
international reputation. He will be the chairman of the 12th Regional Congress of the International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy in Munich in the year 2007. Sincerely,

Dr. Harry Reich
Vice-president of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Wie andere es sehen, was in den Seiten steht.
So, 10/06/2007 - 15:31
An diesem Beispiel sehen Sie, was Ärzten passieren kann, die Patienten aus den USA oder anderswo erhalten. Eine Schmierkampagne von Ärzten gesteuert und finanziert, die das Ziel hat, über Jahre hinweg, über Verleumdungen und Lügen zu diffamieren und letztendlich zu ruinieren.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 22:48:16 +0200
Subject: EndoGyn Contact form - New message!
To: Dr. Kruschinski

Lea Harth, Operations Manager, eMail:

Dr. Daniel Kruschinski is one of our Editorial Advisors for and recently I received a rather disturbing email with rumours of some pretty outlandish claims and accusations against Dr. Kruschinski. (please see his CV here: searching for an answer to reply with I found this website which is rather shocking in it\'s vicious slanderous attack against Dr. Kruschinski, EndoGyn and others. Please see it here: the very least, the person posting this information should be sued for slander. They don\'t give their name or any identity BUT they sure seem to think that the Grand Cayman clinic is the replacement. See this page for the contrasting information.
I hope you understand my point but just in case, here is a summary: The website, has been created for the purpose of making slanderous claims against Dr. Kruschinski and the EndoGyn clinics and practitioners and to promote a similar clinic in Grand Cayman Islands. ***********************************************************************************

Offering Hope and Help to the Victims of ARD Worldwide


Specialty Gynechological and Adhesiolysis Endoscopic Surgery
Being Performed at
The Chrissie Tomlinson
Memorial Hospital
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Surgeries are being performed with the use of:
Confluent SprayGel Adhesion Barrier

Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital (CTMH) Contact:
Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeons, Primary Office:
Harry Reich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., F.A.C.S.
245 North Memorial Highway
Shavertown, Pa. 18708 Toll Free: 1-877-527-7874
Tel: 570-674-2256
Fax: 570-674-2263

For the treatment and recuperation of:
"Adhesion Related Disorder"
and other ”Gynecological Conditions”
“Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital”
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands This first class hospital located on Grand Cayman, in the Cayman Islands, not only offers the ARD/Endo patient first rate medical intervention and attention, the patient will be receiving their surgery from top endoscopic surgeons from throughout the world AND with the addition benefit of the Confluent Adhesion Barrier “SprayGel!”
Just when you think “Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital” couldn’t offer anything more, think again!

“Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital”cannot be mentioned without considering her location! For starters, it is located in the Caribbean and enjoys a stable climate with cool winter nights and hot summer days, which is the year-round norm! Near by you will find the beautiful sunny and warm sands of “Seven Mile Beach" where recuperation couldn’t be better! (Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island truly is one of the most beautiful beaches. Swimming pool-like water reflects a light turqoise tint and meets the pure fine white sand. It is this beach that drew us back to Grand Cayman Island.) When your feeling well enough to explore this beautiful and bountiful island, check out the “Gentle Stingrays” that still cluster at “Stingray City!! (Stingray City at Grand Cayman Island is one of the most popular shore excursions in the Caribbean. Thousands of cruise ship passengers and tourists make the short boat ride from the northern end of Grand Cayman to interact with these graceful sea creatures. Stingray City is found just off the coast of Grand Cayman Island and consists of a string of sand bars that cross the North Sound from Morgan Harbor to Rum Point.) To see the true treasures of the Cayman Islands, you need to look beneath the surface,and nobody can bring you closer to these fabulous sites than “Atlantis Submarines!” (Enjoy the underwater sights without getting wet as you can descend 100 feet on the air-conditioned Atlantis Submarine; the company also offers high-ticket 800-foot descents to a shipwreck in a two-person sub!) And famous “Chef Tell” is always ready to shake your hand at his Grand Old House
(Master Chef, entrepreneur, entertainer, restaurateur? It is hard to find the designation that best describes Chef Tell Erhardt. A well-respected and accomplished chef, a successful businessman, winner of several prestigious culinary awards and a celebrity who is recognized all over the world, all in all, Tell simply enjoys cooking. Chef Tell has been appointed “Bailli” of the Grand Cayman chapter of the Chaine Des Rotisseurs, a gastronomic society founded in 1246. He presently has his own cooking show on Thursday evening seen on Channel 69 in Allentown.)


Pictures of Cayman Islands Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 5, 2005 New Requirements for Travelers Between the United States and the Western Hemisphere The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 requires that by January 1, 2008, travelers to and from the Caribbean, Bermuda, Panama, Mexico and Canada to have a passport or other secure, accepted document to enter or re-enter the United States. The Administration is proposing a timeline for implementation which will be published in the Federal Register in the near future. This is a change from prior travel requirements and will affect all United States citizens entering the United States from countries within the Western Hemisphere who do not currently possess valid passports. This new requirement will also affect certain foreign nationals who currently are not required to present a passport to travel to the United States. Most Canadian citizens, citizens of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, and to a lesser degree, Mexican citizens will be affected by the implementation of this requirement.

New Passport Initiative Announced To Better Secure America’s Borders Initiative Designed To Expedite Travel in the Western Hemisphere While Enhancing SecurityThe Departments of State and Homeland Security announced today the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative to secure and expedite travel. The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative will require all U.S. citizens, Canadians, citizens of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, and citizens of Mexico to have a passport or other accepted secure document to enter or re-enter the U.S. by January 1, 2008.

The Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital (CTMH) is a modern medical facility on Grand Cayman. In addition, Cayman now has efficient, island-wide 911 emergency services. PharmaciesIn addition to pharmacies at the Hospital and independent medical centers, there are four full-service pharmacies on Grand Cayman, open Monday to Saturday. Island Pharmacy in Westshore Centre and Health Care Pharmacy in PhotoPharm Plaza on Walkers Rd. are open from noon until 6 p.m. on Sunday.This great team of surgeons will consist of:
Dr. Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FACS (USA)
Dr. Barry Richter (Grand Cayman)
Dr. Tom Lyons, M.D, FACS, (USA)
Prof. Dr Bruno van Herendael M.D. FACS (Antwerpia, Belgium)
Dr. Mario Malzoni (Italy) Doctor performs specialist surgery

Currently, Dr Reich maintains
a patient practice in
New York and in Kingston, Pennsylvania.
Friday, August 12, 2005 Dr Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FACS, known worldwide in the field of laparoscopic surgery is brought patients from the USA to perform advanced gynaecologic procedures at the Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital this week. Dr. Reich is being assisted by local Gynaecologist, Dr Barry Richter. Dr. Reich is one of the very few doctors trained and experienced in the use of SprayGel Adhesion Barrier - designed to prevent or reduce the formation of adhesions in the abdominal or pelvic cavity after surgical procedures, said Dr Richter. More….. you would prefer the lap of luxury or the simple life, The Grand Cayman have an unparalleled choice of Hotels, Condominiums, Villas, Guesthouses and Cottages to ensure you have an enjoyable vacation experience.
For information travelers may contact Cayman Islands Department of Tourism offices in Miami at (305) 599-9033, New York (212) 889-9009, Houston (713) 461-1317 and Chicago (630) 705
Getting To The Cayman Islands Owen Roberts International Airport At the Airport:
The main passenger airport in the Cayman Islands, "Owen Roberts International Airport", is located on the largest of the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman.The Cayman Islands, and Cayman Airways, are known for their warm hospitality and as soon as you step on board Cayman Airways you will begin to experience genuine Caymanian hospitality. The Cayman Islands is a British Overseas Territory located in the Western Caribbean, 480 miles south of Miami, Florida, 150 miles south of Cuba and 180 miles northwest of Jamaica. By jet, the Cayman Islands is only a 70-minute direct flight from Miami. Direct service from Miami is provided by Cayman Airways and American Airlines. The Cayman Islands airports are run by the Civil Aviation Authority, which oversees airport operations, and maintains and improves the airports. The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism has a Visitor Information booth in the Customs hall of the Owen Robert International Airport. The Visitor Information booth is fully stocked with the latest tourist publications, brochures and other information visitors may need during a visit to the Cayman Islands.There are more than 108 weekly flights into Owen Roberts International Airport including 70 flights each week between Miami and Grand Caymans. The Cayman Islands, and Cayman Airways, are known for their warm hospitality and as soon as you step on board Cayman Airways you will begin to experience genuine Caymanian hospitality. For reservations and information, contact your travel agent or Cayman Airways at: USA and Canada toll free:
1 800 4-CAYMAN; UK - 171 491 7771 or visit Cayman Airways at Answer Your Financial NeedsBanks:Although Grand Cayman now has more than 692 licensed banks, only a handful are full-service "A-class" banks providing full customer banking services as visitors know it. These include Barclays Bank; Scotiabank; Bank of Butterfield; Royal Bank of Canada; Cayman National Bank; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and British American Bank. Regular banking hours are 9: 00 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 4:30 p.m. on Friday. The Cayman Islands has its own currency, first issued in 1972, whose basic unit is the dollar, issued in notes with denominations of CI$100, 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 and coins valued at 25 cents, 10, 5 and 1 cent. The CI dollar has a fixed exchange rate with the US dollar of CI$1.00 equals US$1.25. Or, the US dollar equals CI $.80. There is no need for visitors to exchange their US dollars into local currency. The US dollar is accepted throughout the islands at a rate of CI 80 cents. However, this can be confusing to visitors: for example, a US$20 note becomes CI$16. Banks do NOT give a better rate of exchange! Major credit cards (with the exception of the Discover Card) and travellers checks are widely accepted. Canadian dollars and pounds sterling can be exchanged for CI dollars at local banks. In addition Automatic Teller Machines accepting VISA and MasterCard with Cirrus affiliation are located at Cayman National Bank and other banks and at Owen Roberts International AirportThere is a time difference:
This URL will give you the current time in the Caymans. Upper right hand corner.
Grand Cayman time is the same as the US Central Time (see maps below) Long distance phone calls:When placing a long distance call to another country, you must use the International country code for that country. There is no country code necessary for call between the USA and the Cayman islands. You simply dial 1+ the number. For the area codes for all states within the USA, go to this url: The above information can be prepared in advance and mailed out to prospective patients upon request!

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licensure in each state.
This Internet site provides links or references to other sites that are provided as a convenience to users of this site. has no control over the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. ©Beverly J. Doucette. 2004 All rights reserved.

Offering Hope and Help to the Victims of ARD Worldwide


home Vicims of Adhesions stories ARD Site Index
Bev's Mission for ARD Contact Us LinksARD News Page ARD News and Updates PageThe information provided in this site is not intended nor is it implied to substitute any professional medical advice and services. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified
health provider when starting any new medical intervention or with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. State laws prohibit the practice of telemedicine without
licensure in each state.
This Internet site provides links or references to other sites that are provided as a convenience to users of this site. has no control over the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. ©Beverly J. Doucette. 2004 All rights reserved.


Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



I took over the office from
So, 10/06/2007 - 15:38
I took over the office from Harry Reich at the recent meeting in Osaka, Japan. Harry has guided the Society through a very difficult couple of years and his term as President ended on a high note when he presided over the ISGES’ most successful meeting in Osaka.
Japan-a great success!!!
Many of us were concerned that combining our annual scientific meeting with APAGE and the Japanese Society of Obstetrical and Gynecological Endoscopy was a recipe for disaster. Professors Hoshiai, Tsutsami and Shiota assured us that all would be well. I am delighted to report that not only were the doubters wrong and the organizers right but the Osaka meeting was one of the most successful in the history of the ISGE. The meeting combined education, culture and friendship. When we left Japan for our homes in far off places we l felt totally fulfilled and,in some ways, a little empty.
Future Meetings
The next Society calendar event, again combined with another major society, the ESGE, will be held in Portorose, Slovenia over September 6-9. The ISGE symposium will concentrate on “Adhesions”. The previously planned meeting in Munich hit logistical problems and the Society is very grateful to the European Society and its Executive for allowing us to join them during their annual Scientific meeting. I hope that as many people as possible will join with us in this beautiful country - again for education, friendship and a wonderful cultural experience.


So, 10/06/2007 - 15:51
What Doctor, Herr Kruchinski would do this to a former patient? Place personal private medical information in their public message forum. Please he is nothing but a bully and name dropper.

My operative reports stand as truth.

About Dr. Reich in cooperation with Dr. Kruscinski started right after this verdict!

Arzt entfernt gesunde Niere.

$2.8 Mio Urteilsspruch – fahrlässig Entfernung einer Niere

Hunter Shkolnik brachte der Fall einer 46 Jährigen Frau vor Gericht, an welcher eine laparoskopie zur Entfernung einer Gebärmutterfibrose vorgenommen wurde.
Während der Operation entfernte der Operateur ihre linke Niere in der Annahme es handele sich um die Fibrose. Die gesamte laparaskopische Prozedur wurde auf Video aufgenommen und der Jury vorgespielt, welche mit Ansehen konnte wie eine gesunde Niere entnommen wurde. Marilee Maynard versus Harry Reich Arzt.
Wenn Ihr Vertraue in medizinische Fachkräfte aufgrund deren Fahrlässigkeit verloren gegangen ist welche dazu trainiert wurden Ihr Leben zu beschützen, kontaktieren Sir Rheingold, Valet, Rheingold, Shkolnik, & McCartney für eine gratis Beratung und für dier komplexen Fragen die mit einer Kunstfehlerprozess einhergehen. Rufen Sie uns gebührenfrei an unter (800) 349-0004 oder kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute online!

Alta Vista Translation....
Physician far away healthy kidney. $2.8 million pronouncement of judgement - negligent distance of a kidney Hunter Shkolnik brought the case 46 of a year old woman before court, at which a laparoskopie was made for the distance of a Gebaermutterfibrose. During the operation the operating surgeon removed its left kidney in the acceptance it concerns the Fibrose. The entire laparaskopische procedure was taken up on video and played the jury, which could with reputation like a healthy kidney was taken. Marilee May pool of broadcasting corporations versus Harry realm physician. If you trust into medical specialists due to their negligence were lost which in addition were trained your life to protect, contact .......

Daniel stop now, you are embaressing and incriminating yourself.

This board is for those who have endometriosis. No bully Doctors allowed!


So, 10/06/2007 - 16:04
so you were operated by a surgeon who took a healthy kidney out, instead of a fibroid ???? Do I understand it well ?

This Board is for patients and not for internet trolls

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski


(IHRT is Starting to wonder if Kruschisnki has been Blackmailing Dr.s Riech and Mettler all along, hmmmmmmmmm)


Informieren sie sich
So, 10/06/2007 - 23:00
ich weiß, dass mein Beitrag nichts mit dem Thema zu tun hat, jedoch möchte ich Herrn Kruschinski das Leid ersparen, welches ich durchgemacht habe (ich selbst wurde vor einigen Jahren auch Opfer von Hetzkampagnen, durch Verbreitung heftiger Gerüchte im Internet von Firmen, die Marktverluste befürchteten, da ich eine alternative Operationsmethode einführen wollte).

Daher möchte ich Sie als zukünftigen Patienten dazu auffordern sich zu informieren! Setzen Sie sich in Kontakt mit dem Doktor. Fragen Sie ihn was Sie unsicher macht! Rufen Sie ehmalige Patienen an, jedoch nicht solche, die sich anonym hinter dem Internet verstecken (ich selbst hätte hier einen negativen Erfahrungsbericht rein schreiben können und Sie hätten es geglaubt). Seien Sie skeptisch gegenüber allem was Sie anonym im Internet lesen. Kann es zum Beispiel sein, dass ein Doktor illegale Dinge tut ohne seine Lizens entzogen zu bekommen, usw.

Ihnen Herr Kruschinski möchte ich noch mit auf den Weg geben, dass sie versuchen eine echt revolutionäre Methode durchzusetzten und ich sie daher sehr schätze. Irgendwann so denke ich wird diese Standart sein und die Firma ist froh, welche sie zuerst unterstützt hat und ein Monopol besitzt. Das kann aber oftmals etwas länger dauern da die großen konventionellen Firmen einen Versuchen kaputt zu machen (siehe alternative Methoden zum Benzin beim Auto). Daher kann ich mir gut vorstellen das bei der Hetzkampagne gegen sie einige Firmen, amerikanische und auch deutsche Ärzte beteiligt sind.


In English:
Dear Lara I cannot at all believe which here everything happened, and is gladly that you was so courageous. I am on look for a physician, there I here since approx.. 9 years Endo - female patient are. Dr. Kruschinski stood also in my choice. But after everything here; no thanks. As one can deal only in such a way with patients. All are spirit ill, and have a low IQ??? Since I do not before-condemn Dr. Kruschinski wanted, I have like Ulrich am written informed. Also I do not believe whole nonsense in the InterNet am spread, and also I find that that can hurt humans much. Around me to form I called my own judgement simply in the hospital mentioned by Lara. I do not want to say more here otherwise I also than Troll, disturbed o. ae. am designated probably here. Which concerns Ulrich in such a way recommends I it not from its own bad experiences to be led not to be able, but before he supports someone else in such a way with the hospital in Rotthalmuenster in connection to set. Christl

Liebe Lara ich kann gar nicht glauben was hier alles passiert, und bin froh dass Du so mutig warst. Ich bin hier auf der Such nach einem Arzt, da ich selbst seit ca. 9 Jahren Endo - Patientin bin. Dr. Kruschinski stand auch in meiner Wahl. Aber nach allem hier; nein danke. Wie kann man nur so mit Patienten umgehen. Alle sind geisteskrank, und haben einen niedrigen IQ??? Da ich nicht Herrn Dr. Kruschinski vorverurteile wollte, habe ich mich wie Ulrich schreibt informiert. Auch ich glaube nicht den ganzen Unsinn der im Internet verbreitet wird, und auch ich finde, dass das einen Menschen sehr verletzen kann. Um mir mein eigenes Urteil zu bilden habe ich einfach in der von Lara erwähnten Klinik angerufen. Mehr will ich hier nicht sagen sonst werde ich wahrscheinlich hier auch als Troll, gestört o. ä. bezeichnet. Was Ulrich betrifft so empfehle ich Ihm sich nicht von seinen eigenen schlechten Erfahrungen leiten zu lassen, sondern bevor er sich so für jemand anderen einsetzt sich mit der Klinik in Rotthalmünster in Verbindung zu setzen. Christl

Trolls doc_kru Mo, 11/06/2007 - 15:26neu the contributions of all, which made allegedly bad Erdahrunegn, are obviously Fake contributions of fictitious persons, those not really exist and have one together, by rushing with untruths. That is the truth: Altogether it seems to me in such a way, as tries one, the Burger of McDonalds to make bad. Surgeons have now times complications, but this to keep low, with at the same time high success ratios with extremely difficult operations, is an art. A complication rate of 1% Daremverletzungen with extremely difficult growing together operations is BELOW average (10-30 % with before-operated patients). Such complications step with standard interferences, e.g. a bearing nut/mother distance at all up, here we do not bend besides the occurrence of growing together by the fact forwards that a Gebaermutterentferung succeeds always endoscopic, so that belly cuts are avoided. One should not itself of one, which made allegedly bad experiences, into which errs lead lets, but the positive reports to see: and MANY more: in addition, colleagues, who are to spread allegedly shower stories over me? "good mornings, cordial thanks for the contribution! I think, we must our female patient EN if possible holistic treat for making above all in order dauererfolge possible according to operational interferences. Thus we try to link the acute medicine here in Rotthalmuenster with the strategies of the Ayurveda - the concept of the AyurSan hospital! Straight ones in co-operation also highly specialized operating surgeons such as Mr. Kollegen Kruschinski we will convert such a model project unique in Germany into the reality. Many greetings from Rotthalmuenster, Dr. L Kronpass " Thus one should really give not too much attention to this Trolls, because after 4 years Slander in the USA those probably the readers went out, then they try to spread their "Galle" now in Germany. Many greetings Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski EndoGyn® -- Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski EndoGyn®
Mo, 11/06/2007 - 15:26neu
die Beiträge aller, die angeblich schlechte Erdahrunegn gemacht haben, sind offenbar Fake-Beiträge von fiktiven Personen, die nicht wirklich existieren und haben eins gemeinsam, indem sie mit Unwahrheiten hetzen.

Das ist die Wahrheit:

Insgesamt kommt es mir so vor, als versuche man, die Burger von McDonalds schlecht zu machen.

Chirurgen haben nun mal Komplikationen, aber diese niedrig zu halten, bei gleichzeitig hohen Erfolgsquoten bei extrem schwierigen Operationen, ist eine Kunst. Eine Komplikationsrate von 1% Daremverletzungen bei extrem schwierigen Verwachsungsoperationen ist UNTER Durchschnitt (10-30 % bei voroperierten Patienten). Solche Komplikationen treten bei Standardeingriffen, wie z.B. einer Gebärmutterentfernung gar nicht auf, hier beugen wir zudem dem Auftreten von Verwachsungen dadurch vor, dass eine Gebärmutterentferung immer endoskopisch gelingt, so dass Bauchschnitte vermieden werden.

Man sollte sich nicht von einer, die angeblich schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht hat, in die Irre leiten lassen, sondern die positiven Berichte sehen:

und VIELE mehr:

aber auch Kollegen, die angeblich Schauergeschichten über mich verbreiten sollen ?

"Guten Morgen,

herzlichen Dank für den Beitrag!
Ich denke, wir müssen unsere Patientinnen/-en möglichst ganzheitlich behandeln, vor allem um Dauererfolge nach operativen Eingriffen zu ermöglichen. So versuchen wir hier in Rotthalmünster die Akutmedizin mit den Strategien des Ayurveda zu verknüpfen - das Konzept der AyurSan-Klinik!

Gerade in Kooperation mit hoch spezialisierten Operateuren wie Herrn Kollegen Kruschinski werden wir so ein in Deutschland einmaliges Modellprojekt in die Realität umsetzen.

Viele Grüße aus Rotthalmünster,
Dr. L. Kronpaß "

Also sollte man wirklich diesen Trolls nicht zu viel Beachtung schenken, denn nach 4 Jahren Slander in den USA sind denen wohl die Leser ausgegangen, dann versuchen sie jetzt ihre "Galle" in Deutschland zu verbreiten.

Viele Grüße

Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski



Dr. med. Daniel Kruschinski


This thread has just been deleted. Dont worry, IHRT has it all recorded and you may find this thread about Kruschinski
cached in Google!

Here are the doctors responsible for this endometriosis forum.
Dr. Mettlers name is included even after her postings to endo patients, telling them they NEED a surgery and with love she sends them to Kruschinski.
Ihre Frage
Wer sind die Experten?
Ihre Antwort erhalten Sie von einem der folgend aufgelisteten Ärzte, die allesamt Mitglied in der Europäischen Endometriose Liga sind:

Prof. Dr. med. H-R Tinneberg, Giessen
Dr. med. Klaus Bühler, Langenhagen
Dr. med. Edgar Dewitt, Köln
PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Andreas Ebert, Berlin
Dr. Konstantin Manolopoulos, Offenbach
Prof. Dr. med. Göretzlehner, Torgau
Prof. Dr. med. Joerg Keckstein, Villach
Prof. Dr. med. Lilo Mettler, Kiel
PD Dr. med. Michael Mueller, Bern
PD Dr. med. P.-A. Regidor, Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Römer, Köln
Prof. Dr. med. A.E. Schindler, Essen
Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Werner Schweppe, Westerstede
PD Dr. med. Martin Sillem, Emmendingen


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoever uses the name mondkind in any of those sickening posts is using MY name. And I herby tell you that I am not posting on any other site than the endogyn site - and my comments can be read there. I am full of respect for Dr. Kruschinski and you guys better watch out using my name and posting false comments!
Regards mondkind